
A bear with little tail, heheehhe.
you can see the bottom, that's incredible! although the bear should have the color black and the bull the sky, hehehee.
the bear has more bullets but that does not matter because the bullets are damaged and when the bear shoots, the hand will be blown in pieces or accidentally killed.
oh what a disgrace! Will it bother the bull?

Both the bear and the bull were fantastic with this pixel design! I must admit that it is very creative to take them as another artistic perspective I love what you've done is great :D

I hope that you could create more great subjects with that Voxel App @overkillcoin and hone your digital artistic abilities and talent and creativity too.
I hope that the bear accidentally shoots himself with his gun and dies.

hope that the bear accidentally shoots himself with his gun and dies.

Funniest comment I heard in a long time CP, thanks for the laugh, friend!:)

First time I have ever heard of voxel. I assume it is similar to CGI.

It's a pixel with 3d volume, it's all it really is :D

Haha good stuff as usual. Conversation in the #cryptopub is that we are not done with the correction yet.

I kind of thought so, I'd rather get it over with though :) Remember, BTC went from 6k to 20k in about a month, so if it needs another month or two in the sick ward, there's still a chance to have a bull before end of year :D

He thinks he's a bad ass... huh! But I don't think he could even draw those guns... nice work... we need all the advantages we can get! Ha ha!

I love your bear. Of course I love animals in art in any form and this is fun and adorable.

I just have to say I love your footer it makes me smile and laugh! I mean IT MAKES ME SMILE AND LAUGH ;)

I just hate what they represent though! :D

I'd like to add scenery to these characters, but maybe today I'll just post a rant instead...

Seriously so good!

overkill can you injure this bear's leg or something... he looks too healthy.

me no like that...

That's up to the bull to do... Maybe he'll slip him a Mickey at the saloon and throw him in the firebox of a steem engine! Or shoot him with scorpion-tipped rounds and blast him with a gatling gun loaded with rattlesnakes for ammo :D

I hope that the bull is the most feared gunman of the old west and can kill the bear for the last months of the year

On the other hand I'm glad that your clients give you rest and let you do something more than chase them

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