My Creative Journey: Day 60. Dragons have taken roost inside my head.

in #art6 years ago

So, I think people will like my current obsession with dragons a bit more than they did with my skull phase. I love talking to people about my work, and sometimes when I'm chatting with my parents as to what I'm doing it comes up. I find it fascinating how people think about certain kinds of imagery. How some people will only see what they see and not think to look further. My parents have learned that much of what they see if more than meets the eye. But, not everyone is.

That's cool. Not everyone does, will, or wants to look past the surface. I'm used to it. I got passed worrying about things like that a while back when I went through a crazy self-portrait phase in photography. Some of you might have seen the tail end of that which was right about the time I got on here. So many people were on my ass about it. Judging things left and right, basically missing the message. Telling me how awful things looked, about how scary it was, about how no one would like it... about how posting it could affect my future. That taught me that not everyone will get everything I do. They were spot on as to what kind of reaction I was going for...but I was hoping for someone to get the message behind them all.t\ Those were some pretty bad times and that was the only way I felt I could communicate...but, anyways, that was then, this is now.

So, dragons! Lol.

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These were all sketched while I was chilling in my room. I'd come off a great evening of chilling with a friend. We'd left the coffee shop at close, headed to a bakery down the street, and then proceeded to chill on my favorite bench on the block while enjoying some awesome Mexican deserts. Of course, we smoked a bit and had some good conversation while munching. I mean, sunset, a friend, some tasty food, couldn't have asked for more. Well, a girlfriend, but that's an entirely different matter, lol.

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I didn't do a crazy amount. Well, 9 sketches on 24x36 might be considered a crazy amount in one evening...but, not for me. I tried out an idea on watercolor...but it failed miserably. Mostly because the color combo sucked. Something I realized for the vibe I'm going for with this more Asian orientated content is that the muted red and muted green is the way to go. Trying to throw a third color like muted blue in least the way I did it...meh. I should take a picture and show it...since I'm trying to show pretty much everything. So, I'll come back later and throw it in.

My last sketch of the night makes me really, really proud. I was chilling on the couch before heading to bed, but I had the craving to throw down one more drawing. So, like a champ I pulled out the paper, a pen, and just kinda doodled using a lot of the blocks of dragons I'd been practicing over the last several days. I think it came out pretty cool. It also showed me what's possible. It's not crazy awesome, but, again, it represents another moment of growth.


I've only been at this for like 5 months now and I think I've finally got to the high school doodling level for new artists, hehe. Well, at the beginning of that level, judging by some of the awesome videos I've been checking out on Youtube. If you ever lack inspiration, use youtube and watch some videos of the stuff people are creating. Just remember to keep in mind not to judge your work against theirs. It should be used as a point to aim at, not compare against.

Always, always, always remember. Everyone's artistic journey is different. Everyone comes to it in different ways. Everyone travels it in different ways. Focus on you and getting better. Use other people's work to help you grow, not to make yourself feel bad, hehe.

Thanks again for stopping by. Keeping things moving today between all the balls I'm juggling. In the middle of a move, producing a shoot, managing all my social media, applying for jobs, running errands, trying to think on my next moves... Man do I love being busy. Just need to land more paying work...sell more art...get more people to see what I do, hehe. Be well everyone and hope you have a great day!


Previous posts:
My Creative Journey - the weekend of Dragons ends :)
My Creative Journey - Weekend dragons
My Creative Journey - watercolor days
My creative journey - sketching sketching sketching
My Creative Journey 52, 53, 54...55? Do numbers really matter?
My Creative Journey 51
My Creative Journey 49 + 50 (shit tons of art...)
My Creative Journey 48
My Creative Journey 47
My Creative Journey 46
My Creative Journey 45
My Creative Journey 44
My Creative Journey 43
My Creative Journey 42
My Creative Journey 41
My Creative Journey 40
My Creative Journey 39
My Creative Journey 38
My Creative Journey 36 + 37 + Watch me Paint! Ep. 16

See available original drawings and paintings for sale


Original work for sale on Etsy

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Merchandise with my art available on Society 6

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Those ones actually are amazing sketches. I've always been a sucker for dragons and mythical creatures! So I enjoyed this piece of writing and of course, as I have already said, even more the dragoon sketches. :)

Hehe, thanks! :) Yeah, I've noticed more people like dragons, which is cool because they're fun to draw. They're just a step on a much larger path, but, still, fun :)

Be well and thanks for coming by and leaving a comment!

Hey @mikesthoughts those are some really nice and elaborate looking sketches of dragons.

Really like it :)

Thanks! Getting better bit by bit. Last night was pretty crazy too, hehe. Got myself some new art tools to play with.

It's always a pleasure to see more dragon posts! Everyone is so different and fun! I look forward to more of your dragon drawings! ^-^

Hehe. Can't argue with cool dragons :) We'll see when I get back to dragons. Got some other places to go first with my drawing before I go back :)

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Awwww. Thanks @poeticsnake :) Been a minute since I came through the channel and miss the humor there, hehe. Hope all is well!

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