Draw it Again Challenge #1 - Illidan Stormrage 2003/2018

"You are not prepared!"
Illidan the Betrayer is my pick for @jillustrations excellent #drawitagain contest! Went a little abstract with this classic Warcraft character but I juuust about it made it on time. Hope you like this Nightelf gone Demonkin.
Image in High Resolution
I'm a huge Warcraft fan so I jumped at the chance of drawing Illidan as part of project for school (lol, as if I got away with that!). Check out the original from 2003. (Grade 11 Art Class)

Category | #drawitagain #illustration |
Medium | Pencils / Digital |
Size | 3000x5000px |
Subject | Illidan Stormrage |
Style | Urban Metagame Impressionism |
I also encourage you to come by our Steem Artists Discord Channel. There is a pretty sweet community emerging around @steemartists with talent worth supporting methinks.
Good Luck and Have Fun,
Draw a card?
- 🂫 Leonardo - "Jack of Spades"
- 🂱 Optimus Prime - "Ace of Hearts"
- 🂾 Vol'Jin - "King of Hearts"
- 🂻 Duck Avenger/Phantomias - "Jack of Hearts"
- 🂭 Batgirl - "Queen of Spades"
- 🃎 Iron Man - "King of Diamonds"
- 🂢 Goomba - Foil - "Two of Spades"
- 🃋 Renji Abarai "Jack of Diamonds"
- 🂡 Darth Vader - "Ace of Spades"
- 🃍 Beatrix Kiddo "Queen of Diamonds"
- 🃞 Logan / The Wolverine "King of Clubs"
- 🃛 Vegeta "Jack of Clubs"
- 🂮 Jon Snow - "King of Spades"
This is so awesome! I would love to have a card drawn of my character, if that's something you'd do :D
I stream a bit and will be posting up here on Steemit starting today, and I'd love to connect!
Hmm I have not considered requests but definitely would once I've completed the quest of a whole deck :)
Thanks for your encouragment! I stream too so you can plug you channel here if you like! <3
Welcome to Steemit, it's a fun and profitable ride potentialy. You get out what you put in ^^
Thanks so much for the warm welcome! Your work is incredible and I feel like you could bring in a LOT of work by doing custom requests - I am an officer in a very large raiding guild, and I bet a TON of people I play with would be happy to pay to have their character drawn! Perhaps we could connect and discuss something :)
What's your Twitch link? Mine is
I plan on writing my first Steemit post tonight, and then posting up a giveaway thread here soon :D
I appreciate your response, and I look forward to connecting further! You can also add me on Bnet if you like, I'm always down to play with new people - DrizztDruid#1331
Best wishes amigo!
Zug Zug!
Looking forward to your contributions here. It's gonna be fun!
Thanks for the resteem! What an honor to be the first on your page <3
About the cards:
The feedback has been incredible. I appreciate your interest a lot! Perhaps you'd like Vol'Jin?
I added you on Twitch as well - woot woot! Can't wait to check out some of your streams :)
Thank you! I also started a Patreon last night and ALREADY got my first $100 patron - so freaking excited to start this streaming/gaming adventure while I travel :)
Ahh, the days of Vanilla. Playing through Mulgore/Barrens was amazing in Vanilla, I played a Tauren hunter too and it was just so much fun. Way too much nostalgia right now hehe.
I can't wait to start contributing here either - I've just been commenting/engaging others at the moment, however I finally got my new streaming stuff all set up yesterday, so I think I'll record my first video and write a little post tonight. Hopefully it gets some love <3
I will definitely check out your Vol'Jin one as well - you know who else you should do? Do a Malfurion! That would come out pretty sweet me thinks ^.^
Keep up the amazing work brother!! Zug zug ;)
So beautiful! I want to see the new illustration in better quality, will it be possible? :3 very nice my friend!
the old drawing you copied it from the Frozen Throne cinematic xD
High Resolution
Good eye! Your assessment is correct ;)
Unique style, @zeoooc! I don't know how you do it but it's awesome!
A LOT of practice in Photoshop :)
I love the sword/dagger !
Ah the famed Twin Blades of Azzinoth!
Lethal and stylish!
unfortunately it says "access to imgur was denied" when I click onthe highrez link.. :( any ideas why?
oh, nevermind. just had to click on "reload" - all good.
How odd! Glad it worked :)
he looks so scary and bad ass omg * ___ * good luck in the comp, zero !!!
I thank you Spider Shaman!
Illidan was always fun, I used to play him as a Nightelf Hero in Warcraft 3 :)
He's super cheesy like
Sneaky Ninja Attack! You have been defended with a 3.37% vote... I was summoned by @zeroooc! I have done their bidding and now I will vanish...Whoosh
5.36% @pushup from @zeroooc