RE: Art journal: Monster Tinnitus
Sounds very logical. Will not refute your conviction and distract you from this "cure" (acceptance is always half the cure). You did, however, cause me to defy logic, today, when your art brought me total relief.
Let me explain.
While what you say is exactly what my mother says "don't think about it", I had a lovely day today, forced to think about it because I was remarkably (couldn't help but notice) tinnitus free!! I believed your monster (on my wall now) and I had made peace! (I attribute healing powers to your art, just so you know. Must be all that shamanic hat burning that swayed me that way.)
I once knew an artist (okay he was a little nuts on a good day and a raving looney on a lesser one) who said this kind of hearing anomaly (for those who are "too young"- so much for statistics - to have these issues, my aurist said the same) was an indication of a hyper-sensitivity to electro-magnetic vibes. Or negative thoughts in the air waves. Or alien communications.
He was pretty convinced of the latter. But I don't think it helped him adjust to the condition any better; it may have added to his insomnia....
I also heard (no, read) some people think it is the hyper-sensitivity to electro-magnetic vibes. I really wanted to believe this, but I'm not hyper-sensitive. Well, at least not concerning my ears. In the Netherlands or in New Zealand, on a silent grassland or in the restroom of a diy shop ... everywhere I hear it the exact same way. That would be too coincidental (and aliens could not be so consistent! :)
For me that proofs the problem is beind my eardrum.
Since when did you have this Or had this?