This place is proving something to me; there is a better way.....and like you, I have Steemit!

in #art8 years ago (edited)

Hi, my name is yogi.artist. I'm a yoga teacher and creative artist from London, England.

I've got to start off by saying that I'm really happy to be here. I'm excited about contributing in my own way, following the developments of other steemers and watching the community grow together. Thank you to the devs for creating this place and thank you fellow steemers for providing such a vast array of excellent content.

After a few days of lurking and interacting on here, I've observed steemit as a highly social forum, full of quality information that is curated and self regulated by a conscious, invested collective, where trolls and saboteurs filter through the waste system in to obscurity. It's a truly organic system. If this place can live up to the scope that it's capable of, then I don't think I'll be grudgingly using the other half-baked platforms for much longer. Things are already looking very positive. Let's keep up the momentum.

So, seeing as this is an introduceyourself, here's a little about me: 

I'm a dedicated yogi; I have been practicing asana, meditation and pranayama for 8 years now. Yoga has really been a Godsend to me; It came into my life at time when I was at the very depths of debilitating, chronic pain and provided me with a system that, whilst adhered to, has helped me to heal myself. 

Through the experienced difficulties that I had faced, and the grace I was shown in remedying them effectively, I knew that I needed to guide others to healing, through the science of yoga, so I undertook and completed teaching training last year. I have since setup my own teaching business that offers a unique practice  - Earthed Yoga - through which I combine the ancient practices of earthing and yoga, to promote healing and restore balance and wellbeing to my fellow yogis. 

If any of you guys are new to the concept of earthing, I really encourage you to check it out, especially as many of you probably spend countless hours in front of various bits of technology every day - computers, mobile phones etc - soaking up lots of electrical pollution in the process. Pollution that accumulates and plays havoc with the delicate electrical sub-systems of the body - the nervous and cardiovascular systems, fascia and the meridians, brain function and muscle mechanics for example. 

I just watched a video which featured bitcoin miners in China, and all that could be heard in the footage was the deafening electro-mosquito like buzzing coming from the farm of ant miners chugging away continuously. These workers were living in the mining farm. All I was thinking was how these poor people were getting absolutely pummelled with electrical radiation 24/7.  The same is true for day traders sitting in front of their multiple screens and just about anyone who is exposed to technology for that matter, which nowadays, happens to be pretty much all of us in the developed world.

There is good reason why workers in state of the art tech. producing factories are earthed whilst they assemble the latest computers and smart televisions. It's because there's a danger of damaging the delicate components with the buildup of static electricity that is held by the human body. Well, the same is true in reverse; this technology can damage the delicate human body too. It boils down to a transfer of electrical energy from one conductive source to another, but there are optimum electrical states that both the human body and a computer should operate at. That's the balance we need to attain if we want to remain healthy in this age of an accelerating singularity. Check out this video to see a demonstration of electrical pollution within the workplace. Electrical pollution within the home environment is of equal cause for concern.

Who walks in nature and doesn't feel more refreshed, renewed and revitalised? There is a reason for that - Nature is the greatest healer. We are electrical beings after all and regular connection to Earth restores the body's natural, electrical state by discharging latent, excess electricity that has accumulated in the body, whilst providing bio-electric calibration with the Earth. 

This free and bountiful source of healing can be accessed by simply walking barefoot on the grass, the beach or in the sea, but can also be achieved within insulated environments such as buildings, via the use of earthing leads, sheets and mats. You can buy earthed mouse mats, for example, that protect you from the electrical pollution being emitted by your computer, whilst you're beavering away on your latest steemit blog entry, or bedsheets that keep you earthed whilst your body is naturally in it's most healing and restorative state.

Below are pictures of red blood cells, taken from 3 different human subjects. The pictures on the right are the very same blood samples, after 40 minutes of Earthing. Blood viscosity has improved drastically! 

But, what does this mean exactly? 

In essence, a far healthier body and mind.  

(You can find further scientifc research and more detailed explantions)  - Here 

In fact, if you're interested in learning more about earthing, I would highly recommend listening to this free audiobook: Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever? - by Clint Ober.

When we connect to the Earth we embrace an almost infinite source of health enhancing electrons. These electrons neutralise free radicals that try to ravish the body with disease. Electrons are powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-aging allies of ours. Im actually 96! 

Seriously though, my health and wellbeing have improved drastically as a result of regular earthing. I honestly can't sing it's praises highly enough; I am an advocate of it's life enriching gifts.

Whilst I have concentrated on earthing in my introduction, I also aim to share lots of yoga related content with the community as we move forward, but in the mean time, if anybody is interested in learning more about either yoga and/or earthing, then please reach out to me, I'd be delighted to hear from you, connect and share further.

