A Tribute to Fucking the Fear Turkey
A Hellsing Abridged Inspired Holiday Fan Art
Well, I guess holiday art is a loose term, but I did wake up yesterday morning with this little scene from Hellsing Abridged in my head where a letter by Alucard was being read off, saying that he was going to Fuck the Fear Turkey and thus was inspired to draw this.

The original was drawn with .07 pen and just a quick sketch upon waking up. I then put it into one of my favorite art aps, Pixlr and used the doodle option to color in and then altered it a bit more. I have to say, for my first piece of this kind, I am happy with the results.
Fuck the Fear Turkey Friday
The kitchen is closed, the food is wrapped up and your family is far, far away. Well, they are at least asleep. Now, this is your hour. This is your time to make those last minute plans for shopping on Black Friday. If you're a special kind of insane, you may be waiting out in the cold right now. You may be starry eyed, waiting for a deal. That is so 1999.
Today, they have that thing called the internet. You're reading from it right now. This series of tubes has shopping galore.
Still determined?
For those of you that are, you are, as they say... fucking the fear turkey. You are taking the most terrifying approach to both shopping and becoming even more intertwined with the capatalist framework that is slowly eating our souls. Congratulations. At least you'll get a deal!
Okay, no seriously.
If you haven't seen Hellsing Abridged, take a gander on YouTube. It's all in good fun.
Haha cool art!I love Helsing abridged all the characters are so much more enjoyable. Have you seen dragon ball Z abridged?
Honestly, I’ve never seen the actual health thing. I found the abridged version through a friend and started watching it and absolutely love it. I’m not always a huge fan of anime, but the ones that I do you watch I tend to like a lot. Dragonball Z, unfortunately it was one of those things that my nephews would make me watch while babysitting and gives me this horrible urge to drive a screwdriver in my eyeball. That being said I’ve never watch the abridged version because I haven’t gotten over that aversion. I have been told on a number of occasions that I should watch it though, but I don’t know LOL I’m hoping somebody takes the time to give us an abridged version of defin I have been told on a number of occasions that I should wash it though, but I don’t know LOL I’m hoping somebody takes the time to give us an abridged version of death note... I mean if we got that horrible live action thing that Netflix try to make us eight then we should be able to get an entertaining version as well.
Sidenote, you do mention that Helsing characters are much more enjoyable in the abridged version, would you say that is the case with dragon ball Z as well?