Birth Day Blessing

in #art6 years ago

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Spinning Around The Sun

Many years ago on this same day, I emerged from my mothers womb. This is according to our Gregorian calendar system. A life changing and life creating event took place. I had been embodied up to that point, yet contained and merged with my mother. I emerged in this physical 3d structure, I was born. Today I became a brand new child, alive and clueless in this miraculous world.

It's an extra ordinary opportunity to celebrate this, the gift of life. Literally being gifted life. How often do I actually stop and think about this simple fact? I am alive and in this world, and I am having a relatively good run of it. How many beings do not have this opportunity to be alive right here and now? I have no way to know. What I do know is the preciousness of being here now.

How to honor this gift? By really being here! By bringing myself fully into this life! To fully come into the depth of what this mysterious life is.

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Thank You For Being Here!

You are a unique expression of life, you are no more or less special than any other expression of consciousness.

This is my opportunity to say thank you! Thank you for having me planet Earth. Thank you to the ever unfolding mystery that we are all woven into. This is something worth recognizing and contemplating. I want to show my gratitude by living and by acting. I want to demonstrate my gratitude by connecting fearlessly and authentically.

We come here to embody the truth and the beauty of our being, and to live that into the world.

The gift we have to give is our own playful genius - unimpeded by doubt and shame.

This is about the inner child, this is about reclaiming the innocence which is inherent in our nature. This is about realizing what we are before we piled so many thing on top. We want to play! We want to dance! We want to express ourselves without thinking about what someone thinks about it, or how much money its worth.

You know they say Hitler was rejected by an Art College before he 'went off the deep end'. Do we need a stronger example of why we shouldn't judge our expression? Why should our creative essence need to be something specific or live up to some standard? Surely our art won't develop into fullness - starting with so many expectations.

We are pure creation and creativity, we are a pure force which wants to express in the world, quite naturally - we manifest. We are changers, we are makers, we are the healing presence that the world needs. By being, by doing, by radiating who we really are regardless of the fear which tells us not to.

We are consciousness, pure and unimpeded. I invite you to express that joy and boundlessness.

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Bless you! May you find the fullness of your own particular expression. And may that fullness be in harmony and resonance with every one and every thing around you. May you be free, and may you release the things that no longer serve you.

May all children and inner children receive full love. And may our adult aspects create the space, understanding, and allowance for that. Let's cease our projections - we no longer wish to give our children what didn't work for us. We release our obsession with control.

This is my blessing, this is my intention going forward to effect things in ways I can't understand or imagine. In the knowledge that I come from that great essence of things, that I am powered by the infinite - then I can make these declarations, even from my limited human aspect.

Through being humbled to the greatness of consciousness its self - the human identity can be greatly blessed and empowered. Again we are no more or less than any other expression of life. We are all sourced in the same continual being and becoming. We are unified before we are divided. The division is just a strangeness of our perception.

Through connecting, expressing, and loving fearlessly we dwell once more in that unified space. That is our true space, that is where we belong by default.

I welcome you into that space, and if you have some sense in these words of what I mean, beyond words, then that is what I really mean. It's a feeling, it's a seeing, it's a perceiving. It's an allowing of what is - to simply be what it is without our straining to make it something else.

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The Heart of This Life

The mind is the great deceiver, in the sense that we believe in the continually emerging stories presented to us. We believe we are the stories in our minds, we believe in our projection about who we are and who everyone else is. These stories aren't real.

It's only stories that give the impression that we tainted. It's only stories that obscure the innocence and purity that we are born into. Conditioning and habit, the strange result of human association.

These stories tell us to seek this and that, to find satisfaction. We look into the world for something, we are continually seeking and adding. The strange thing is that by not adding anything at all - we can see that things are quite beautiful without our striving.

It's this one truth which is the only barrier to our true state of majesty. So I'm calling it out, and I am extending the opportunity to you - to ignore the stories that plague us. And to simply rest in our natural state of completion. Reveling in utter simplicity, with no need to make a special effort to get it right and make it better. That is nothing more than mind babble.

No thing to do
No one to be
No right to wrong
No half to complete

No other to other
No 'you' to 'me'
Pure and expansive
Like the sky and the sea

No death to be fearing
No end to be nearing
This spell that I weave
With the words I speak

Blessings and Gratitude
One Love

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Happy Birthday Love From The Nat Med Crew xxx

Thank you! Feeling highly blessed xxx

Posted using Partiko Android

happy belated birthday my friend, here's to a new one full of creation, love and connection xxx

Blessings and Gratitude
One Love

Should be a universal law for us human to get truely blessed.

Bless Up!

Posted using Partiko Android

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