You're here buying fine art and playing poker while I'm trying to travel the world one on .37 cent steem! hahahaha (sarcasm intended!)
Good to see a post from you brother. As far as that art I saw something similar in Bali Indonesia a couple weeks ago but it was clearly a couple doing it doggy style! lol
On another note, If I find time from my wild life I'll check out the poker link you shared. Much appreciated.
I know what you mean on capitalizing on the 2017 move. I certainly got lucky, and holding some more liquid steem now may not be a bad idea. In the mean time feel free to throw me on auto vote or something. I could use all the help I can get at these low prices.
I'm now in Sofia Bulgaria (great pay less get more country)
I'm leaving to Barcelona tomorrow, then Florida, then Ecuador, then New York, Then Ecuador, Then Peru, Then Bolivia, Then Paraguay, Then Argentina, then hopefully Bankgok for steemfest in November, at least that's the outline.
What about you staying put in Norway fro now?
If you need any travel advice, don't hesitate to ask!
Hope you are well,
Hi. I am living the 9-17 dream life. I actually went to Gdansk for a few days. I loved the architecture and cheap prices:)
I had to look that place up. Poland! Nice. Was in Krakow for steemfest. Pretty good "pay less get more" country as I like to describe them. Next door is Ukraine where your money seemingly goes for miles!
Good to hear from you buddy. Have a great day!
From Barcelona! -Dan