600 Published Posts Later: I Guess I'm Here to Stay - Even If I Go Away

in #art7 years ago

Never thought I'd see the day I get to say it went this way.
Time flew by like, "Hey, let's play," because it glides away when we're earning pay.

That sounded so cool in my head.


NoNamesLeftToUse - This is John.jpeg
This is John

John has a lot of things on his mind.

So many things.

Do you ever feel like your head is going to explode due to too many thoughts about things in life?

That's how John felt for an incredibly long while.

Then, finally, one sunny Saturday afternoon, John's head exploded.  Everyone thought he'd die because that's typically what happens when one's head explodes.

John survived.

But now he has to wear his thoughts on the outside.

Have a look:

NoNamesLeftToUse - John Thinks A Lot.jpeg
John Thinks A Lot

He's not hard to figure out.

Obviously he's thinking about the farm again, that one episode of Ancient Aliens he liked so much, those damn flying squirrels, the evil twins who tried to take away his fortune, how his whole life got flipped-turned upside down; just normal things I guess.

Or maybe he was just walking through the pasture during one of his daily mushroom trips.

To be honest with you, I'm not a very good mind reader.  I don't really know what the hell is going on inside that man's head.

Enough about John.

I somehow managed to publish 600 posts.

Thanks everyone for encouraging the chaos found within the murky depths of the blog known as Mine.

Much like John, I too have a lot of things on my mind.  More often than not it's just some form of twisted madness but sometimes I'll do something normal-ish.  Thanks for allowing me to get all my crazies out here on this blog for your enjoyment over the past nearly two years.

Through thick and thin, many of you folks out there have had my back.  Thanks for putting up with my shit.  Some days I'm doing cool back flips and the next I'm flopping face first into the dirt; such is life.  I shall continue to fight and claw my way up the ranks here, if you allow it.

600 was a lot of work.  I don't mind, most days I'm just having fun, so here's to 600 more...

Have a nice day.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"It's true though. Time flies when you're having fun."

© 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.


Certainly one of the most original content creators in Steemland. 600 posts is rather nice isn't it, but i also enjoy visiting trending and clicking on a suspect piece of work and spotting the 'shitpost of the day' image nicely plopped at the top of the post.

I have a question nonames.. If you typed your first name and your surname joined together after the @ sign here: https://steemit.com/@ and pasted the result into the address bar,

Would it be available?


There's nothing else like this place of mine in all of the internet. I looked everywhere, can't find my long lost twin.

I look forward to the day when the Shit Post of the Day Award is no longer needed. Some folks in chat are pretty pissy with me these days but I'm sure they'll get over it.

As for the names, I keep telling you folks, there are none. Some greedy bastard took them all!

It will be a sad day when the Shit Post of the Day Award is no longer required. However, I do not see this day coming soon and so in the meantime, will continue to look forward to visiting a turd on trending.

It'll be a good day. That'll mean everyone got the message and at least pushes their best work to the top when they decide to go nuts on bidbots. Can't get rid of the bots, just the shit, one asshole at a time. Looking today, I see promotions mainly, decent quality, and nobody getting ripped off. On the downside, I have a strange feeling I've lost more support for speaking up, probably on a few shit lists now. I dunno. Something is causing 99% of my following to stop voting here, so I just blame me.

... and at least pushes their best work to the top when they decide to go nuts on bidbots.

This would be much more favorable. It's not like you can pull a stormer out of your backside everyday, so why not wait til you have done just that and then apply the reward pool sales.

Can I be on the same shit list? I think it's called the 'I give a shit about Steem list'.

Perhaps some past voters have sold out? I hear a fair few similar remarks from others. Obviously the price decline isn't helping, but when an ex-dolphin pops up with a 0.01 center and you check their wallet....

your daily delegations to shitbooster have earned you 1 steem


Well, if it keeps on going like that where more people would rather delegate to support shit posts instead of the thousands of us here trying to make something of this place, the few thousand remaining will leave, and those people can earn nothing because that's what you get when you're being lazy.

Many (and I mean MANY) people who were here when I started have left due to lack of support and interest in their work and it's all because a few noobs decided it would be best to pay people to look away. Sometimes I think some of these bot owners work for Facebook or Google and did this to help bring the place down.

With hope, I still think that the actions taken here have no real influence on the price of STEEM right now.

However yes, if you ignore that and look at the raft of content creators who've given up due to declining support as people choose for the lazy option that provides a little more income, whilst boosting SPofD to the top, it's a sad situation indeed.

