My entry to Jenny´s Art Contest :
Theme: Love

Title: If you don´t love me, I will know
Link to Jenny´s Art Contest:
Title: If you don´t love me, I will know
Link to Jenny´s Art Contest:
Love the way you have done the waves in an abstract way : )
so beautiful! Really beautiful, dear Arthur! I love everything in this painting, from the palette of colors to the human figure!
Ahh thank you so much Silvia : ) I have been looking into doing more abstract style work recently. I got the idea of the small waves of the water becoming like thoughts that the woman was thinking about a man that she loved.
So glad you like it : )
You are very talented, it's not easy drawing the human body, great work
Takk skal du har : )
A very talented guy in the world of ART. I love your creativity and color selection. Human body is most beautiful thing to do. But your maximum work is based on human bodied, which shows the level of your work. Always get wonder that how you create great work in short time?
@arthuradamson please carry on to share your awesome work with us and Stay blessed!
Always a joy for me to hear your comments Jawad09 : ) I appreciate your support always
I really am in love with your style. :)
Thanx sumsum

Lovely art! Thanx 4 sharing. Thumbs up! Great meaning in it.
Cheers! : ) I see you understood the meaning then. I was going to explain it, but artists rather prefer to viewer to see if they can get the meaning on their own.
I love the coloring and shadow. It definitely speaks to me. Thanks for sharing.
Hey thanx @enjoywithtroy I appreciate the feed back. So nice to hear you made a connection with the painting.

Wonderful! Resteemed :)
Thank you, @ yoganarchista much appreciated

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this is awesome. love this.resteemed.
Hey thanks my good fellow, appreciated : )