RE: Painting on an special canvas
This is a kind thing for you to do my friend... and donating it to the educational organization is also good karma on your end. Three hours is certainly a long time!! I am curious; did you take a normal square canvas, and carve it into that particular shape? Also nice to have someone take your photograph while creating... so many times, here on Steemit, the question of "authenticity" is an issue. Proving that any particular Steemian is actually creating their works.
I know you had mentioned uploading in a comment at the @steemterminal... have you looked into @dtube? There are a few resources to be seen at the Terminal, as well as a few who use @dtube... @kayda-ventures is one such artist who now utilizes the Dtube app... and if you REALLY want to start "making waves" check out @nathanmars... and be ready to do push-ups :)
Keep creating! Keep telling us more about what drives you to make these creations!!
Square canvas don't the require ld demand of the project its not a piece of solid its a stretched canvas painting is done on a piece of cloth
Posted using Partiko Android
Ah, I see... so you are really creating not just art, but also the medium on which the art is created! Very nice!
Yes i made my own canvas when ever i start a painting
Posted using Partiko Android