Surrealism in collages --- Surrealismo en collages
Dejarlo todo por un sueño, por una pasión, por lo que verdaderamente te gusta. No importa cuanto tiempo tardes en darte cuenta o cuantas cosas hagas antes, si realmente estás destinado/a para hacer algo tarde o temprano llegará ese momento. Entonces todo de repente parecerá encajar, pieza por pieza, como ocurre con los collages y en ese momento te darás cuenta que verdaderamente naciste para ello.
Leave everything for a dream, for a passion, for what you really like. It does not matter how long you take to realize or how many things you do before, if you are really destined to do something sooner or later that moment will come. Then suddenly everything will seem to fit, piece by piece, as it happens with the collages and in that moment you will realize that you were truly born for it.