Art and Blockchain [Part3]: Creativechain

in #art7 years ago (edited)

ATH - Digital Painting 2018

Dear friends and followers,

in my third part about Art an Blockchain, I want to talk about a new blockchain and marketplace for creatives called Creativechain. But let me start with a new creativity tag, that I discovered a few days ago.


I discovered this tag at twitter and as the name implies, participants should make a sketch every day of May. The whole thing is meant as a "daily exercise to build immunity to perfectionism. Any medium, anything goes."

After I already took part in last year's #penciltember (which happened right before #inktober), I thought it could be another great possibility to increase productivity and to improve my skills.

The first sketch, I did is called "ATH (All Time High)" and I've made it using the Sketchpad app. I've also put it on ascribe as an edition of 10. So feel free to contact me, if you're interested in owning a copy.

Bildschirmfoto 2018-05-03 um 15.32.25.png

The second sketch I did is called "Novice" and I've done it using the app ArtRage Studio.

Novice - Digital Painting 2018


For the distribution of this sketch, I tried out a new blockchain based app called Creativechain, which has been a bit tricky, because I actually had to upgrade my OS to Mac OSX 10.13 to get it running.

Creativechain is a...

Blockchain platform for multimedia registration and distribution that indelibly certifies the intellectual properties and their distribution licenses of digital art. [...] Aimed at all artists, musicians, designers, writers and professionals in the audiovisual sector who produce digital content and use the Internet to sell or distribute their creations among their fans and followers.


Screenshot from my Creativechain user profile


They've also created their own crypto-curreny called "CREA Coin", which is already tradable at several exchanges.

CREA is the first cryptocurrency created and designed to satisfy the needs of all creative communities that produce and distribute digital content. A global currency that doesn’t belong to any state or government and can be used around the world without geographical or political barriers. [...] The cryptocurrency is anonymous and no one is obliged to reveal its identity, which makes of CREA a perfect currency to register contents anonymously.


Every action, like publishing a work, updating your profile or liking the work of someone else costs a fraction of CREA. But you also get some CREA in return, when people like your works.

Creative Commons

When you upload a work, you have to choose a Creative Commons license (which I like a lot), but you cetainly can decide, if you want it to be a free license (like CC0) or something very limited (like CC-BY-NC-ND).

The different available CC-licenses

You can further decide, if you want to make a full resolution version available and if you would like to charge users some CREA-Coins for the full download. This way, you could even provide source-files, a whole music-album or the like.

The use of the Creativechain app itself is absoltuely free:

Creativechain is an open source program (for Win/Mac/Linux) that has been published and is available to anyone without charging any fees.


Giveaways and Challenges

When you decide to join, you will most likely get some free CREA-Coins and there are weekly challenges, where you can win more free CREAs for participation.

The challenges are open to public of all ages. Simply download the Creativechain’s app, create an entry fitting with the challenge, add the specific tag, and you’re in!


"FORK" - My latest #maysketchaday contribution - Acrylic on canvas paper - 2018


Creativechain is a promising new approach to let creatives distribute their content to their audience without intermediaries. It is meant for all kind of "artists, musicians, designers, writers and professionals in the audiovisual sector, who produce digital content."

You should definitely check out the website, twitter and @creativechain Steemit account for more infos!!

Thanks for reading!


Here are the other parts of my Art and Blockchain series:

Part1 - Bitmark
Part2 - Ascribe



Thanks for your support. This entry is really nice!

We encourage all the artists to join our community and post their creative works! There is a nice registration reward available :)

Damn! So many things to explore, so little brain capacity to explore with.

Haha, blockchain-art is really booming right now. Feels like their is something new in this field every week ;-)

Super post, danke für die Infos... hatte creativechain schon auf dem Radar, konnte es aber bislang nicht installieren. Heute ging es plötzlich :-)

Cool, das freut mich :-)
Habe dort direkt erstmal eines deiner Werke erstanden. 1 CREA ist ja echt preiswert ;-)

Danke, freut mich. Muss mich da auch erst mal reinfünferln... dachte 1 Crea für einen Download ist okay. Noch dazu, wo ich da nirgends eine Limitierung sehe, oder ein eigenes Zertifikat zur Datei... kann auch einfach sein, dass ich da noch nicht alles verstehe :-b

Ach klar, ist für mich auch noch alles neu. Ich dachte nur, dass $0.15 echt günstig ist. Immerhin kann man mit der Datei schon ganz gute Drucke in 35x40cm erzeugen oder sie (unter Erwähnung des Urhebers) auf einer Webseite oder in einem Artikel einbinden.

Aber solange es noch nicht so viele Benutzer bei der #creativechain gibt, muss man den Preis wahrscheinlich erstmal etwas niedriger ansetzen, da man sonst gar nichts verkauft...

Nice concept and they have come up with a easy to understand and marketable name.

The thing which makes me happy is the use of blockchain. When we will see more uscecases of blockchain and things like creastivechain coming out of it then it is going to be the best part and then we will have internet full of blockchain.

Blockchain hitting the places.

I saw the first drawing as a sexy girl sitting, may be waiting for someone, and the second like monkey looking in the mirror, the 3rd more complicated chaos life. that is what I can read from your painting. You may meant it different sorry @shortcut, :D

This art is strange but interesting. Looking at it, it brings out deep thoughts.

creativechain will be a trending tag in upcoming days. Have you used the artzone tag also?

Not yet! I saw several comments while curating #creativecommons content, though. Are you involved in @artzone as a curator?


I especially like the Novice!

Keepin' it short, Internet problems, waiting for new modem :-/

Thanks a lot :-) I'm quite busy today, so I'm also keeping it short.

:-) Found out from customer service my modem is from 2008 -- I guess that's pretty old in modem years. This is driving me crazy, our phone and Internet cut out about every 10 minutes.

Argh! I guess the hardware power nearly doubles every two years, so it's eventually time for an upgrade. Poor internet connection is quite a downside of living in the countryside.

Then I'm long overdue, these past few days without a steady Internet connection have been so frustrating!

Thank you so much for this post! I certainly hope this is the place where I decide to stay after my first enthusiasm and hype of new things and places has worn out.

I will definitely check it out.

You're most welcome. Right now there are a lot of interesting developments in this branch, but creativechain really has some potential ;-)

I am very interested, but I know I do not have in the field you mentioned, so I just congratulate the work, good luck always, I will continue to follow who will be the winner

There will be no particular winner. Everyone, who uses the #maysketchaday just does it for fun and self-improvement and everyone can start using #creativechain, wether for showcasing or viewing art and other creative stuff.

ok, thanks for the information, i have no artistic talent at all, i can not draw, ha ha ha

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