You Look Tired

An ink drawing
I sat down to create a new drawing today, I was feeling exhausted after working outside in the heat. I started drawing with my dip pen and created these two characters, I think the character with drooping wings may reflect how tired I was feeling at the time.

You Look Tired

If you want to see some of my previous ink illustrations check out DWELLING, an illustrated crime novel collaboration between myself and fellow Steemian @dougkarr, set in New York’s Lower East Side. Dwelling is now available in print and ePub.

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@opheliafu Hello dear friend, what a coincidence, I also feel exhausted, I think it may be the uncertainty and anxiety of the new changes that are coming.
Actually these characters speak for themselves, they are very expressive.
I wish you a well deserved rest
Thank you @jlufer, it is a bank holiday weekend here, so time to relax and visit friends.
Hi @opheliafu ,I am also tired, the high temperatures are dehydrating us, we cannot perform our activities in the same way as before, and it seems that this heat will continue.
Blessings and happy weekend
Take care of yourself in the heat @martha75.
Thank you, you are very kind, take care of yourself too