If all else fails...color!

in #art7 years ago


I know that is not the usual application to, "if all else fails" but in my hot mess world it applies perfectly.

Stress, got plenty of that. Chaos, more than plenty. Worry, seems like more than my share. With these fun things going on in my life, I get all jumbled up inside, my ADD goes into over drive and I can't function. Meditation helps, (getting back into that.) Music helps. Meds can help and self medication is an option.

Hence, when all else fails...color. Coloring calms me down and makes me focus in the moment on what I am doing. It takes me out of what is going on around me and helps me settle down. Once settled, my world doesn't seem so impossible and I can manage. The bonus is that I get a beautiful piece of art. Nice!

So, If things get crazy and you can't seem to get a handle on what is going on...if all else fails...Color!
Can't hurt, might help.


really liking the cool color scheme you got going on in this one... need to help you get these pics bigger so we can see the awesomeness better!! :)

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