Digital Smoke Signals, Fractal Mixing Sessions and Microwaves.
I've got a couple tracks I'm working on, none of them close to being done but I don't want to slip up and not post haha. So I brainstormed with some of the greatest minds on steemit @odrau, @eonwarped and @hz432creations.
Boom 3 great ideas haha.
Digital Smoke Signals
So first I made a couple digital smoke signals. Can you figure out what they mean?
They all say something in psychedelic smoke signal, tell me what you think in the comments haha.
Buy some of these fractal microwaves on the internet and enjoy your life.
Session Fractalized for Depth
Last but not least, boom H-zed shared an image of his mixing session and here are my photo hacks.
Thanks for the ideas, hope you enjoyed this shit post.
More music coming soon. Infinite Lovewaves.
Whoa now thats...
Gotta rub my eyes because everything looks so trippppppyyyyyyyy
'Microwaves' – bwahahahaha! Hilarious.
Fractal Microwaves may cause fires :)
Whoa! Very creative indeed, I like the microwave ones the best.
Beware, fractal microwaves may cause explosions.
🤣 just beautiful!!
intensity, groovy, flow, chill, mellow.
Does it make Fractal popcorns?
Fractal cats might be better :)
Do the Fractal Flamangoes next! hahha
This is the final blow I needed to get some sleep hahhaha
Thanks for the inspiration haha.
Your mixing session hacks are amazing!
Thank you, these were funny to make.
Sir, your fractal microwave has a cat inside. Is it alright?
The cat doesn't matter because...
cracking up at this gif. it makes so much sense
The last picture looks like the control deck of a star ship...
Maybe it is Amber, maybe it is