RE: Steemit exclusive WORLD PREMIERE of THE JUJU GUM CONSPIRACY / Episode 03 / S.O.F.I.E.
I live in the deserts of New Mexico! Haha. I didn't know you guys were from Canada, though, so hi nice to meet you! :) lol.
Yeah I love conspiracies, too. Now a days I watch the new stuff develop every time a new president is elected xD I also tend to be pretty moderate. New Mexico has a lot of prominent conspiracies like Roswell, Taos, and Dulce. Sometimes I see weird stuff in the sky. One night (what I think was) a drone that looked like it was out of Terminator, bigger than any drone I've ever seen, slowwwlly flew right over me and my house, maybe 100 feet up. It was very strange and I've never seen anything like it, but I don't think it was alien or even necessarily black ops. Just unknown to me/unfamiliar.
Then again, maybe it was alien or black ops.
O_O lol