Results and Contest Gallery - Sketch Off Contest - Edition 1 "Year of the Dog" ✏
Here we are again at the other end of the river. The results for the 1st rendition of the Sketch Off Contest are in! And oh my my did you guys come up with some terrific artwork indeed! Now, before we get to the winners first a quick word from our Sponsors:
Call me old fashioned, but when my robot starts to squeak like an old screen door, that's when I reach for a can of Mom's Old-Fashioned Robot Oil. And remember, Mom's oil is made with 10% more Love than the next leading brand.
Mom, Love and Screen Door are registered trademarks of MomCorp
fizz---transmission over---bop
Yep, that Futurama reference had nothing to do with the contest! It's called dramatic tension you guys! Alright, enough jokes! Time to get to the crux of the matter.
Let's remind ourselves of the contest mode before beginning the judgement...dun dun dun:
Theme: #imaginarycreatures
Mutator: #yearofthedog
Rules and Stipulations:
- Hand-In Format: A4 size only (landscape or portrait is cool though)
- Medium: Pencils, Biros, Sharpies, LinoCut or Charcoal.
- Posting: Your post entry has to include the name of the contest in its title (e.g. Imaginary Creatures) and your first tag needs to be #imaginarycreatures. You can also comment the link to your post under this entry!
- Originality: You may only use your own content.
- Process: Include at least one image of your creative process.
- Deadline: One week after this post is made.
Judge, Jury and Executioner...oh wait that's me...are you ready?
Places 9 - 4 (in no particular order)
I appreciate that you took a creative route and didn't just draw a normal "dog" (as normal as they can be anyways), but you branched out both in terms of species as well as culture. The Fennec is amazing creature from a region often misunderstood here "at home" and is a good choice for a third culture kid lik!e you (or I). It's really cool how the fox is a repetitive image and that you've brought it back for this. Additionally you provided process pieces and used the allowed mediums and materials...check check check. A strong entry overall..
In a word: Cultured
**Your Bounty: **
+0.5 SBD - Prize Pool
+0.5 SBD - Bonus Pool
+0.055 SBD - Remaining Pool split evenly between all contestants
+0.5 Steem Power - Delegation
by @jillustrations
Original Post
Looks like it's raining cats and dogs!
This is excellent. Continue this path for a little while longer and the hallowed halls of Disney will await! This illustration really is rather lovely. A lot of life in those lines even though it's all digital. It's happy and curious and a bit fantastic. Because you didn't use the correct mediums first prize is unfortunately barred for you..
In a word: Playful
**Your Bounty: **
+0.5 SBD - Prize Pool
+0.5 SBD - Bonus Pool
+0.055 SBD - Remaining Pool split evenly between all contestants
+0.5 Steem Power - Delegation
by @saifulramadhan
Original Post
An abtract and rather colourful take on a Sketch contest! I do like the wild energy of the paint and how the mix of colours defines the shape of the wolf head! You filled out the whole page too which I appreciate! It's a lovely piece of work, but unfortunately it's a "Sketch-off" not a "Paint-off"(yet) which means you didn't use the correct mediums! Thus the first three places are barred for you but I shall still count it.
In a word: Fire
**Your Bounty: **
+0.5 SBD - Prize Pool
+0.5 SBD - Bonus Pool
+0.055 SBD - Remaining Pool split evenly between all contestants
+0.5 Steem Power - Delegation
by @thespacebetween
Original Post
Oh Marley! Ever faithfully keeping watch in the forest of eternity. This is a really emotional piece. I really like that you "filled out the whole page" by creating an entire scene. It also kinda appears like the forest itself is growing from step to step. A skillful, organic take and a lovely tribute to Marley. Furthermore you used a reference picture from your own life which adds more personality yet. Overall it's kinda whimsical, a little sad and rather fantastical. The process pictures are nice too but I would have liked to read slightly longer descriptions for each step. You stuck to the allowed materials and medium too...good good good!
