I think I should be getting back to posting about my artwork before people forget that I am a artist, lol.
Here is a small painting that is a little unusual, since it is sort of very abstract, with just a reference to a landscape in the title. The technique is closely related to Decalcomania, pioneered by the Surrealists Max Ernst and Óscar Domínguez. The "Inner Landscape" I allude to stems from Der Innere Erdteil by Albert Paris Gütersloh who was professor at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste and the teacher of the 5 great artists of the Vienna School of Fantastic Realism (Wiener Schule des Phantastischen Realismus).
go to the image on my Flickr - right click and select 'open in new tab'
on my website:
acrylic glazes on masonite - 30 cm x 24 cm - 2013Original artwork in he Collection of Dr. Cornelia Mensdorff-Pouilly, Vienna, Austria, the Director of the Ernst Fuchs Museum
Prints are available in my Pixels Store where you would also find a lot of related merchandise, such as:
and many more .........
Some time ago I had even used details from this painting to create the design for a scarf, available in my VIDA Signature Design Shop:
Visit my website

at the Ernst Fuchs Museum
shared it on twitter https://twitter.com/visionaryartcom/status/968655613554290689
something I always do, not just my own stuff, actually a lot more by other artists
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
Great to see this painting here - resteemed! Have a good time freezing in Austria my dear ;D
Oh, regarding the witness issue: What happened to the vote? Still missing your vote...
@thomasheindl - idk what I did wrong before. Guess I did it now.
Maybe go soliciting #steemit-austria - there should be votes to get from them. If you were here, you could come to one of our monthly Stammtisch, organized by @nicoletta but no, you are in a tropical paradise and mock the less fortunate that are freezing their ass off here! Rub it in about freezing - right now, the place I came from in Canada, Lethbridge, is warmer than Vienna!
Always the fault of the Russians!
At least in Canada, it was always our own fault (i.e. a Canadian Arctic front) - and on that one, the Americans blamed us all the time for their miserable weather. It was always " a Canadian cold front", never a "Alaskan cold front", lol
And here you find comprehensive reportage about the February Stammtisch of #steemit-austria