"Medicine Woman" Drawing Process // "Mujer Medicina" Proceso de Dibujo
At the end of the year 2016, I finished a Phytotherapy course, where I fell deeply in love with plants and their magical properties and I was feeling the call to expand that side of me, to improve my knowledge and share the ancestral wisdom about medicinal plants. I love nature and I never stop being surprised by everything I learn from it.
A fines del año 2016, terminé un curso de Fitoterapia, donde me enamoré profundamente de las plantas y de sus mágicas propiedades y estaba sintiendo el llamado a expandir ese lado de mi, a aumentar mis conocimientos y compartir la sabiduría ancestral de las plantas medicinales. Amo la naturaleza y nunca dejo de sorprenderme por todo lo que aprendo de ella.
For me, this drawing has the meaning of a seed that was planted in me and began to germinate in that moment, the seed of the power of healing that we all have. And I deeply believe that healing starts from inside to outside and we have to be always willing to awake the infinite potential in every aspect of our soul.
Para mí, este dibujo representa la semilla que fué plantada en mi y comenzó a germinar en ese momento, la semilla del poder de la sanación que todos tenemos. Y yo creo profundamente que la sanación comienza de dentro hacia fuera y siempre debemos estar dispuestos a despertar el potencial infinito en cada aspecto de nuestra alma.
I draw a soft sketch first and then I used Lyra sketching pencils, that I've never tried before and now I really like them. I just used my fingers to create some soft shadows and to smooth some areas and the white pencil to give it some light.
Primero hice un bosquejo suave y luego usé los lápices para bocetos Lyra que nunca antes había probado y ahora me gustan mucho. Para difuminar y crear sombras usé mucho mis dedos y el lápiz blanco para dar luces.
Finally, I painted some golden details with acrylic painting and it was done.
Tell me what you think and if you enjoy this kind of posts. Big hugs for everyone and happy valentine's day!! <3
Finalmente pinté algunos detalles con acrílico dorado y listo! Díganme qué les parece el dibujo y si disfrutan de este tipo de posts. Abrazos para todos y feliz día del amor!! <3
@melooo182 He seguido tu consejo! muchas gracias!! un abrazote
Dear Artist @nativa ! FineArtNow is a new place for artists and art lovers on Steemit ! Become our friend ! See you soon !
Welcome !
This is lovely, thank you for sharing your process with us. I love the concept of growth through serenity, and you executed it the way any artist would want to, through the true self peeking through, and making its mark on the world. Cant wait to see more from you. Much love.
@joeyok thanks to you!! for giving you the space to read my post, and rejoice me with those beautiful words! I'm already following you, I love your work! It has a lot of magic. Big hugs!!
Very nice drawing. I am following for more art. :)
thank you @art-mess !!! <3 I'm following you too
@nativa 😁 👏👏👏