The image is made of own imagination and thoughts

in #art5 years ago

Digital art made by @xpilar

fjell og vann 3 A.jpg

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you must have permission from me

And the permit is only given to post at STEEMIT

Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture

If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me


Hello @xpilar, nice to meet you. today you are displaying a digital image that is different than before. Your digital image is very good to describe. in my opinion this picture shows that life is not easy. not like running water. life is needed struggle and sacrifice to achieve something that is desired. I say that because there is a very high mountain in the middle of the ocean.

of course to reach the top of the mountain one must fight hard. because someone has to go through the ocean, and climb from the mountain. a hard struggle will not betray results. of course the results obtained will also be good. and can also be described on this steemit platform.

In my opinion, to find success on the steemit platform is very difficult for now. because of the low price of steem and sbd. but that does not mean someone will not succeed here. the steemit platform is now in the highest position. meaning that if someone wants to succeed here, he must always try his best.

different in 2017 ago. the position to look for success in Steemit is not too high. because of the high price of steem and sbd. someone might be easy to find success compared to now. but for now someone will also be successful even though it is difficult. needed confidence, not pessimism, work hard, and interact with many people. I am sure success will be achieved. this is just my description of this digital image that you are displaying.

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Hi @aulia1993

thanks for your description

Steemit is a platform that has not yet shown its muscles to the world. We are still in the beta phase and the foundation is now strong.

Now it is up to all members of the platform and show what Steemit is for the world. Then the muscles will increase their power and grow

yes I strongly agree, many people don't know about this steemit platform. like the country of Indonesia where I live. here many people don't know about this steemit platform. I also often try to introduce the steemit platform. however, unfortunately most of them do not care about what I say. and they don't believe that the steemit platform provides income. and there are also some who believe and are still active today.

I introduced them to the steemit platform because I felt sorry for them. they are often active on other social media such as intagram, twitter and other social media. even though they did not get any reply from other media disocial. indeed other social media is also good. but what they do doesn't get a reply. I really hope that in the future the steemit platform will be known by the whole world.

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The Night of Fear turns to Night of Success

The truth is that oceans make up most of the surface of our blue planet. They may form just a sliver on the outside of the Earth, but they are very important, not only in hosting life but also to sustain aquatic life for the consumption of humanity.

There is a popular fisher men sometimes ago, he well known in the business of fishing, one day he went to to the river , cast his net into the river hoping to catch many fish but unfortunate for him, he went empty handed back to his house, when his wife and children saw him afar off, they were happy thinking they will enjoying their meal with fresh fish as they used to do, when the man get closer to them , they couldn't see any fish, that was disappointed really.

The man and his wife went to bed with the empty stomach, little food left were served to their two kids, early in the morning, the man has wake went to farm to go get vegetables, while on his way back home he saw a grass cutter crossed the road, the man ran after this animal to kill, but unfortunate this grass cutter jump in river full of mud, this man couldn't followed it up, he went back to take his food items got from the farm, on getting there he couldn't find food items, he kept on shouting and crying, he lost hope of going home empty handed again, he decided to suicide himself.

He went in to the bush to hang himself, as he was going, there is one old man watching and monitoring what he was doing, he cut the robe (very strong robe in the forest) he tied it up on the obeche tree, he was about to put the robe on his head, the old man shouted Stop! Stop!! Stop!!! this man got scared because he never thought he could see anyone in such forest, he intended to ran away, but the old man called him back, asking him why he wanted to suicide himself. He explained his situations to old man, this old man have compassion on him, he weep his tears, encouraging him and strengthen his heart.

The man, asked him to following up to his own farm land, when they got there, old man told him to get food items as he wants for his family to survive, the man get enough and they both leave the farm, they got to separate to go different way, old man advice him about life, never to give up on his fishing activities, he told him he foreseen a brighter future for him. they bid each bye and gone separate ways.

When he got home, children and his wife were wondering where the man got enough food items from, he told them about the man he met but keep silence about the suicide. He felt so good his family could eat and satisfied, he remembered on some of the advice of old man, he take to the old man advice, he told his wife he going for fishing at the night, when he got to the river, he did as old man advice him, he was there casting his net into the river for many hours, no success, he kept on trying, at a time he fell asleep on canoe, when he will be open his eye's he found himself in another town without knowing how he got there. The next thing he saw a rays of light, he got scared wanted to ran away, but those elders started prostrating and honouring him as their King. He asked what he going on, they carry him on the white horse and begin calling him King, they told him when they got to palace about the revelation said by Ifa priest that their king will come through such channel, which is why they are there waiting for the past 10 days.

They made him their king, elders and chiefs went to bring King family from his town. His wife and children was surprised to found him on the throne, his wife and children were welcome to the palace formally and they continue living their life.

The man (King) went to his own town few months later after becoming the King to search for the old man, but none of the community never knew who the old man was, King decided to look for the man in the forest, but because all his efforts in search for the old man was fruitless.

I hope you this story is writing to your own liking.


thanks for your great story @davidad

you are welcome Snr. @xpilar

On an expedition carried out by several scientists to the northeast, scientists were shocked by the discovery of a mysterious island covered in mud on it. In an expedition several years ago, the island was not on the map.

