How much does Facebook know about you?

in #articles5 years ago

About 6 billion people live in the world, and there are nearly 2 billion accounts on Facebook. Few people ask themselves: "how much does Facebook know about me?", What data does it collect? Lots of users also don't know how to change their privacy settings to be safe. The truth about what Facebook knows about its users can be frightening, but at the same time it is hardly surprising, because Zuckerberg's website literally lives on information.

Facebook lives on information. Interestingly, this is not just the data that we share about ourselves completely unknowingly. Every day, we throw a lot of content into this social network - photos, videos, posts. We place opinions on various events from around the world, together with pictures and video materials we also provide Facebook with information about our current location. Zuckerberg also knows from which device we log in to the site, which pages we like, what we are interested in, and even is able to assess our property status. Everything is broken down by information that we do not provide to Facebook of our own free will - so-called metadata and telemetry - i.e. information on the devices we use and our current location.

You have probably noticed that just after you were browsing the internet in search of certain products, magically displayed on Facebook correspondent ads with them. This is no accident - this is how Zuckerberg's website works. You do not have to brag about his service that you are looking for such and such a car. It is absolutely enough that you go to sites, for example, where opinions about a specific model are provided. On them, with a very high degree of probability, there are Facebook social buttons ("Like" and "Share"). In addition to the fact that they are u..sed to put content on our board, they track the user's actions, determine the profile and subject matter of the page and serve the Zuckerberg website as an "eye" that carefully tracks the pages we visit. Next, based on the information collected, advertising is tailored to us. To sum up: we were entering pages about Volkswagen cars, Facebook will probably start to suggest advertising to the authorized dealer of this brand.

Facebook is also able to track our interests

These depend on the pages we "like" on the social network, the topics we discuss and the content we click on. Suppose we see a Facebook post about new technologies. We engage more often in this area - a social network can detect this and profile our interests on this basis. These are extremely useful for advertisers who will better get smartphone advertising to people who are actually interested in new technologies. These user preferences can also be shared by passion for specific brands. Yes, Facebook is able to assess whether we prefer Samsung to Huawei and this will also be noted.

Write what you think about privacy on Facebook?

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