A Brief Introduction to the Sacred Geometry that Surrounds Us
There is no shortage of beauty on a walk through the land--or even the food market. Every fruit and vegetable can show you the sacred geometry of creation.
Here is a series of photos I have taken of a flower, a pine cone, and romanesco (a food that tastes like cauliflower).
When I walk, I take time to be present, to connect with what is surrounding me. When you notice creation, the miracles of shapes and colors around you, a minute of your life can become eternity. We are one with the sacred shapes of flowers, seeds, mathematics, colors, and life.
This observation is a form of meditation. Observe and acknowledge the mystery of creation before our eyes. These shapes are telling us something. Something about who we are and reality. I know many people report seeing fractal shapes from using psychedelics, that is one way to focus. I do not use such medicine, I am already paying attention to the shapes that surround us. I celebrate the beauty!

Let me know if you have seen anything beautiful-- and if you haven't pay more attention!
It is incredible the gifts that nature gives us. What beautiful photos!
I just love looking at these colors and shapes, I'm happy you took a look!
There is magic all around us if we are looking to see it. Thank you for working to fill the world with eyes that see.
Hey thanks! I know you must see some spectacular sights out in the desert.
The sunsets and sunrises are the best out here! I'm also really fascinated right now by what a type of dead dried up cactus out here looks like.
I can't wait to see those photos. I am in the super mossy wet forest, so it will be fun to compare notes.