EYE see why you like this place

I like this place
I was sat in a lovely cafe at the weekend sheltering from the cold weather outside and having a cup of coffee. I had my sketchbook and pens with me so created the drawing 'EYE see why you like this place'.

'EYE see why you like this place'

Redbubble shop
Society6 store

The allseeing eyes! Upvoted and resteemed @opheliafu , for your support!
They see a lot these creatures! Thank you for your vote
Fantastic work. I would call this one ´They are watching everyone´. That is, if I could ;)
Yes they are :D
I have to think twicw to understand what the meaning of the title. Its cool @opheliafu
Posted using Partiko Android
I probably confuse by using 'EYE' instead of 'I'- it's how I title this series of eye based figures.
your artwork is trippy but it's so cool tho
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you- it does walk a bit on the surreal side!