#1 Weekly Hipster Sacrifice - "I don't have internet. I read books, dude."

in #art7 years ago (edited)


I'm afraid I'm a hipster. I'm sorry, but I think I am.
I get up in the morning thinking I'm a person like any other but then I look in the mirror and I see this beard ...

barba e piercing (0-00-00-00).png

I wear checked shirts by fastening them to the last button ...

camicia (0-00-00-00).png

And sometimes I wear these ...

BIRKENSTOCK (0-00-00-00).png

Even the way the photos of this post are stylized and formatted screams hipster from all pores. With this fake polaroid look ... who the fuck do I think I am ?! Everyone knows that in reality the photos were taken with an iPhone. Only to then process them to give them a vintage look. Jesus Christ!
Is it possible to be more hipster than that?
There was also a period, not so long ago, in which I always used to shoot with an actual Polaroid ...

polaroid (0-00-00-00).png

And instead of taking selfies I took snapshots. Several.
What a pretentious asshole!
Furthermore, it must be said that if there is one thing that all the hipster have in common, it is precisely the fact that they do not want to admit that they are hipsters; so the fact that I try to deny my nature does nothing but strengthen my hipsteritude (I know, this word does not exist, but I'm a hipster, I can invent words).

 TITOLETTO The Solution (0-00-00-00).png

Today is an important day. I inaugurate a process of change that will lead me to be a better person. A process that will ensure that the hipster who is hiding in me (not even that well) is flushed out, vilified and exiled.
Today I start the Weekly Hipster Sacrifice.
Every week I will exhibit one of the aspects that irritates me most about this movement. Then I will proceed to sacrifice myself on the altar of repentance in order to redeem my sins.
Here we go.
First Episode.

If you want to help me exorcise the hipster in me, let me know something that you would like to be put on the sacrificial altar. And tell me the way you would like to see the sacrifice performed. Let your imagination fly. The-beard likes challenges.

See you guys around.
BADGE w BG.png


A beautiful beard
And the shoes of your humility hhhh

Thank you! You’re too kind 😁

Accipicchia, ma io una barba così la voglio anch'io!
Pure le ciabatte sono comode, visto che non riesco a piegare i piedi ;-)
Steemitri The Mannequin

P.S. il colpo in testa lo eviterei, haha... andrebbe plastica ovunque

Ahahahah! Steemitri, dammi retta. Tieniti il tuo volto glabro. Mangiare o bere qualsiasi cosa sono diventate un incubo. Mi sbrodolo peggio di un novantenne senza dentiera.
Sto veramente pensando di tagliarla, o almeno accorciarla.
Peccato però che abbia costruito la mia intera persona su Steemit intorno al fatto di avere la barba. Quindi mi sa che sono fregato ahahahah!!!

Mi sfogherò giustiziandomi una volta a settimana.

E tu sta lontano dalle armi! Non posso perdere il mio amico manichino! : )

Al massimo te la disegni la barba o usi un po' di carbone... Fake-beard, yeah ;-)
Se vuoi ti do una mano per tagliarla, ho ancora lo sbuccia-patate... ho esperienza, vedi qui

Ahahahahahah!!! Rassicurante.
Lo terrò a mente : )

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