So, moving other passions include:


Here's a recording of one of my song's - Stars like dust

and the lyrics -

The place I want to be no-one’s ever seen,

I’m waiting for you.

They’re pulling the buildings down,

emptying this town, like the years (they disappear).

Well, I just couldn’t care, I don’t like this hanging around.

There’s nothing more left here until you reach out and come around.

Well have you seen the Stars like dust, that shine for every soul?

When you feel the morning Sun, that’s just when you will know….

I’m just passing time when I see a sign, you say hello.

On our anniversary, I found the wedding ring that you lost; our 

name’s engraved.

I know that you’re still here. I can hear us playing around.

Every moment; dear, though now it feels this ship’s gone aground.

You shine like gold; the precious glow.

The evening sky; a symphony.

Through beautiful colours, you’re sharing life with those others. 

A better place is where you’ll be.

Poetry, photography and digital art 

I take pictures and blend creative writing into the finished, edited image. The following is an example of one of my recent pieces. The picture was taken last year, when I was still with my ex-girlfriend. We were walking together in town when I saw this eye catching orb, that I thought resembled Jupiter, on the pavement. Being a space geek I had to take a picture of it, only too aware that this was likely the closest I'd ever get to photographing Jupiter in my lifetime. It was rush hour and there where lots of people walking around so I had to pick my moment, but even then, I managed to attract many "what's that weird man taking a picture of a random stone for" looks, from the passing pedestrians. I was actually surprised that some had managed to momentarily pull their faces up out of their phones, albeit their heads were still craned leeringly towards the pavement. 

I had wanted to write something to this picture for some time, but wasn't able to until recently, once the emotions associated with the memory had finally lost their raw sting. Anyway, either out of pure coincidence, or some deep level synchronicity that I was consciously oblivious to, I happened to write the words and complete the picture, on the morning of July the 4th 2016, the very day that Juno entered Jupiter's orbit. After sitting on this picture for 18 months, and totally unaware of what was unfolding in the deepest reaches of our solar system, I completed this hour before news broke of the great galactic event. 

Feeling happy and freaked out in equal measure, I honoured a noble silence for the rest of day.

I'm also a clean food junkie; big on nutrition and alternative medicine, I built up a fermented health food micro brewery at home where I regularly experiment with hemp based foods that are healthy, tasty and healing. 

Here's one of my recent creations - An immune boosting, energising, nutrient rich, pro-biotic elixir, made with CBD rich Hemp - 

CBD Sauerkraut 

If my fellow steemers are interested, I would be more than happy to share my Hemp based recipes and creations with you all.

I've also had my fair share of experience with Crypto-currencies in the past; I was day trading bitcoin and other alts, on and off, for a few years, but, due to the ensuing extreme fatigue caused by staring at graphs and numbers on a screen for hours on end, I decided to call it a day and sell most of my holdings, for the sake of my health, apart from a little long-term bitcoin that I've kind of forgotten about. 

Anyway, that's me in a nutshell really. I'm aware that this is starting to get awfully long, so I'll just leave this introduction with a big thank you to anybody who is still reading! 

Now, go and Earth yourself


@yogi-artist Great posts and some interesting things in it. I liked the track. You sing pretty well dude! Share your SCloud a/c if you have. Thanks.

oh.. and Namaste to you too!

Thanks @firepower, I'm glad you liked it. I'm getting on the case with the SoundCloud account. I'll let you know when I've set it up so you can have a listen. Cheers.

Thanks man. Cheers!

I had never heard of Earthing. That is pretty interesting. I do feel better after being outside, so it makes sense. :)

I liked your song as well. Welcome!

Thanks coinhoarder. Earthing is the single best thing you can do for yourself. It's free, it's simple and it's vital for optimum health and functionality. Anyone exposed to technology in any form (which makes up probably at least %75 of the planets inhabitants), should be earthing regularly. It's especially important for those of us living and working in the high tech domain. Get on it fella!

I plan on trying it out for a while. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!


Great blog mate and so talented in many areas, i feel refreshed just reading through it.
Nice acoustic set too :)

Welcome aboard Steemit , thanks for the invite :)

Thanks for the kind words bryan.larkin - I'm glad that you enjoyed the read!

Welcome to steemit. You will love it here :)

Hi sergie, nice to meet you too

You're a little bit weird, but in a nice way. Keep being yourself. :D

errrrrm, thanks diana.catherine ( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ)

Interesting post and welcome to Steemit! :)

Thanks firepower, It's great to be here!

A bit late, but welcome :) You're an example how diverse steemit world is :)

Wonderful Post!Nice to meet you, i am excited to see what you have to share with the community- I kindof feel like you are the male version of me! haha i am kidding, but we do have a lot in common . Happy steeming ! Namaste!

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