Portrait Of Natalie Portman
Good day guys, this time I bring the portrait of the actress Natalie Portman, I've always seen in different movies but the role I play in the movie V Vendetta I liked a lot. I also work in the Star Wars saga and in many other movies.
I love to draw from very small when I did my scribbles up on the walls but I never had the opportunity to enter an academy or take a course that would help me know how to do something or teach me different techniques to improve my drawings, I have I have been learning everything by myself and I think that I have improved, through the experience I have obtained in all this time at Steemit.
Those who always see my drawings I imagine that they have realized that I never focus on a single subject, I love to draw therefore make drawings of different things, this allowed me to improve on many things either portraits, comic, anime, animals , figures and many more things and I still lack things like painting or digital art that I'm sure someday I will have the opportunity to do so.
As I mentioned the drawing today is about the portrait of Natalie Portman which I like the final result, perhaps some of you do not find it similar, it is respectable but as mentioned above I am not an expert and I did not have drawing classes either, so be patient and forgive me if you think it does not look like it.
Natalie Portman

Reference Image

Gif of Drawing Process

This is the drawing process:

This is the final result of the drawing.

This was my publication and I am very grateful that you will come to see my drawing and much more grateful would be if you give me your vote and comment.

Awesome, how did you get so good? :-)
I just did a Sketch of a minion, you can see it here
It's part of a series am doing to improve my Sketching by atleast doing a Sketch everyday
Thank you, I'm glad you like it... and I'll see yours ;)
Hermoso retrato, manejas muy bien la proporción, luces y sombras. Pero si me lo permites y es que es a manera de enseñar, creo que la nariz está algo ancha y poco simétrica, es un consejo de colega artista, si no te gustan las correcciones, con gusto me lo haces saber y listo, yo entenderé.
Muchas gracias @artemacarre, comentarios así son buenos para seguir mejorando.
Gracias por pasar por mi dibujo ;)
Siempre a la orden, estoy aquí para aprender y enseñar lo poco que sé.
Que bien, me gustaría aprender de ti que eres profe.
super espectacular tanto que me dieron ganas de dar reestem para verlo en mi blog besos sigue así
Gracias @jessalin muy amable de tu parte ;)
Very well done, your portraiture is quite realistic. Only comment is that I might increase the contrast in a photo editor, but that's all ☺
Believe it or not, I used to be good with portraits a very long time ago, but not as good as this haha...
Hey @overkillcoin increase the contrast in a photo editor did not know, I'll try.
The truth I would like some day to see a portrait made by you on your blog ... if you dare? ;)
Te quedo genial!
Gracias amiga ;)
muy bueno! increible q no hayas llevado clases de arte :D
Gracias y no pero me hubiese gustado pero en mi pueblo no hay nada sobre el arte :(