It’s All in the Plan

in #art7 years ago

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putting together the WHEAT repeating design

Last week I clarified some of my goals here on Steemit, namely that I want to do more collaborative work with Steemians and also to always ask myself whether creating a post reminds me why I love working with clay and creating mosaics.

This morning when I decided to post on this mundane subject of planning, it was specifically because of these goals. Until I have good plans in place and follow them, I am a slave to the squeaky wheels of my work and life. I wind up only taking care of the most urgent tasks and meanwhile the activities that are important but not urgent fall by the wayside. I’m remembering Rabbi Jonathan Sacks’ talk about how the urgent things in life usually get done but those that are important - important to one’s spirit, to one’s heart, to one’s future as opposed to the present - don’t. One has to make time for these. I have a whole list of important things that never seem to happen so now it's urgent to give some focus to planning!

For me a good plan is set up for productivity, good focus and to encompass all of the aspects of running my studio from what I call “steering the ship” type tasks like envisioning, touching base with overarching goals, making decisions about what to let go of and what to pursue, financial planning and creating new products, deciding on new creative pursuits. Then there are the “sailing the ship” tasks that include everything involved in making the projects and orders we have on the table as well as financial tracking, PR, cleaning, office, communications and of course there is Steemit which carries a significant block of time and importance as well.

So, looking ahead at this week my main endeavors and the approximate amounts of time I can spend on each over the course of the week are as follows:

Tile Projects:

The Pool house mosaic, 18 hours

This large mosaic mural is still in the cutting phase, below is a section of a climbing Hibiscus growing up a Banana Tree that I’m nearly finished cutting.

*Climbing Hibiscus around a Banana Tree"

Previous more comprehensive post on this project:

glaze test for climbing Hibiscus

This week I’ll finish cutting this (and some more) and glaze this particular section. I want to see how much time it takes to glaze using the watercolor approach shown above. This will help me estimate the rest of the timeline on the whole piece.


Firebox Tile, 18 hours

I have a firebox tile order of 2” x 8” tiles in this stoney blue glaze. It’s a medium size order of 360 tiles and I’m about half way through but need to ship it April 6ish so really have to make this a priority this week.

Production Orders, 3. (me)

Cloud Porcelain: we have multiple orders and this week are shipping out a rather large one of Ash Duals. Rob takes care of most of this but I’ll have a few hours of work related to the shipment.

CLOUD RFG Duals Ash.jpgDUALs in Ash, part of our Cloud Porcelain Collection with Ann Sacks Tile

New Creative Pursuits, 3. hours

I have chosen 1 item from my list and I’ll show you what I come up with once it’s in motion. Sometimes talking about something like this beforehand can dissipate the magic.

Steemit 16 hours

Content creation (aiming for 2-3 posts), curation, communications

Misc, 3-6 hours

Not as much PR will happen since last week I did some really good outreach and an Eblast.

In my goal of improving my plans and accountability, I’ll be giving special attention to:

  • getting to and leaving work on time (by 9am and leaving by 8:30pm) and taking a good lunch break
  • being careful how many times I switch my focus in a day because it will destroy my momentum and thus productivity. Plus refocusing constantly is exhausting and is the quickest way to steal the joy from my day! This means I have to resist the lure of frequent email and Steemit checking and make sure that I re-establish very clear boundaries regarding disruptions in my studio. Questions and potential disruptions have to be grouped together for planned times unless essential and there are times that are simply off limits to ask me questions.
  • planning reasonable amounts of work with adequate time allotments
  • Sticking to my plans!! If I have trouble, notice why and strategize about how to prevent this tomorrow.

All of this may sound very strategic and controlled for a creative job but I have an inner rebellious streak that sometimes makes it hard for me to pin myself down to making a plan and even harder to stick to the it! One of my goals for 2018 was to teach myself to become more accountable which also means making better plans that are realistic and achievable. It’s nearly the end of March and in light of my long list of not yet done “important” tasks, it’s high time.

I always imagine that other people don’t struggle with this kind of thing, but if you do or have in the past and have tips and tricks, please share in the comments!

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Sndbox Steward



I think sometimes people think 'creative jobs' mean you must sit around drinking and talking philosophy and eventually things get done, but we know with any job or endeavour you have to have planning, dilligence and of course the will to work at it.