In a word: Patience
**Your Bounty: **
+0.5 SBD - Prize Pool
+0.5 SBD - Bonus Pool
+0.055 SBD - Remaining Pool split evenly between all contestants
+0.5 Steem Power - Delegation
This is a more abstract interpretation! It almost reminds me of Van Gogh's "Starry Night"! I must commend you for your use of lighting to create a mood. The shadows make the dog appear even more fantastical than it is. I also like that you used a more unusual "markmaking" technique by using spirals and circles. Overall I like it quite a lot! Next time you can add more pics of your process :)
In a word: Technique
**Your Bounty: **
+0.5 SBD - Prize Pool
+0.5 SBD - Bonus Pool
+0.055 SBD - Remaining Pool split evenly between all contestants
+0.5 Steem Power - Delegation
Wowsers, the process is just as cool as the finished piece. The step of flipping it over really alters the dog's demeanour. I am really rather grateful for all this support and this is a wicked skillful entry. Using Lino Cut techniques is never simple and you went out of your way in this one in more ways than one. Thanks again for helping to organise and promote the contest, but by your own admission...this means the top three spots are barred for you.
In a word: Curious
**Your Bounty: **
+0.5 SBD - Prize Pool
+0.5 SBD - Bonus Pool
+0.055 SBD - Remaining Pool split evenly between all contestants
+0.5 Steem Power - Delegation
3rd Place
by @labeilleneigeux
Original Post
So much movement in this drawing :)
I like that you combined two different photos to come up with the final image. It really has a nice "elemental" feel to it (like the dog is in control of the water!). Your process is sound too and well documented. I like that you "practiced" with some thumbnails and sketches too, it shows the evolution of the drawing nicely! Apart from that you have used the correct materials and medium. The final drawing is very nice. Good depth/value and Movement. Great stuff!
In a word: Motion
**Your Bounty: **
+1 SBD - Prize Pool
+0.5 SBD - Bonus Pool
+0.055 SBD - Remaining Pool split evenly between all contestants
+0.5 Steem Power - Delegation
2nd Place
Original Post
Oh I especially liked learning about the BulGae! You really interpreted the elemental aspect in an aesthetic way while playing to the the familiar mannerisms of a common doge and most certainly did your research while you were at it! Furthermore you've proved your sense of humour and stuck to the allowed mediums and materials! The sketchbook photo is so cool in that regard.
A clean, creative and elegant entry to the #YearoftheDog! Your originality is to be commended and it's just too darn cute
In a word: Childhood
Your Bounty:
+2 SBD - Prize Pool
+0.5 SBD - Bonus Pool
+0.055 SBD - Remaining Pool split evenly between all contestants
+0.5 Steem Power - Delegation
1st Place:
Sh#tsnacks! This is really great! You used mythology together with the given imagery to come up with something of your own and it works! I really appreciate the detailed process pictures, the fact that you "got your hands dirty", worked within the allowed mediums and materials and seemed to have a good time while doing it. I would also like to commend your technical skill in completeting the drawing. Lighting, Shadows, Propotions,'s all spot on! The armor design is really epic too. If I'd have any critique then it's that you could have expanded your write up a little more! Well done for submitting it just in time!
In a word: Professional
Your Bounty:
+5 SBD - Prize Pool
+0.5 SBD - Bonus Pool
+100 DOGE
+0.055 SBD - Remaining Pool split evenly between all contestants
+0.5 Steem Power - Delegation
make sure to have a wallet that can receive Doge, if you don't I recommend Freewallet!
Congratulations to all contestants of the Sketch Off Contest - Edition 1 ✏
That was awesome!
At this point a special thank you to our actual sponsor @Mammasitta for contributing another 5 SBD towards supporting young art! #payitforward
If you guys wish to sponsor this or future contests further, lemme know. :)
At the time of the contest finishing the original thread managed to generate post payouts of $34.03 in total which is my best performing post so far! This also means that the full prize pool (and more!) was recouped which sets us up for a new contest too! We also gathered 77 Upvotes and 99 Comments along with several Resteems! Thank you guys, this really rocks. All Contestants should have received their Winnings by now! <3
It was really fun hosting this even though picking a winner was tough! So many different interpretations, it's difficult to stay objective sometimes but I hope you all agree with my selections. The next edition of The Sketch Off is already in the works along with some other surprises. Until then, watch this space and keep on crafting!