What do we do? Soldier on and support those sticking at it, and pray that SMTs provide an alternative investment opportunity AND grow the network too.

Don't worry it will solve itself. As the ROI goes down because of competition. Only the legit content creators will stay for the community aspect. Even with $0 value on the STEEM currency this place is more entertaining than all the other platforms combined :D

I really like John, especially after his head exploded.

We can all relate to him.

Overfilled with too many thoughts that struggle to be organised and barely contained. Until, one day our head explodes, and we suddenly have three sets of eyes, nostrils on our forehead, frog spirits pouring out of our ears and a couple of our demons as companions.

I hope it never happens to me though...

I’m vain. Not all of us can look as interesting as John. I’m probably coming across as shallow too. You talk of thoughts and I’m lying in bed half awake, imagining what I’d look like if my head exploded like John.

But my head will most likely stay intact, because I talk about my thoughts often. While the Net is always at risk of me unloading my own kind of madness, I save that for my husband. His head won’t explode though. He’s highly advanced in compartmentability and thought ejection.


I can’t be certain, but I think he ejects the thoughts I share a lot. Now that I think it, does he even listen?! If he isn’t listening, am I really unloading my thoughts?! My head suddenly feels overfilled again... Maybe I’m not immune.

Well, I hope when it happens, I’ll look as interesting as John.

Anyway, after that mini crisis, I congratulate you on the 600 posts milestone. It’s not a stat within my realm of capability, so it’s impressive to me. And knowing you, there would be hard work and persistence mixed in with the fun and madness.

I enjoyed this post in both art and words.


John took nearly 20 hours to produce, and I can still add more if I wanted to, but like John, I had things on my mind and one of those was completing a post today. Since it's the big 600, I thought I'd do something big. Look at that, I'm nowhere near trending again. I guess I suck? Oh well. I'm still grateful for you folks out there who enjoy what I'm doing even though thousands are trying to tell me to stop.

I want to see John on top of the trending page :D

Well I won't be buying votes any time soon. Sorry.

How would you react if someone else boosted John with votes? As a fun thought perspective :D

People have purchased a vote here and there for my work. It's a rare occurrence, and all I can do is just be my typical myself, treat it like a tip and say thanks.

Yes that's sounds like the best strategy. I highly appreciate your artistic creations. They bring massive value to the Steem Blockchain since they are so authentic and real!

Keep them coming, I say.

Here's the new take on doing well on Steemit, in one concise and overpaid posting, for annoyance and inspiration, or for ignoring, if you should so choose:


Apparently, you're doing it all wrong, but I really like the way you're doing it wrong. I do. Yes.

I love how random and sometimes seemingly pointless, yet interesting and thought-provoking your posts are.

It's the whole Show About Nothing effect. One post might seem pointless but put them all together and the picture becomes clear.

600 is a lot, no wonder why John's head exploded ;)

You usually put a lot into your posts, so I'm sure you know what it's like to have brain everywhere.

I know! I know! (I'm taking this as a compliment, thanks!)

I think I can relate to the exploding head of John. Instead of exploding though, I managed to delete my old cover image, now lost forever, but am not clever enough to upload a new image as planned, so it's just blank now. Rep score stuck at 68 for nearly a year, two year anniversary coming up sometime in August, no idea what day though, and I seem destined to reach that fated day with no cover image, a rep of 68, and a poor attitude. The good news; head hasn't actually exploded.

My head exploded today. Chunks everywhere. I'll try to pick up the good pieces while nobody is looking and carry on, I guess. Maybe I'll find a fake plastic smile somewhere and add that to this mess. Other than that, I should probably just shut up.

Wow, I like John's thoughts. The evil twins seem to have ghouls working for them - I imagine they've acquired many fortunes. That's basically a visual of who I imagine writes those "you are the sole beneficiary of my million dollar estate" emails. Are you sure John isn't Joan? Because there seems like a lot of chest there, and her biggest eyes look kind of soft to me.

Anyway, 600 posts. That's impressive. I wonder what you would do with your crazies if you didn't put them here. I put some of mine here as well. Congrats on the milestone. I get a headache just thinking about all that staring-at-computer-screen time.

John stopped taking steroids and now has manboobs. They don't let him go shirtless at the pool around children and the elderly.

I think if I left my crazies inside, I would have been locked up long ago.

I have stared at a screen a lot these past two years. More than I ever did in my life. I'm building up and look forward to a future of just chillin, some travelling, and maybe some whatever; away from these crazy contraptions.

