Second Last Day of the current show at my gallery.

in #artlast year


There is one wall dedicated to pets, and a bunch of space dedicated to friends. This is the Joy side of the show. I think the artist wanted to highlight coping mechanisms both good and bad in an increasingly difficult world. I've spoken less of the darker side of the show, I suppose, but here we are regardless.

This one, I have chosen to share today because of the different interpretations I've heard about it from guests.

The cat is named Holly. She's a rescue the artist took in a few years ago and has since implanted herself deeply into his heart. Up close, you can see her with no problem. She's sitting on a fence overlooking a tree line, enjoying the waning sun.

You stand back a bit, and all the shadows start to bleed together. She starts to look like a dark hole in the image. One guest thought that this photo was of a railway leading into a dark tunnel.

I think that's grand. A real Wile E. Coyote interpretation. I'm sure Holly wouldn't mind a bit of Roadrunner either, to be honest.

The artist left a white bar in several pieces, rather than cropping them to fit the frames he'd collected. Framing is a bit forbidding, so I'm not going to break any balls about it. I want to say too expensive, but not being able to easily afford something and the thing being too expensive are two very different concepts that I often try to explain to people about art in general. So I won't say too expensive. It's the materials that are dear. The labour is well worth it.

But I told him anyway, for down the road, try to get matting for these. Not only will it give them a boost in visual size appearance, it gives them a chic professional look, and MOST importantly, it prevents your artwork from bonding directly to glass and being ruined in time. Humidity makes fools of us all. I learned this the hard way with a few prints from a long time ago. Let my loss be your lesson.

And yes, as the title of this post says, tomorrow is the final day of this show. The artist asked to do a closing gala to try to get a few more people to come out, so we're doing a little gala.

I think I'm going to make a point to take a little more time to myself after this next show is finished. I have Fee Gunn coming up next, whose show last year was incredible. He's also next on my deep-dive back to the beginning of the gallery, so I guess I'll be lining those posts up.

And as ever, if you like what I have to show, you are more than welcome to tip us. I share all tips 50/50 with the artist presently showing.

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