Creating a Skull & Crossed Swords Saltaire in Affinity Designer
This crossed sword Saltaire was created using the skull drew in yesterdays post. The swords were drawn first, and are loosely based around the hilt design of Nazgul blades, although I gave my swords longsword style blades rather than the pointed dagger style favored by the undead kings of middle earth.
Next I drew the shield over the saltaire with a black background and beveled gold edging, before placing the skull in the upper center.
The banner was created with the pen tool. To create the wavy effect, I simply enabled the grid and grid snapping, then drew a shallow "V" shape.
I then converted the nodes to smooth, creating the top edge of the banner. This line was duplicated and moved to the bottom position, and the end nodes of each line were joined to create a solid shape.