Paintings of Artists of the USSR
Starovoitov Gennady Semyonovich (1929-2006) "Polar Poppies" 1973
Bogaevskaya Olga Borisovna (1915-2000) "Still Life" 1960
Ryazhsky Georgiy Georgievich (1895-1952) "Collective Farmer-Brigadier" 1937
Skuridin Valeriy Borisovich (1917-1983) "Still life in imitation of Vrubel" 1957
Konchalovsky Pyotr Petrovich (1876-1956) "Lilacs in a Vase on the Window" 1952
Chernushkin Nikolai Dmitrievich (1928-2001) "Flowers of the field" 1974
Kutilin Vladimir Aleksandrovich (1931) "Welder" 1968
Levitin Anatoly Pavlovich (1922) "Portrait of the brigadier V.L. Rogoza »1975
Semenov Boris Alexandrovich (1917-1991) "Spring Factory" 1974
Gavrilenko Pavel Nikiforovich (1902-1961) "The Echelon is Coming" 1957
Pushnin Alexander Tikhonovich (1921-1991) The Carousel 1960
Boim (Boim) Solomon Samsonovich (1899-1978) "New Friends" 1950s
Medyanikov Sergey Ivanovich (1955) «1st Poultry farm in the city of Simferopol» 1987
Safargalin Sergei (?) "May Day" 1963
Ermolaeva Rozalia Mikhailovna (1920-2004) The Yunnatka 1952
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