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RE: Steemit exclusive WORLD PREMIERE of THE JUJU GUM CONSPIRACY / Episode 03 / S.O.F.I.E.

in #art7 years ago (edited)


What the Hellllll. My god guys this is so good. What is happening??? What is that weird massage wand? Crazy hypnosis tech? Didn't they use that on Paul?? o.O

Dude seriously. The part of the song that goes "Kill it! Kill it! Kill it!" is SO addictive. It gets stuck in my head and makes me want to dance or something, move my body in some way. Sounds so cool.

Really awesome coordination between the camera, the clicking sound (clock?), and script/acting at 1:35! :D

I was super tripped out at 6:02 with how the blonde told them, "There is a bright future here for you" while shaking her head as if to say "no." Was that intentional? Totally wacked out combo of affirmation/denial.

I also really liked the use of minimalism in the music in the scene at 6:50. The percussion almost had a jazzy feel, which coupled with the honest seriousness of the very unusual situation aided in a disassociative feel. The slow inclusion of the terrifying kind of dissonant wave pad sound worked well to accentuate the unsettling information she was sharing.

Honestly guys this is jam packed with goodies and I can't even write out all the little things I noticed or giggled at. I'm sure I missed stuff, too. The entire film seems to have an infectious kind of quality, itself. Feels like.. BRAINWASHING O_O


First of all you need to be a film blogger or film critic or something like that. The episode barely posted and you write a full essay on it. Some of your thoughts are deeper then mine on the subject :) Most of it is intentional. Every line in this episode is word for word from the script. Some scenes allow improv but not this time. You watched our original plan. That track in the office I made using the jack of an electric guitar plugging it in and out scratching the string with it. My madness has a method.
This track is called Paul's office

It's okay if you are losing your mind as long as you keep chewing everything will be alright...

@vachemorte, I've basically been watching them twice back to back haha :) And I just finished a class for film music appreciation so I guess I'm primed to provide feedback xD

Dude, that is extremely clever and creative sound design. I don't think I ever would have thought of that. It sounds so much like a clock. How did you come to the decision to make the sound that way? Especially so in the context of the film, I feel like the true nature of the sound as a guitar is completely obscured. I can't imagine that basically any audience member would ever guess they were hearing guitar sounds there.

Well. If your goal was to have me wonder Who is this clever yet sharp tajmikel ?
You succeeded. I am listening to one of your loop improvs right now because I want to know you. You loop, you use feedback. I loop, I use feedback. We are now bound, because if I understand your music, I understand you. Thank you for being a champion chewer. As I write this I am still digesting all the comments I received 2 days ago...
Now for that particular track I wanted to have the feeling of an oppressive constricting office cubicle and slow clock ticking.

Thank you man and thank you for checking out of my stuff! :) I'm really impressed to have found such detailed and one of a kind work like yours on Steemit. :)

I really dig the looper and want to make more videos but I've been buried neck deep in two metal projects :D I'm going to start posting them here soon, but they're not quite ready yet (imo). Maybe we can collaborate on something sometime! :O :D

I think you definitely achieved that feel with the track, and I'm still blown away that they are guitar sounds! Seems like a good lesson in thinking outside the box :D

I like metal that's a fact. Take the Jungle book story but change the animals for a Metal band and this is pretty much how I grew up.
When you are back from your trip you can join in my project Steemit Orchestra which is me jamming with my fav! I made one already you can find it if you looking for it. Peace

Dude your Steemit Orchestra is one of the reasons I pulled the trigger on joining Steemit! My Dad shared it with me and I shared it with my improv guitar buddy. I'd be honored and super happy to participate :D I was wondering how you guys actually produced it, are you all in the same city of did you use internet magic?

internet magic. Working on 002 and 003 right now. You could jump in later after your trip we'll stay in touch. If you did join steemit because of that this amazing...!!!! Did you heard that @buckydurddle and @davidfar?

Awesome sounds great man, I'll look forward to it :) Wishing you super continued success with JUJU GUM CONSPIRACY, and see you in a few weeks!

Very cool @tajmikel Great to have you with us.

Thanks, @buckydurddle, very happy to be here! :)

Your comments are worthy of a prize in and of themselves, I love you scrutinizing all the small details. I did a degree in psychology which I never pursued but combined with my interest in conspiracies I tried to add some trueish stuff into the script. The percussion in the hypnosis part reminds me of when the snake is hypnotizing people in the jungle book, it wasn't really intentional but it occurred to me afterwards :)

@juliakponsford, haha thank you, ma'am :) Honestly I'm watching each episode twice as I write my comments. You guys put A LOT of work into this and there is a lot for me to notice and react to as an audience member. While watching episode 4 I was thinking that I wished I was watching it with you guys so you could see my actual reactions. Some of them are hard to convey in message format because they're emotive rather than verbal.

I think it's cool that you incorporated some realism into the film in terms of both the conspiracy theories and the mind control. I've probably spent more hours than are healthy reading about conspiracy theories lol. I think they make some of the BEST scifi on the market today xD Good call on the Jungle Book! I went and checked that scene out and the cadence definitely has the same kind of feel.

Oh man we would love to see people's faces and exactly where they laughed etc. We have showed it to some friends so webe had some live reactions and it's pretty awesome, you don't live in Montreal do you? 😀 I love conspiracy theories, I'm pretty moderate and on the fence about most of them but idk why I find it so fascinating, exactly like you said it's good science fi basically. When preparing to write the script we were watching videos about targeted individuals and gangstalking and we found some pretty wierd stuff 😮

I live in the deserts of New Mexico! Haha. I didn't know you guys were from Canada, though, so hi nice to meet you! :) lol.

Yeah I love conspiracies, too. Now a days I watch the new stuff develop every time a new president is elected xD I also tend to be pretty moderate. New Mexico has a lot of prominent conspiracies like Roswell, Taos, and Dulce. Sometimes I see weird stuff in the sky. One night (what I think was) a drone that looked like it was out of Terminator, bigger than any drone I've ever seen, slowwwlly flew right over me and my house, maybe 100 feet up. It was very strange and I've never seen anything like it, but I don't think it was alien or even necessarily black ops. Just unknown to me/unfamiliar.

Then again, maybe it was alien or black ops.

O_O lol

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