Museums and Palaces - Cover Design - IMC - Institute of Museums & Conservation - Portugal
Cover for Museums and Palaces Shop of IMC - Instituto dos Museus e da Conservação of Portugal. Now a days with a new name DGPC - Direção-Geral do Património Cultural - has different organisms and services installed in Palácio Foz. The graphic work is part of a communication campaign in which different graphic applications were developed. We will post more soon. Check : 30th Anniversary of Casa Museu Dr. Arastácio Gonçalves in Lisbon.
C R E D I T S :
Title : CMAG - Casa Museu Dr. Arastácio Gonçalves
Client : IMC - Instituto dos Museus e da Conservação
Production Company : Tokyo o’Clock Studio
Role : Art-Direction, Graphic Design
When : 2011