My place in Jersey City // sexdeathrebirth
Part of the wall collages in the living room.
This is a timelapse of me putting up the main wall...
SexDeathRebirth // Jersey City from Joan Pope on Vimeo.
Part of the wall collages in the living room.
This is a timelapse of me putting up the main wall...
SexDeathRebirth // Jersey City from Joan Pope on Vimeo.
I was literally thinking just yesterday how I liked your wall, and now I can see it made before my eyes! I’m a bit weird for focusing on odd details like that ...
Haha... perfect timing on my part 😇
Was that a Traktor S4 I saw in there?
It's the S2!
They're handy little machines. I won my S4 in a Mixcloud competition, but it is currently round my brothers. He had my old mixer, from like 1997 or something mental, which basically kept working on will power alone. I lent him my thing so he could just run his decks through it.
I, unfortunately, don't have space to set it up. In all the places where I'd have music things, there are children instead.
im in love with all your work, and to this.. thanks 😊
Thank you so much! 😘💕
You should have your own "make-over your house" reality tv show. From suck to rad! Way to make an ugly wall beautiful, nice work!
I would love to do that!
the place of inspiration... amazing
thank you!
Nice. I like post you @sexdeathrebirth