Marvel Superheroes Exhibition!!!

in #art7 years ago

In desperate need of a day out of the ordinary we decided to take the kids on a day trip to Brisbane to check out the Marvel exhibition at the Modern Art Gallery of Queensland.


Mission one: To survive the two our drive with six children without having to pull over and threaten to murder the lot of them! Mission Successful.


Mission two: Find parking! This was no easy task on a Sunday! Everyone was in the city for a huge number of events including the football that Master 9 and Mr J (my partner) were heading to later that day. After discovering that all but one parking venues were full, we unfortunately had to settle with a spot some eight blocks from our destination. But at least we had arrived. Mission successful!



Mission three: Walk through thousands of people while navigating heavy traffic, closed of streets and broken elevators all while trying to keep hold of Master 6, who does not do well with large amounts of noise, people and bright lights! Challenging to say the least, but we survived and even managed to sneak a peek at a Dinosaur exhibition at the Museum on the way! Mission successful!



Mission four: Main goal of the day! The Marvel Exhibition. Once we had made our way to the ticket counter and spent several minutes explains to the kids that they were allowed to look but not touch (like that was going to happen) we were in.


It was fantastic. Massive photos of all the kids favourite superheros were everywhere. As we made our way through the exhibit we saw a whole wall painted with a black and white Spider-Man, manicans dressed in actual costumes from the movies, massive movie props and full scenes staged for everyone to see.



The kids ran from picture to picture, when they discovered the enormous iron man statue, Master 4 was beside himself with excitement. He had to be asked by the very polite usher more than once to stop hugging the art work lol.


Half way through the maze we entered a hall filled with monitors on either wall where you could sit down and read a range of Marvel comic books, the centre of the hall had massive lounge chairs and tables covered in comics for you to sit and read while the kids headed for the drawing area to take there turn at creating there own comic characters.


Once everyone had finished we headed for the second section of the exhibit. Here you could pose in front of a green screen and takenhome your own super hero photo, after seeing the line up for this we decided to keep moving through and discovered an area where you could jump in front of a mirror and your image was that of baby groot from Gardians of the Galaxy 2. The kids went ballistic. Jumping around, dancing and pretending to fight. Then both the boys jumped in together and Rocket appeared. Needless to say this was the highlight of the day and had people not been waiting behind us Im pretty sure we would still be there. Mission successful!



Mission five. Exit exhibition without having to spend several hundred dollars on merchandise at the gift shop! This mission would have been a lot easier if there were way to leave without having to throw toddlers over ones shoulder while trying to manoeuvre a double pram with three kids piled in and not loose the older two who had already started with the begging for money! Mission Success. Barely!


All in all the exhibit was great, the older kids would have stayed all day if I had let them. Definitely recommend for anyone who has an interest in Marvel.

One very impressed mumofmany!


That looks spectacular! I really need to keep an eye open for events like that when they're near me...

It was really great, we are hoping to go again while it is still on and just take the big two kids. Will give us a chance to read all the info and take it in with a little less crazyness.

Amazing, I'm a great fan of the marvel universe thanks for sharing.

Your welcome. It was really fun!

That is great

Are have time..come my blog put your comment...and greetings ...havd a nice day

WOW WOW WOW!!!! To bad I live in the Netherlands. Would go to this place in a heartbeat!
Thank you for sharing this...and a bit jealous overhere :p

Your welcome! It was great. Hopefully they will hold one near you sometime!

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