I was at the beach the other day and I saw a man with a beautiful pair of manboobs. I kept staring at them. It was awkward. Probably what John-Joan goes through all the time.

Yeah, the last few months I've spent my evenings looking at the screen. It's a mixture of unsatisfying overstimulation, and satisfaction over work completed. I think I always want to write, but I look forward to doing so at times more convenient and locations more pleasant than the couch.

It would be interesting to see how traveling influences your art.

I wouldn't mind getting my hands on a decent camera. I see things in this world most overlook.

The art: it would be nice to carry on doing what I enjoy, but I'll see how things go and once I look at it, I'll decide. If I'm forced to pay for eyes, there's no point in doing this anymore.

I somehow managed to publish 600 posts.

Just curious if you can come up with an average amount of time you spend on your posts. I know it won't be exact as some posts have more art than others, and lately you have been prone to writing longer posts as well (which I appreciate as you have a knack for writing too).

I only ask because I am nosy as hell and curious how much time it took you to do 600 posts.

Eight hours would probably be selling myself short. I produce the art, I write the words, plus I hang back and attempt to respond to the comments after. There were days here when I'd spend four hours straight continuously responding after I spent however many hours working on the post. It's hard to pin point or even average the amount of time I've spent on this. Thousands upon thousands of hours. Far more than a full time job.

Ok, so using 10 hours per post (allowing for the comment replies) that would be 6000 hours. Broken down into 22 months would be 272.727272 hours (I had to carry the decimal out so far to show it was a repeating angel number) per month.

That comes out to an average of 62.98 hours per week. I better never see anyone complain if they compare your post payouts to theirs. It is obvious you love what you do, and I applaud you have found a way to monetize it, especially since you are underpaid for it.

Some did complain and to add insult to injury they buy votes so my work isn't seen. It's much like flagging. Instead of flagging to make my work invisible, they buy votes and push it down the list. I could get a job doing this and earn more but I'd be creating for someone else and their ideas. Being independent and no middleman, getting this far; phenomenal. Things would be better though if others didn't step all over it.

Being independent and no middleman, getting this far; phenomenal.

I really get this. Being self employed much of my life, I have had many weeks I put in 70-80 hours and averaged less than minimum wage. But it was worth it not to be degraded and pushed to some inhumane level of production. Hopefully Steem will one day really break out and you will find a handsome payoff worthy of the time you invest here. I know everyone is talking SMT, but the latest thing I have been hearing about will do great things for Steem if it works out well.

Steempress is connecting Wordpress sites to the blockchain, and this could be amazing if they make sure to get hacking bugs out of it. Much better than Disqus where you don't get paid. This could revolutionize blogs (and Steem) if bloggers decide to do away with the ads (that get blocked by most anyway) and allow commenters to pay with upvotes.

Anyways, am rambling now. Have a nice night.

I'm saving up and hoping things take off. This account and my efforts seven months ago were worth over 200k Canadian so here's to hoping!

John deserves an upvote, especially after surviving this explosion. At the end, he looks more perfect now. “John thinks a lot” is one of your best creations.

Sometimes I feel like my head is about to explode. If the results would be the same, so perfect, I’m up for it.

Congratulation to your 600 posts!

I’m excited to see more of your creations.

If I could pull off something like this daily, I would. Unfortunately, each day is only 24 hours long. Something like this is what I work on in between posts, for a long time. I did a reverse google image search and was surprised with the result. Google's robot actually knew this was horror. I sit and think about how so many here don't seem to get it. I'm grateful to have folks like you who come around often and enjoy the show. Thanks man.

Holy crap dude - 600 posts is nothing to scoff at. Your page is one of the first I came across on the platform ..... Some of the best original content both writing and art I've found here. Also love seeing your comments on posts - never void of reason and genuine perspective. Keep it up! I just hit 154 posts - myslef!!!

Forgive me if I've asked in the past - what part of Canada are you from - are you going to the toronto event in September?

Just tossed you some votes - haven't been curating much lately as my vp went to flagging spammers / plagerists. Enjoy the $.005 hahahahaha.

I work hard to maintain a unique experience when one visits this place. 600 and everything was different each time. I produced every included image as well. There are literally thousands upon thousands of digital art production time seen here. Slowly going crazy I am.

I doubt I'll be going to Toronto. I'm out west. Sometimes Saskatchewan, other times Alberta.

I appreciate the support by the way. That .005 adds up.

Should we expect something special for the 666th post? 😎

That'll be the day I reveal I work for the illuminati.

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