We like to hide painted rocks! It's like a perpetual Easter Egg hunt... ♥
Now, a year or so ago, we discovered the 'Kindness Rocks project', and it is a wonderful way to share your artwork and bring a smile to strangers all around your area!
You simply paint rocks and hide them in public areas for others to find!
In our particular area, this was SUPER popular for about a year, and then interest sort of petered out. A few die-hard hiders were still working, but most people were just finding rocks and not hiding any.
Lame, right?
Recently, my kids have decided to try and bring interest back to rock hiding! They have painted up a huge batch of rocks and are bringing some to hide every time we go out! Here are a few that they took on our errand-running trip yesterday.
@SnekLady's rocks^
her little brother's rocks
Unfortunately, I did not think to bring my camera along, as I was distracted by annoying things like grocery lists and not forgetting important stops we had to make... So I did not get any pictures of the neat places they chose to hide their rocks.
Most were left at and near a local playground, and a couple at our library. ♥
They still have a large stockpile of rocks waiting to be hidden, and plain rocks ready to paint! Hopefully we can hide enough and talk about it enough to spark a renewed interest in rock-hiding!
@Powellx5 recently made a couple posts about something called #freearttuesday, which is apparently something that is part of the free art movement. I had never heard of this, and I think it is AWESOME!! This is in the same family of the rock hiding, only it is not limited to rocks! You hide many kinds of artwork for people to find, spreading a love of and appreciation of art, not to mention the SMILES!
In this day and age, I think we can agree, spreading smiles and positivity is a GREAT thing, and sorely needed!
So we will continue hiding rocks, and other types of artwork as well. I hope others will join us in this movement!!
@Sneklady has some neat ideas of things to make and hide!
Do any of you participate in rock hiding or free art hiding? Tell us about it! Lets spread the love! ♥
Thank you so much for participating in #freearttuesday. This post has been curated in this week’s Free Art Tuesday post, and there’s a little thank you gift in your wallet!
Cool, thank you very much! ♥
There are people who paint and hide rocks where we live, too. I didn' t know anything about it until I happened to find two pretty rocks while on a walk. It's a fun activity!
Yes it is, isnt it?!
Great for kids and growups alike. You get artsy-fartsy time when you paint and prepare them, and then later on you get to go on a nice walk to hide them and look for more.
My wife knows all about this. She explained it all to me.