Harley Quinn (art digital)

Greetings earthlings. We are on the wave of digital art, today I bring you the drawing of that great character who, when given an opportunity in a movie, achieved with that crazy charisma to conquer hearts Herley Quinn, managed to make an impact by showing that magical side of madness that attracts Human minds, I am fascinated by the character, the actress achieved the exact point of balance in madness, that which is a beautiful world without falling into dementia, something difficult to achieve, but that is that I do not know what everyone knows They ask what is it about that character that he catches. Perhaps it is that two crazy people understand each other, hahaha, I do not feel sorry to say it and I always let it be seen openly, it is beautiful to live between both worlds: madness and reason. I found my madness the day I immersed myself in it to look for the lyrics for a poem and what luck, because one thing leads me to another and I can look at this plane in a different way, and it is there that I appreciate art much more, On this path I have managed to calm the “I's” and meditate until I am able to calm the internal demons that trap the being. S + i, this is profound and I write it only for you, that you stop to analyze, those others will surely not understand. And here are the steps I did to create my Harley, just as I see it in my mind, when you draw yours, you will see that it is something different, then leave your essence to it.

Así la pensaba dejar, pero preferí colocar mas detalles que complementaran el mundo de Harley y al final termine, haciendo la de arriba.

I always like to start with the most important part, or the one that they want to focus all their attention on, and if they do it in principle, they will be able to place it at the focus point of the eye, or at least as close as possible, and so on. As they put on the accessories, the part they want to be the main protagonist, Harley's face, is already well located, it is her hook, the part of her that expresses the most and there I wanted to take the view. I notice that he always uses the colors that cover more surface of that part and then the details are mounted, that's why I always do it like that, giving the silhouette to that part at once.

The zoom, it is very important to make each part increasing its size to achieve greater details and doing it separately, the look and shape of the mouth, these are the parts that most identify a person, although in this character the nose is a poem , but the truth as I am in the process of learning, I need to bring my nose to something more exact, its similarity to Harley's, and her nose is what I like the most about her, but hey, that's my version of her, hahaha .

Here in this part I put the body and tried to achieve the position of carrying things in her relaxed way of her standing. Look that the artist was very careful in each pose, once she stopped, look at the movie in detail and notice how she speaks with her face, body and poses. She is a poem to the beautiful madness.

So he was adding details and shadows to that part to a certain extent, at least the thickest or strongest to leave the light lines for the end and harmonize all, at least that's what I tried.

I went to the face, what a beauty that woman is! Although those who did her makeup highlighted the parts of her face in a masterful way to give her that porcelain doll touch. I have one of those harley quinn dolls and I have always liked them as a collector, I have several porcelain faces and limbs, to highlight are: Elza and Muro, they are two dolls from around 1870, toys for children from that time, and from families economically wealthy, because at that time such dolls, brought from Germany, could only be made by a wealthy family. I appreciate them very much, and once when the roughest part of this crisis that we are experiencing, I was almost on the point of selling them, but my wife told me no, to hold on, but not to get out of them and that's how it was, we still have them There in our treasure, the little that we could keep from the collection, since we had to sell many things almost as gifts to survive, but that is another story, which only complements because it draws Harley Quinn. She, a woman with a porcelain face, who if you notice always shows her pride in being who she is, leaving her chin slightly raised.

A wall behind her, in a somewhat dark color, but with that touch of madness. I used a purple background, but in the end I changed it, I think to show in that final drawing the light in the background and the shadow of Harley's world.

In this part I concentrated on giving highlights and shadows to the face, try to make the nose as close as possible, because I am fascinated by the way she has it outlined, but round at the tip.

And so it was that I decided to place some crazy things in front of her that give some balance to her world, with the sun in the shape of a heart, pierced by her sword, to show in a subtle way that she breaks hearts to the enlightened world, we fell in love many and has left a mark on culture, whether they like it or not, and I liked their last film, because those who wrote it noticed that culture had an impact, especially for young people, so in the end, Harley despite his flaws and virtues, he acts well, and ends up being a good person, despite his flaws. All this helps a bit, because most movies have been teaching humanity and it is delicate that criminals are now the protagonists and that in my opinion affects modern culture and ideals for many children and young people, so having that Be careful with the message that the film left about her, I really liked it.

Well earthlings, this has been all for today, in that drawing I invested 8 hours of my life, time is the only thing that we cannot buy, so it is the most valuable thing we have, I did it with great affection for you and I hope that appreciate, until next time, and see you in the mirror.

Bilingüe: Que utiliza dos lenguas al mismo nivel o se hace en dos lenguas
Bilingual: That uses two languages ??at the same level or is done in two languages.

To do the drawing, use paint.net.v4.2.14. a program downloaded to my computer.