The mysterious island is part of a volcanic island that enters the Indian Ocean territories that are located at the free sea. For a while this island has not been claimed by certain countries because it is in accordance with the integrity pacts of countries in the world, that the discovery of islands in the high seas does not belong to certain countries. From satellite, this island doesn't look like on Google Earth either.

The island, which has several gradients, gravels and mysterious mud, does not have any signs of life, either animals or plants species.

Scientists say, it still takes time to uncover the mysterious island through a research sample. Unfortunately, scientists also haven't given a name for the mysterious island.

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A New Island

A long time ago on a very strict island some young people fell in love and that love was not accepted, because he was a young white man and she was Indian.
On the island it was forbidden to mix with the Indians, but how could Daniel if he fell in love?
they were hidden but it was not enough, he wanted everyone to know that he loved her, he asked her to be his wife, she accepted without hesitation.
Holding hands they went out to walk the island under the contempt of many people, forced them to separate and could not, then they ran them, they took a raft and left, they had never left the island, but they would not allow the they will separate.
they sailed for days, without a fixed course, there was no other land space.
The food and fresh water were running out, they were desperate, very afraid.
They fell asleep, holding each other for warmth.
He woke up before, there were still stars in the sky, I took the opportunity to ask his God to take them to an island soon, because he knew that they could not stand anymore in those situations, that he wanted to give his Indian the best and watch her die At sea it was not what I wanted.
Immediately the wind changed course and the raft changed direction, he got up and could not believe what was in front of him, God had heard his prayers and took them to a beautiful island.

He woke up his wife and together, embraced they watched as the wind took them to their destination, a place where they could live their love with freedom.

Blue Dragon, the Magic Volcano.

In a place of the Arctic Ocean, there is a small island where a natural magic is hidden, a cold volcano expands bright stars every year with blue ashes, so it was called Blue Dragon, some scientists relate this phenomenon by the low temperatures and the mineraless elements that have suffered alterations in the center of the volcano. Quartz and Agates are the minerals that may be fusing to give it that special eruption nuance.

The Blue Dragon Volcano was discovered due to the large amount of costing in one place, the ashes are crystalline leaves that suppose to be of great value in the market.


Dragon Azul, el Volcan Magico

En un lugar del océano Ärtico, se encuentra una pequeña isla donde se esconde una magia natural, un volcan frio expande particulas estrellas brillantes cada año con cenizas azules, por lo que fue llamado Dragon Azul, algunos cientificos relacionan este fenomeno por las bajas temperaturas y los elementos mineraless que han sufrido alteraciones en el centro del volcan. Cuarzos y Agatas son los minerales que pueden estar fusionandose para darle ese matiz de erupción especial.

El volcan Dragon Azul, fue descubierto debido a la gran cantidad de costelación en un solo lugar, las cenizas son hojas cristalinas que suponen sea de gran valor en el mercado.

New Island

The need for shelter makes people always try to create areas that can be inhabited. One of them is by activating a volcano on the sea floor. The researchers sent expeditions to the seabed to investigate the possibility of developing remnants of ancient volcanoes that erupted in the 12th century.
By using super-sophisticated equipment they managed to get into the sea floor which has a depth of 2500 meters. They designed a capsule that was able to withstand hydrostatic pressure in the sea. This equipment guarantees the safety of researchers entering the seabed. The availability of oxygen is also sufficient for conducting research for a long time.
From the results of the study they learned that volcanic activity on the seabed was still ongoing. They have noted that the continuous release of magma allows one day to become a large mountain like Mount Krakatau in the Sunda Strait, Indonesia. The growth rate of the average mountain is calculated to penetrate 4 meters per year. But the lane of mountain growth was rapid at the beginning of the mountain formation that grew from the Mount Krakatau caldera which erupted violently in 1883.
They conducted a trial by entering explosives which were inserted into the stomach of the magma. They fired explosives which were arranged in time. After they successfully enter the material, they immediately head to the surface and leave a dangerous area if an explosion occurs.
After they exploded they saw a glow of smoke mixed with water into the air. However, not only is the material coming out. They also saw the appearance of the land that appeared after blasting. They continued to watch the land rising and forming a hill above the sea. This emerging land continues to grow further. However, for the time being they still have to wait for the land to emerge to be safer, making it possible to become a place to live. Researchers also consider security aspects. Everything is still being explored until now
Thank you @xpilar. i hope you accept my thought.
Warm regard from Indonesia

thanks for your great description @rokhani

Beautiful picture @xpilar

In the midst of the plains of the ocean,
Where the free wind walks.
I see a mountain on a beautiful island,
And in the night the stars shine so brightly.
A rocky island sticks out of the water
The head of an underwater volcano.
Waves splash, smashing menacingly,
In the coast of the mighty titan.

You are- Poem

You are like this sky full of stars, beautiful, bright and unreachable.

You are like a big iceberg, cold, tall and imposing.

You are like the wide sea, majestic and admirable.

You are everything I want and what I want.

You are so I suffer and dream.

thanks for your beautiful description / poem @anasuleidy

This is Iceland.
a very close to the Arctic island,
Snow and icing all year round on the island,
It’s a place of ice and snow.
There will be a short time each year,
it No snow and Ice and snow melted a part,
The time is when the animals come to give birth to the little baby.
such as the photo, It is at time.


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