The image is made of own imagination and thoughts

in #art6 years ago

Digital art made by @xpilar

ruiner vann 1 A.jpg

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Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture

If you write a good story from my photos, you may get
a good upvote from me and my friends


I like the way you presented the sky and the reflection, the way you decided to do reflection in gold and green made it to look like metallic surface and it gives an impression of unusual definitely another planet but with potential living species. That impression I have because of blue sky, which is a hint for oxygen and its in own turn tell us that there must be a Life on this planet. Beautifully made and nice color choice :)

thank you so much @stef1

thanks for your thoughts and description


The most beautiful girl story i hope my story like you and all beautiful people who comment here @xpilar

The son told his father that he saw a girl very beauty and her eyes wonderful and beauty dazzling, and his father rejoiced what he said and said to him Let us to address you O my son, when the father saw the girl told him that this girl needs a man older than her marry her to bear life with her I marry her, so the son was angry with his father's words, and the father and his son went to the police station.

There, the young policeman saw the girl. He said to the man and his son that the girl needed a husband like me in the police to make her live a happy life and said he would marry her. They all quarreled and moved on to the village governor who saw the girl and said the girl needed a husband who worked like me.

And the matter grew up to the Emir of the country who, when he saw the girl, said that the girl needed to marry me because I am a prince. I have everything she wants when she wants.

Suddenly the girl who was silent did not speak from the first position and said there is one solution to end this quarrel based on me, he asked everyone what is this solution ?, Tell us quickly God you.

She said I will run and who will follow me I will be his wife and right, and actually ran the beautiful girl and ran everyone behind them, but all of a sudden they were all running in a hole of holes and the girl looked at the men and said to them Do you know who I am ?, I said the world fleeting behind me and fall in The grave in the end without realizing what happened to you.

So beauty is also fleeting, don't care about the beauty or ugliness, true love is eternal.

Hi @simonblake

thanks for your thoughts and your story


A beautiful way of your thoughts @xpilar

I touch Eternity with my hand.
In the mountains so close you can meet Eternity
Afraid of disturbing unearthly peace
I look up and see infinity.
So far from here is vanity
So fleeting human aspirations
Here, only mountains mute beauty,
And heaven's stately element.
When you stand high above the sky
On the roof of the world impassively
It breathes freely and easily
And before the Eternity to appear not at all scary.

Really Eternity.
Everything around it has changed,
But It is still there,
The future will still be there.

Hi @serkagan

thanks for your thoughts and description / poems

A short story .Love defies the circumstances:

There was an orphan girl living in the house of her married uncle and life was hard on the girl, she works in her uncle's house as a maid and subjected to physical violence every day.

After a while the girl ran away, but her uncle returned her and put her in an internal school. The school principal treated her harshly and with contempt. As the years passed, the school principal sent the orphan girl to the home of a rich man to work as a school for his children.

There she saw a man riding his black horse, and suddenly this man fell and helped him to stand on the ground. It turned out that the man who helped him was the father of the children she would teach.

After a period of mutual admiration between the teacher and the father of the children, the man made the sermon to the girl, but before the wedding, it was surprising that the mother of the children was still alive and that she was not as dead as she imagined and that the poor wife was mentally ill and was locked in a room at home.

Here the teacher fled and returned to her uncle's house. After a while the man looked for the teacher and told her that his wife had died after she threw herself from the balcony and offered to marry her. The teacher agreed to marry him and gave birth to our beautiful daughter afterwards.

It seems like...
Obey it in the environment,
Perhaps in the environment, made a choice,
I think this love is actually just a choice in life.

Hi @austindward

thanks for your thoughts and your story

Great friendship
There were two friends traveling in the desert, and on the way one of them slapped the other. The injured man did not speak, but he wrote on the sand.

The two friends completed the walk to the sanctuary of drinking from them and did a shower while swimming in the sinking oasis who slapped his friend and saved him from his friend sinking, and the man wrote on stone my friend saved me from death.

"Why did you do this, my friend?" Said the man. "When we are wounded by our loved ones, we have to write on the sand so that we can escape in the midst of the winds of pardon and forgiveness."

When our loved ones do something wonderful to us, we have to engrave the wonderful work on the stone so that the wonderful work remains in our memory and our heart and mind do not give up, the friend cried when he heard the words of his friend and knew that he really has a wonderful friend blessed by him and his friendship.

I wish I had such an inclusive and considerate friend.
Unfortunately, I don't have.
even among of my loved ones also Not .

Hi @patrikcooper

thanks for your thoughts and your story

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