Being in charge of one's day can be hard and it isn't for everyone. I knew it was for me when I worked mundane jobs for other people and always thought, 'my time is worth more to me then to exchange it daily for some set dollar amount'. But, that also meant I asked less of life. If you don't expect too much or set yourself up needing a lot then it is easier to downscale when you need to.

I usually try, now, with Steemit to give myself an hour each morning when I first awake to just comment, read, peruse. I still feel like I don't get to everyone (you for example how am I just seeing this two days later, but I can't worry about it I'm here now.) In fact I keep my computer by my bedside and when I awake, I make sure I spend an hour on it before getting up for the day. This makes me feel like I am 'ahead of the game' when I get that first cup of coffee. Edith Wharton did all of her work at the beginning of the day in her bed chambers and then went out and lived a second life. I always found that inspiring.

So, to me, lists and plans are a must and also the ability to adapt, as you can bet the plan will have to change, but if you have a plan on paper in your hand then when change HAS to happen you have the variables at hand (pun intended) and can easily move things around but with the idea that the list is still going to get mostly accomplished.

I am no where as busy as you are, you do an amazing business and I am very impressed not only with your actual amount of work and creativity but even your work here on Steemit, I mean you must be doing something right, look how high you earn on here. So, that is also a good motivator, I suppose, to hold that level and build on it.

That is my two cents and it's not even really advice, just rambling. I love to see where you are in your busy life though, it's always an interesting read and those two tones tiles are gorgeous fired!

Here is to we creatives and the need to be ordered and structured so the creative can come out!

You've said so much so well here @donnadavis! Firstly, regarding Steemit, getting to my post 2 days later isn't bad at all and then you comment so beautifully. These days I'm lucky if I get a chance to read and upvote 2 days later! But I'm trying to at least offer my support even if I can't comment on every post. i'm more dedicated to supporting artists here than ever before and have found some amazing people (for our guild??!) Anyway, I completely agree about having a skeletal plan with clear priorities so that we can adapt to life as it really is. For example this week I've had a wrench thrown in my plans that has cost me several hours each day...oh well, such is things as they are!!

I agree with you about making a fixed time for steemit. I usually create content first thing in the morning but do the bulk of my curation at the end of the day since the former requires a more fresh mind and latter is great for unwinding and contemplation. Although I also jump on steemit ramdomly to take breaks like right now!!
You're doing very well here as far as I can see! You have quality people sharing your posts and consistently contribute good work. Plus you're very good at networking, so things will happen for you, just keep it up :-).
Glad to know you and love seeing your work! (I have been seeing your posts btw, but no comments and I'm sorry about that).

Kudos for being so organized! I used to like planning things, then I had kids. Now I don't even want to write a to-do list, probably because I know most of it won't get done. I just do what I can when I can, and do what I want when I can. ;) Keep creating! You're amazing.

lol, I can imagine that children don't work according to the best laid plans :-)). Actually I struggle with plans too....maybe it's my inner-child ;-), or maybe I'm just undisciplined :-))).

Ah! so beautiful! Flora details of Climbing Hibiscus around a Banana Tree are so delightful to look at!

Thank you @mintvilla! Still trying to figure out how these flowers should look...I've tried them a few ways and I guess once I glaze I'll know more. Really appreciate your support :-))

gorgeous! Such intricate flowers you are cutting out! I think that must be clay? Can't wait to see it progress!

yes clay all the way :-))

I'm so envious of your planning skills. I think my productivity would increase 10 fold if I could figure out how to plan.

I can't wait to see how the Pool house mosaic turns out!

Me too honestly, lol! Thus the post which I have to admit has really helped today. Hopefully it will be a lasting kind of help. Thanks for taking a look at my post!

Beautiful craftsmanship. Rare quality now. I'm really impressed. I stopped by because Keni Styles posted a memberlist on the Facebook SMG group. Just looking through everyone's blogs. I followed. Hope to see you around.

thank you @omnitaylor, I just took a look at your blog and you're doing some great work! Keep it up, you will be noticed more :-)

Hello Friend, let me tell you that you are quite an artist. Good post. Thank you. regards

That is some talent just wow

WOW! I am aware of how detailed and difficult art is. You are a really great artist, dear friend. It's a pleasure to follow your work!

Gorgeous work. I enjoyed reading your process

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