In my network of over 500 Visionary, Surrealist and Fantastic Realist Artists, published at the VISIONARY ART GALLERY there are a few here on Steemit. Should I have missed some, please let me know in the comments. The VAG is currently a construction zone since I am changing it over to a new template, and also the Flash embedded slide shows from the private network on Ning are not working anymore. Some artist pages have already been fixed - I was doing my friends first, but eventually all will be done, a project I estimate will take me until Summer.
Below find the ones I know about and am following here on Steemit
VLADA MIRKOVIC @vladamirkovicart
REINHARD SCHMID @reinhard-schmid
DENNIS KONSTANTIN @denniskonstantin
KATHLEEN SCARBORO @kathleenscarboro
SIGRID NEPELIUS @sigrid.nepelius
a tireless supporter, organizer and publisher of our art community
BONNY HUT@visionaryart
trailblazing organizer of the visionary artists community in Australia, and valued partner in our community
Australian artist, now successful owner of a gallery in Melbourne was the first to bring our community together. He also curated several successful exhibitions of our genre in the USA.
There are a number of great artists here on Steemit that are not members of the VA Network, but once the dust settles on my "construction project" I aim to add several artists that I am also following here to my website.
UPDATED March 6 2020:
I deleted dead links in the footer to a image server that no longer exists.
I added 8 more artists that were left off the list when I first posted it. This was made possible because now editing is open after the latest Hard Forks. I may add more once I add them to VAG or become aware of additional VAG artists on Steemit.
Visit my website


at the Ernst Fuchs Museum
Congratulations @thermoplastic, it is too late to vote, but your article is not lost on the Steem. It is in hooked to the SteemWiki now, in the category Steem Special.
interesting, thanks - another useful link in my toolbox
Sorry for trolling here but I'm not sure have you seen it :)
you are not trolling! Thanks for putting this up! So far, I did not get around to it, but I did upload all my pics on Flickr: - you will find your pic on there also.
I saw your albums on Fb, like that you went to Snezana studio, it was interesting to see her work place. Hope you liked our small ''crazy'' country and will visit it more :)
So many familiar faces on your flickr post, many people there know personally and others by work :) It was nicely visited opening and well held and organised.
I am sharing this on Twitter:
and on Facebook:
Thanks for the informative post dear Otto ! I try to find my colleagues from the Visionaries but thsi post will help me on this.. and also thanks for mentioning me on the list ! :)
Thank you for sharing these artists. Will definitely follow.
You are absolutely right about Facebook, Otto, for the same reason I came here to Steemit . It's nice to see you here.
If it wasn't for staying in touch with friends, I would quit FB already. The censorship and the spam bots are going totally on my nerves. It is so that you cannot add a link in a comment, you get hit for spam! Sometimes even postings in groups - I am admin in several groups, and ever so once in a while I have to release some perfectly legit postings after the Facebook gnomes marked them for spam.
You are definitely the number one networker and promoter of this kind of art. Nice to see more of the tribe joining and contributing!
lets hope so - I really don't understand why so many I had talked to about it are still sitting on the fence!
At some point I will send out a broadcast - for all the good it did in the past, lol.
You know, some get it and some don't.. I have come to just accept that. And that is why they say: Jeder ist seines Glückes Schmi(e)d ;-)
@reinhard-schmid - I just added this to my Facebook group message:
This whole tread reminds me of a event back in Stockholm decades ago when I lived in Sweden: some TV reporter dressed as Santa (on candid camera) was handing out money on the street corner. People were eyeing him with suspicion, and hardly anyone took it - some even took it but threw it away! It was real money!
And yet I remember scammers on Facebook here that took artists for fees to join their websites, or to be in some book, and artists tripped all over themselves to give them their money. Go figure that one out!
Geben ist seliger denn Nehmen ;-)
Yes! big thanks Otto!
Very interested
Great initiative with some fantastic art featured here in your post.
I am an artist/writer/lightworker; but to date have only posted digital art here on Steemit due to my temporary hobbled housing situation.
Here is one of my recent digital collages:
I am off to check out some of your links now; thanks for the heads up.
this is a nice work - I will follow you and see what you are up to
Follow happily reciprocated.
Many thanks Otto for this informative post! I immediately had to follow a bunch of great fellow artists :) up and re ...
it is not easy getting them all - I keep a list now on my computer. As long as the post is still open to edit, I will add if more show up, otherwise I just post an update with a link to this one.

There are a number of posts on Steemit about artists, but not any that are really comprehensive. I don't claim mine is (but I am putting in an effort) - and I need to add those (separate post) that are not members of VA - so hopefully in time we have more.
On the website I am adding a steemit badge with a link to the artists accounts here (you can't see it on this background, but it is a round png):
Thank you Otto for connecting us all, good to be in contact with you and the rest! Hi from Ibiza!
Hi Romanie - I am glad I found you in time to add to the list!