Trying Out Watercolors - Butterflies and Blooms!

in #art6 years ago

Hello all! Oddly enough, I have never really tried watercolor paints before. Oh, as a child I am sure I painted with them, but I had no idea what I was doing. Now, as a grown adult, I have higher standards and actually want to develop a skill rather then just slather on paint (though, sometimes I do make a slather and paint painting just for fun of course), and so I have begun to paint with watercolors and man are they fun!

I love how I can use ink to draw a picture and then basically color it in with watercolors, since my drawing skills are much better then my painting ones. I also love the natural look of the colors and the way I can control the opacity and values, however they are still a little difficult to get used to. Practice makes perfect! 

I am stoked to show you guys the two watercolor paintings I made these past couple days, both of which took me about 3-5 hours. I used a pencil to get down the concepts, and then outlined the drawings in pen. Then, I attempted watercolor painting! And without a proper pallet too, silly me. I realize now the little bowls of the pallet are important to keep it all even and controlled rather then willy nilly like I usually do with acrylic. After I had painted and everything had dried, I finished it all up with some pen details to make it look nice and clean.

Honestly, I surprised myself with these! It was a good art day.... the next day when I tried things did not turn out so well... I have very good art days and very bad ones too....

First off, we have "spread your roots and bloom" which is the first one I attempted!

Secondly, we have some butterfly studies on butterflies from British Columbia, referenced from my new book! 

Although I could use some practice, I think these turned out beautifully! Painting with watercolors is my new favorite, and I think I am going to paint some bumble bees, cherry blossums and chickens soon too, as well as many more plants and butterflies. I think that watercolors might just be the ticket to making amazing life studies!

I so want to paint these cute chickens, and beautiful blossums and sunsets too. So many things!

And on another note, we found out what has been attacking our chickens lately. Last night I got up in the middle of the night to go pee, when I heard chickens being distressed and a ruckus going on my the coop. When I rushed over there in nothing more then a blanket, I found a fucking raccoon inside the coop! I spooked it and started screaming, because the thing was huge, I was half asleep and it was hissing at me. It literally was up to my waist and spent like 2 minutes  freaking the fuck out and climbing all over the walls and the roof of the coop trying to escape. Eventually, Ryan the ninja showed up and scared it out of the coop and we had to figure out where it came in. Luckily, no chickens were harmed, but one poor red hen was stuck outside and terrified as it was just about raccoon dinner. It was clucking and staring off into this distance, but she is fine now thank goodness! What a fiasco, we have a lot of work to do today. 

And on another weird chicken note, I was sorting through the hoard shed when I found a surprise! The oddest stash of chicken eggs I have ever come across.... When tested, they are a little old but all seem still good since they were in the shade. But like what the fuck chicken bitches? Obviously it was just one or two red ones up in here, but like seriously what the heck? this is 15 eggs here..... on the second shelf, behind some random shit. 

Anywho, thank you all for checking this post out! We have been busy around here, and there is no end of things to do. So off I go! I gotta do some homework and build things and get compost and this and that and that and this! I hope to share more art and interesting experiences soon in the future...

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Hey beautiful work for being new at water colors😍 im now following you . I just found the list of the 20180424_200658.jpg
On one of @wwf pages .💚 aloha and im excited to see more posts 🌺

Sweet! Nice to meet you <3

LOL! Damn crazy chicken bitches! ;) We are getting our baby chicks soon... should be tomorrow actually! Super excited!

You water painting is wonderful, especially since youre only starting out. My sister has recently gotten in to water painting and she loves it! And that shot of the flowering tree is awesome! Love it!

Our chickens are cray cray. I sooo am excited for baby chicks, this broody hen makes me nervous though. I am also suprised at myself with the watercolors, though I always see room for improvement, I suppose being an artist is like that :P (I want to paint the flowering tree!)

I think that would be a beautiful painting! I think theres ALWAYS room for improvement in most of everything we do in life! Everyday can be a new experience if thats what you want and with every new experience theres something new to learn! Looking forward to seeing your flowering tree painting. :)

yess I agree, I always am improving, its quite enjoyable to see the progress. I hope to paint chickens soon too!

These were your first try at watercolors?! Seriously envious of your talent. You should keep it up! If this is what you came up with with little experience in the medium you’re going to create some amazing stuff as you develop your skill. Thanks for sharing your evolution as an artist with us. 🙂

Yeah I am stoked! I find such satisfaction in developing skills slowly, especially with art. Its my new favorite medium, I just need more paper to keep up with my practice aahaha. Thank you for joining me in my journies <3

Nice check you out, I would be well happy with myself if I could paint this good xx

Practice! I think I only succeeded because I got to draw it with pencil and then pen first, so I was just coloring it in which is easier I believe.

You paint alright! That butterfly is painted just as well.

Thanks, by the way for being part of the @asapers

Thank you!

The pleasure is mine. Thanks, more.

beautiful works of art! love that you're connecting with your local ecology in this way. i've been trying to paint more, too, and it's so refreshing! looks beautiful where you are!

It is such a pleasurable way to connect, I am going to get really into painting things I find around our forest with watercolors and learn to identify all of the bees, flowers and butterflies :P I love to paint, its a really nice focus, one of the rare things i really can focus on.

Your watercolors are beautiful! I'm glad you figured out what was going on with your chickens.

Thank you very much <3

Great post @skycae :)

Those butterflies are gorgeous, wow! Thanks for sharing. ❤️

Thank you for taking the time to visit me :P I shall be painting more!

Beautiful pictures and paintings! And it funny when the chickens lay alllll over? hahaha. mine do it too. I put an old dog crate with a bunch of fall leaves in it in a "hidden" spot in their run, they like laying in there as their act of rebellion now haha

thats a good idea! damn anarchist chickens lol. Thank you for stopping by to comment thoughtfully, I enjoy it!

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