[artexplosion contest entry] Original Music, Poem & Photo for the @juliakponsford ArtExplosion 3 contest. Topic: "Love"
Hey Again, Steemitizens!
This is my entry for the @juliakponsford ArtExplosion 3 art creation contest.
The subject matter for this "any art medium allowed" contest is "Love".
Way to make the topic as easy and as hard as you could, Julia.
My entry is comprised of my own writing, my own original music and my own original, unenhanced digital photograph.
Shades of Black and White
Rugged mountains drowning in shadows.
Cerulean skies lit by wisps of pure white.
Weeds 'cross wild flowering meadows.
Songbirds soaring to towering heights.
Toxic points of the cherub's arrows.
Eyes all seeing and yet lacking sight.
Canyons cut by a slow glacier's flowing.
Gentle breezes lifting colorful kites.
Morning sunshine's cheerful "Hello There!"
Dread filled fears of unexpected goodbyes.
Dreamer's wishes tossed into clear fountains.
Hopes gone wrong once again made all right.
Glistening crystals of fresh falling snowflakes.
Shades of grey where the darkness meets light.
Uneasy feelings of never quite knowing.
Will the keys fit the locks sealed tight.
Love is the warm hues of summer rainbows.
Love is nothing but cold black and white.
And just like that, this post is over.
Full steem ahead, steemitizens!
I had no idea you did music and poetry :0 I love the final line of the poem because love is so nuanced it can be many things and take many forms, the song was pretty dope too! Thank you for taking the time to enter it!
Thanks! I'm glad you managed to choke down the crazy contrasts and still come out with color in your cheeks!
Wow, SirCork, Good work.
The music is cool, it has many emotions to it.
Thank you, I had to write a brand new poem, something I never read or write really, just to support putting up a song I composed in 2012 lol
I really liked the music, especially when the guitar part came in. Very cool! Were you using all software libraries for this? If so, which ones?
I think you pretty much nailed all of the emotions that come with love - insecurity and unsure, and yet everything you look at reminds you of them. Great imagery :)
The music was a combo of fruity loops drums, royalty free music loops, a tad bit of real knock off telecaster guitar, I think there was some ovation electric acoustic bass under it all and it was all mixed up in Sony Acid Studio 8 circa Jan 2012.
As for the poem. I write what I am feeling. Events unfold in real time. tick tock. tick tock. tick tock.
Thanks so much for the listen, read and gracious and kind compliments!
"Hopes gone wrong once again made all right." That sums the ebb and flow of this damnit-angel called love. Just when you think you found enough words for the absorbency of love, this!: "Shades of grey where the darkness meets light."
How you manage to mix these three is something I can't really admire enough. They compliment like staff and schnapp and bitterkola on an Igbo chief. Nice one 👏
I am so honored you think so, my talented new friend!
"They compliment like staff and schnapp bitterkola on an Igbo chief. "
So that's like snug as a bug in a rug, right?
I read it with and without the music just as an experiment! Well mate, it's simply awesome with the music on!
Discovering many hidden talents of @sircork these days!
Ps. I wrote your name well!Hahaha!
Have a great day ahead!
Gosh twice? Thanks @progressivechief <- ;)
Just wanted to feel the difference with and without music!
@progressive is actually a user too here, but a dormant one i believe!
I was calling you progressivechief lol just goofing around on the name mistakes. :D
I know man! Infact I prefer that people make mistakes on my name, as i will know it is not copy-paste they are doing!
Hope all fine for you mate!
You make a really good point on the misspellings! Wow, I never thought of it that way!
Ya that's true! Btw check out my chicken wings steemit logo for some good laugh mate! I have been laughing for hours with that post!
Heading over there now!
I hope you win the contest, this is a beautiful poem! Sounds like someone is overwhelming Simitten
Thank you!
Somebody may be in WAY over his head....
Pray Kub. No joke.
I got you with prayer, I knew this was coming...
I don't know what's coming...
But a prayer for Cork is not usually a terrible idea, regardless.
Thank you Kubinater!
Lots and lots and did I meantion lots of prayer my friend!
Yes, I think you peachened it! Thanks extra daughter :D

What — no singing??? :D
Enjoyed your composition, photo & poetry☺
Thank you so much, and I do have a track or two with vocals around, but they didn't belong here distracting from the painful poem. :)
Really Beautiful pictures! @sircork
Thanks, but nothing for the original song or poem?
Man your still surprising. I'm really concerned about how your code looked like when you were still in operational business :} Really chilling music! To rate a poem my english is too weak. See you!
Concerned? Don't be! My code was poetic! My code was practically musical! My code was chilling! Thanks for looking and listening!
Nah concerned was the wrong word. Curious was the word I was searching for.
Haha if my code were music it would be hardcore metal paired with a big brass band. Which sounds real cool actually.
Too late
"Love is nothing but cold black and white."
I love it! Respect for this qualitative content.
Thank you for looking and listening!