The image is made of own imagination and thoughts part 1

in #art6 years ago (edited)

Digital art made by @xpilar

Outer Space 10 serie 22 A.jpg

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Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture

If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me


Hi Snr. @xpilar ,

There is a word of elder which says, “Never give up till, you archive it”

A story was told about a man, who is making every effort to change his situations, the more he tried the more the things began to worse. One day he went to meet an old man beside his house asking him many question, can I man make it in life? Can things work out? He was disappointed with the response he got from the old man, the old man told him, why do you think you can’t make it in life? I see your struggle, I know what is on in your life, but you get it wrong somewhere. The man asked the old man, how do you know about me, or what I am facing or going through, if I may ask old man, where did I get it wrong?

Old man told him, you see in life, if you are going somewhere important, you don’t look at other places which might be a distraction on your to destination, whenever things got hard with you, you give up easily, instead of keep going without looking back at that failures, you allow the past to lead you your today, which resulting in more failure.

He asked the old man, what he must do to archive his goal in life, the old man told him a story of a man, whose he think the world revolve around home alone, he always make jest of his fellow friends by calling them names, lazy and all sorts of abusive words. But there is man among them whose name is Tanmola, the man called Tanmola, believes so much in whatever his doing, he always have the good spirits success will end his story.

Tanmola, doesn’t moved with negatives words, he started with a local business of buying and selling farm product, while he make cultivation his primary object, a lot of negatives words to discouraged me were said by his so called friends, at a time farm product is surplus, Tanmola doesn’t give up with his business, he kept pressing forward towards his goal, the first year, he lost, the second year, he lose again, but the third year, everything gone worse, because of this lost, Tanmola doesn’t lose hope, instead he continue with the cultivation and the farming product business, in the six year, none of the friend could no longer move with or going out again, because he has become more poorer, but with the good spirit, self-motivational and hope, Tanmola left the town to the villages where he continue his cultivation squarely, many were given up at that time due to surplus of agriculture product in the market, but Tanmola keep on planting and cultivate more in his farm land, the rest of the people who gave forget that when things surplus and there are limited produce market will be appreciated again, the following year agriculture product were highly appreciated that make the market move up tremendously, Tanmola sell a lot of agriculture product from the store and from his farm land.

Tanmola, life change dramatically, he became a famous, rich business man and highly honnour in his city, he build a mansion in his city, invest more on his business, employed people who work for him, none of his friends who mock him and the one who think life revolve around him alone, could never stand or compete with him, he see his life in a different ways, but despites many falls and failures, he refused to give up, instead he keep focusing and keep motivate his good spirit with hope. Can you see life Mr. says old man? O yes the man replied, I shall continue and believe in my doing from now on, and I believe and have faith that I will succeed too, thanks the old man.

I hope you like this story, thanks for share your great nice work Snr. @xpilar.


thanks for your great story @davidad

you are welcome Snr. @xpilar


The Story Of A Lonely World

How happy is the virginal, sensitive shyness!
Sweet, strange, sensitive shyness.
Now chaste is just the thing,
To get me wondering if the sensitive shyness would cling.

How happy are utter, anxious apartness!
Never forget the sodding and consummate anxious darkness.

I cannot help but stop and look at yellow, cicle of wonderness.
"Pitter patter", said the ontological otherness,
And "pitter patter" then "pitter patter" again.
The rain of crypto soon will fall for our gain.

Why would you think the apparent aimlessness is lean?
the apparent aimlessness is the most fat meaninglessness of all.
Blah. blah, blah all things are so tall.


GromeWorld, Conference of the Gods.

Great celebrities of the universe have gathered their intellect to create a central base with the aim of having a place that is the epicenter of meeting of the gods, the platform is ideal to receive all the spaceships where they move the chosen of each monastery.

GromeWorld is a space structure consisting of a main auditorium and special rooms where the gods can achieve their own activities, meditation and cosmic recharge among others.

The control systems are psychically controlled by a disciplined team of celestial assistants who are passed through a room that studies the mind to verify the level of loyalty for the security of the Gods.


GromeWorld, Conferencia de los Dioses.

Grandes celebridades del universo han reunido su intelecto para crear una base central con el objetivo de contar con un lugar que sea epicentro de reunion de los dioses, la plataforma es ideal para recibir todas las naves espaciales donde se trasladan los elegidos de cada monasterio.

GromeWorld es una estructura espacial que consta de un auditorio principal y habitaciones especiales donde los dioses puedan lograr hacer las actividades propias de ellos, meditación y recarga cosmica entre otras.

Los sistemas de control estan controlados psiquicamente por un equipo disciplinado de ayudantes celestiales que son pasados por una sala que estudia la mente para verificar el nivel de lealtad para seguridad de los Dioses.

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Hi Steemians. Today, I'd like to introduce you to th...

thanks for your great story @jadnven


Regards, dear friend, @xpilar.

Allow me to congratulate you on your extraordinary digital art. It is really fantastic.

I am not an art expert, but I will express what comes to mind when I see this image.

I think of a macroscopic trip. Where invisible things become visible. Particles of dust that we can not see become immense asteroids that seem to overwhelm us.

All best, Piotr.

Your imagination really has no limits sir @xpilar! I really ask myself how does this come into your mind, if I have the opportunity to make a trip to this world I will not hesitate and I can even pay very expensive to be able to access the interior of these planets, I am sure I will meet nice people who will be glad to see me visit their extraordinary world.

Upvoted & Resteemed

Regards @Redouanemez

This is the representation of the electronic world,
The four in the middle are the breeding grounds for electronic babies.
The one on the left is the passage that the babies use to get to the place after they grow up.
The one on the right is for the boys to compete with each other.
左邊那個是寶寶們在長大之後, 用於通往各地的通道,

The spacecraft race was taking place in a new track of the galaxy, I was among the first places in that difficult oval closed curves, my ship was a hive design to reduce friction with the air. everything was going well, changes and the propulsion system were working normally, everything is a hullabaloo when I pass in front of the main grandstand, light rays mold and ambient the racing grounds, the favorite is a Triunoman who is champion of 5 galaxies in this type of events. The favorite is a Triunoman who is champion of 5 galaxies in this type of events.


Estaba acontenciendo la carrera de naves espaciales en una nueva pista de la galaxia, yo iba entre los primeros lugares en ese dificil ovalo de curvas cerradas, mi nave era un diseño tipo colmena para reducir la fricción con el aire. todo marchaba bien, los cambios y el sistema de propulsión accionaban con total normalidad, todo es una algarabía cuando paso frente a la tribuna principal, rayos de luz moldean y ambientan el recinto de carreras, el favorito es un Triunoman quien es campeon de 5 galaxias en este tipo de eventos.

thanks for the description @adeljose

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