There is a Time for Everything
I am not a physicist but an artist who is increasingly fascinated by the response to linear time in my practice.
So, there is a time for everything? We can become obsessed with completing tasks and goals at the expense of aspects of parts of our character. Perhaps those qualities that support our wellbeing.
Indeed our driven approach may well get the upper hand in our creative pursuits as well. Instead of trusting a process, we may find ourselves pushing to finish a piece of work. We forget to give time a chance.
Breathing between brush strokes is so important to the finished painting. Stepping back, establishing a relationship with the canvas, is as vital as the time spent painting. These ideas can manifest in my daily life. To step back when I need the wisdom to say the next words in a conversation.
As we pursue our dreams, we can have a long list of tasks to complete. Like a jigsaw, we sometimes can't seem to make the piece fit. However, if we make sure we keep it safe, at some time later we will find the right place for it.
Let's learn to trust the process of life and live in rhythm with it rather than thinking that we need to drive results based on our impatience and anxiety.
Patrick Turner-Lee
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