Well played y'all...well played! What are you all still doing here? Go and upvote all this amazing art!
Til' next time,
Edit: There seems to be an error with either SteemConnect or the Blockchain itself atm. Delegations (0.5SP) for each of you are still forthcoming.
Edit2: Alrighty Delegations are out! Seems like the minimum delegation amount is 1.0SP so you all just got a Bonus! :)
Loved this contest! Can't believe there were such awesome contenders already! However, I would motion to place your cat on the sole jury position in the future to ensure due process.
Naturally cats are the most natural paragon to count on judging trials fairly. However in just this one case there were dogs involved. I might be a subjective animal but oh boy had I let the cat judge this one we'd be here for a while :P
Thanks! Hoping to push more art related contests soon.
If you have some suggestions shoot! :)
Omg thank you so much! 2nd place is an honor considering all the amazing entries, especially @marinaart (everytime I look at it I get even more inspired. truly so beautiful, makes me want to pick up charcoal!) Congrats to all the winners and, thank you to everyone for setting this up, and I look forward to the next contest! :D
Hehe you're welcome and you earned it! Who knows...on a different day and in a different mood my choices may have been difference. That's the cool thing about Art being subjective like that. Coal is fun! Messy fun! I also rewarded @marinaart for her willingness to "get her hands dirty" but it is a great piece of work at any rate and so is yours! Next contest coming up soon...the goblin idea factory is tinkering away in the background, coming up with new machinations as we speak!
haha yes the subjectivity of art is one of it's greatest strengths. can't wait!
Woohoo, congrats to everyone! I love competitions where everybody are winners :D
Well done @zeroooc on organising your first competition, it was so much fun, both participating and seeing the other artists' wonderful creations. Probably my favourite Steemit competition yet, thank you for making me join :D I can't wait for the next one! <3 <3 <3
Thank you my friend! I'm glad you decided to join even though I know this isn't necessarily your medium of choice. Staying adaptable shall serve you well in the future. That's a big compliment to make too...I hope that the next contest can be ever more elaborate. :)
I am glad to be part of your contest and thankful for the theme that inspired my imagination.
You did very well young master and I am happy you managed to hand in your entry in time. Congratulations again on making 1st prize! @marinaart is going to the Moon!
Such a great art, @marinaart, when I first saw it I was in deep awe! Fantastic! Amazing what you were able to create with charcoal. Congratulations and I hope to see more and more of your art <3
Thank you for the nice words. I will keep drawing when I can :)
Geil was die Leute so drauf haben gell! Ich bin begeistert!
Ich bin mehr als begeistert! Habe mir das schon vorher genauer durchgeschaut. Echt laiwaund!!!
Yep! Gonna try and push the creativity around here with more contests in the future.
btw dude I think changed your vote weight for the post.
Hey guys your delegations have been...delegated!
+1.0 Steem Power for all contestants ^^
@corinneiskorean @marinaart @labeilleneigeux
@shinyforest @godo @thespacebetween @saifulramadhan @jillustrations @shlomit
Thanks again for participating. The next contest won't be far off ^^
Thank you so much! <3
I have only Bitshares/Openledger account :marina-art . It have open DOGE listed in the wallet . Would it work?
Hihi no that won't work. open.DOGE is a separate currency from DOGE (confusing I know!). So you're gonna need an account at an exchange that does trade it (like Vircurex) or a wallet like (Freewallet)!
This contest was splendid! The entries simply blew my mind! I absolutely love them and I'm happy I could get to see art of my friends but also get to know new artists as well! I would like to congratulate the winners, and all the participants <3 I also admire how great contest host you are, @zeroooc! Well done! @mammasitta you're always so generous and supportive, thank you for your sponsorship <3 And thank you guys so much for the prize and the bonus. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the next edition :)
Thank you @shinyforest! This one was good but with your help I'm sure we can make the next one even grander! The future is bright.
Great stuff :)!
Here to meet and know new artists!
I think you've come to the right place! Are you an artist yourself?
Great graphics really done well
Ain't it awesome? Thanks for stopping by ^^