Spider Coccoon

in #art5 years ago (edited)

There was once a spidery contents here but a spider has now put them inside coccoons.... Like Shelob did with Frodo Baggins~ Or maybe like those fleshy things in Aliens before the chestburster bursts out of them~ Yep, like one of those things :D


Oh wow, that is a pretty well done mask! No wonder she wears it proudly. She looks kinda menacing though... is she a good girl or a naughty one? XD

Pretty nice pen art, spideroo. I wish I can attack papers like you do :).

Well, she's a fan of the Lord of the Flies, so she's probably more in the naughty side :>

Maybe she made the mask out of a real pig's head?????? That's why it is so well made ???????????

:screaming emoji:

though i guess it would smell bad if she didn't treat / cure it properly....?


Well! It is HalloweenTOBER, isnt it?! A little horror in the theme of the month colours my Buta-chan creation :D :D :D

Thank you, scrowley!......... That reminds me maybe I should draw another one of Beelzebub's fallen friends, the great and classy demon, the serpent, the terrible torturer of house plants!!!

Any excuse to draw is a good excuse.


I definitely love your piglet girl with the faces shoes ! 😃

I have never done Inktober, but I do a painting or drawing a day all year long...LoL
I think what I fear in the Inktober challenge are the themes...sometimes I do not understand what is really the theme, and sometimes I think "oh my, it reminds me school and the imposed subjects that made me feel so un-free"..I'm not very disciplinated, I do not enjoy anything that is mandatory, so I never self-inflict me anything that I do not like, if it not for someone's life sake..LoL
That said I will enjoy watching at all Inktober creations...anything that can get people to be more creative and have fun in creation is great 😊

Have a cheerfulday.png my dear ! ^_^

Barbara, you are already doing #inktober if you're painting/drawing once a day, since that's the spirit of it! Except I guess inktober is done in ink not colours, hahahah... The official prompts are not a must :> They are just to give people some inspirations if they are stuck for ideas :>

And thank you for kind comments, as always <3

Buta-chan looks like she's standing still for just a short moment: Considering her options. Will I wear the other happy shoe or sad shoe? Or will I still keep one happy one and one sad one on ~ And allow both happiness and sadness into my life. And find a new 'wholeness' in my being? LOVELY LOVELY drawing Spider.

Thanks for the reminder about October. I remember seeing it last year and thinking I'd like to take part. But in reality, I'm more like @barbara-orenya and like to create from my own themes. Having said that I used to work with sumi-e and it could be fun to do some ink 'impressions' of the prompt words. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎

Hey hey~ I've done #inktober in the past (even last year) without using the official prompts :> The prompts are just there to give people some inspirations but the actual challenge is to draw daily for a month, that's all :D

And yeah, hahahah, she thinks she needs both emojis to get through her days, for sure XD

That's GREAT to know Spider. I just wrote a huge reply to you and lost it 😿 ~ Now what did I say again?

Something about needing to experience sadness in order to feel the elevation that joy can bring. 😹

Will prepare for #inkober now ~ A month is doable ~ Maybe ~ For quick(er) works. Hope you have a delightfully happy weekend. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎

Joking aside, while I could try #Inktober myself, I was thinking, what if I challenged myself to shoot instead? It used to be the norm, honestly, shooting everyday or as close to it as homework would allow. I had a lot of fun in the field today, and my work feels stronger, you know? A kid is growing. This could be my little photog spin on it.

Buta-chan needs a face reveal.
But I dig it.

Maybe the pig's head already meshed with her own by now :3

And yeah, why not! Shoot every day :D Sounds great !!!

Cute drawing @veryspider. She looks very innocent, but I am wondering what she is holding in her left hand behind her skirt ... 😉

And she has a happy foot! 😊 And a sad foot ... 😞

Hope you and yours are doing well "down there!" 👍

:D thank you, rob! she's ready for halloween for sure :D

happy foot and sad foot, each ready for both occasions XD

hope you and your loved ones are doing well also, "up there" !!! :D

Halloween. Interesting @veryspider. I guess not until now did I think of what that means "in the Land Down Under," as you are heading into Spring. Right?

For us, Halloween is definitely Fall weather and sometimes even snow. Overall, it's just sort of been associated with the end of summer and after harvesting ...

Hmmm. Have to try and picture Halloween in the Spring ... :D

Our Christmas is also a SUMMER xmas! Usually people are out in shorts and we have BBQ for xmas day :D (with cold beer * ___ *)

Halloween isn't that celebrated here, to be honest, it isn't very popular for Aussies. I have never seen a trick-or-treater in my neighbourhoods, tbh!

But, it always seems fun in the movies and tv shows * ___ * Dressing up as monsters and getting candies!!! :D :D :D

Thank you for the additional insight into your country @veryspider.

Christmas in summer!? 😯 The closest I experienced was beginning my career in Tucson, Arizona. Where we were also in shorts ...

Poor Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Just don't see how that great children's story works in the summer ... 😉

Posted using Partiko Android

Hahaha yes! You should see our Santas! Poor people had to wear that whole Santa get up and the temperature can be in the high 30s Celcius! (Around 100F) and they are always sweating bullets, trying to be jolly around children that are hot and just wants their pressies XD

Yes, I can imagine pretty easily @veryspider. While the temperature in Tucson in December isn't that high, it is still plenty warm. And a "White Christmas?" 😧 Not happening ... 😏

When our first child was born (in early November), we decided to do something about it. Packing him and our presents up, we got all bundled up, with a thermos of hot chocolate and everything. Then, on Christmas Day, we drove up to the top of nearby Mount Lemmon.

On a nice rocky outcrop, overlooking Tucson and the surrounding Sonora Desert, we got out and decorated this little "Charlie Brown" Christmas (pretty scraggly ...) tree there. And opened our presents ...

We always have a good laugh about that memory. Even clear up that high, it still was not very cold. Or snowy. We didn't even need our coats ... 😉 But, hey, we tried!

Ah! This is great and of course be prepared as we will support Lady Spidey every day of Inktober. This is the first great one and you have a way to make a piggy look beautiful.

@papilloncharity !

Thank you ! I hope to be able to conquer Inktober this year as well :D

Of course you will, as we have total confidence in your abilities.
You are the Inktober champion!

Guess her uncle’s attempt to scare her with a pig’s head at the foot of the bed backfired horribly 🤣 (true story that happened to my sister in law when they were kids and were visiting their uncle’s farm 🤣 except unlike Buta my sister in law screamed lots 😆)

Have you been busy at work lately? That’s usually why time seems to pass faster 😆 or maybe it’s just me that feels that way as there’s never ending stuff to do and not nearly enough is stuff that I want to do 😅

Sounds like you’re finding your pace which is good, I’m not keen on the smell of burnt spiders 😜

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hahahahahah your sister-in-law XD Must have given her a bit of a fright! What an uncle they have ! XD

Hmm, work has been okay a bit slow in fact, but I guess I've been busy with stuff, so that's probably why time feels fast, but time always feels faster in the second half of the year for me :O

Burnt spoders are no bueno, for sure!

Wahh Buta-chan's outfit is cute! Wonder what's in that bag she's holding

All the best to all the peeps that are gonna do inktober!

It is a secret that she's holding in the bag! (maybe her real head? :screaming emoji:)

Thank you for the cheer, thilah!!! <33333333

its too cute !!!!

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