Interactive Paintings: The Vagabonds, Season 2, Episode 5

in #art7 years ago

Presenting painting/game 5 of The Vagabonds, season 2!

After a mid-season interval where I revealed a bit of the work behind the scenes, we're back with a fifth character where you can choose how this character will be defined.

If you want to play along, this is the gist of the game: The Vagabonds are small, original paintings of mine. I post a new character every other day (roundabout every 48 hours). To play the game, you only need to make a comment on the painting with:

  • A unique first name of your choice for the character
  • Three random numbers between 1 and 9 (I have made lists, and your chosen numbers will determine:
    • The character's positive trait
    • The character's negative trait
    • The character's Profession
  • A unique superpower/item/weapon/artefact of your choice

So your comment could look like this:

Stan, 4-5-6, Shoots Rays of Insanity out of his Eyes [I'm just making this up... - and don't enter this in your comment!]

I will reply to your comment with the outcome of your character. In the example above this would/could determine him as:

Stan, the Clever but Godless Partypooper who Shoots Ray of Insanity out of his Eyes [No, really, I am making this up!]

After (roundabout) 48 hours, I will close the submissions for that particular character, and post a new one. One winner from all the entries will be chosen (randomly, by dice) and that will be how that character will remain and will go on to Phase II of the game. I'm looking forward to fun and weird combinations - so, if possible, try to not choose numbers that have already been chosen - it makes it all the more fun (although I can't prevent you from choosing numbers already chosen, of course!)

When we have a grand total of 8 of these determined Vagabonds (roundabout 16 days after the first character), all 8 will enter Phase II of the game. Which will be a Vagabonds-special... But I can't tell you anything about that phase yet, only it will be random, very interactive and hopefully lots of fun for everybody!

Everybody is free to comment - there's no need to upvote or resteem (although of course I really do appreciate those!). A valid comment will get my 75% upvote (I'm still draining my voting power with this game), and very likely get a bit of SBD transferred: I'm currently splitting 1 SBD between all upvoting contestants, there are simply too many players, and a share of 1/14th SBD is going towards nothing. And I'm currently almost out of SBD as well... Wait a minute, I won't be out of SBD... Because of a very generous upvote and support on my previous post, for which I'm very thankful and grateful! Credit where credit's due: thank you big, big, bigtime @reggaemuffin for supporting The Vagabonds (and feel free to play along!)

Also: Everybody, feel free to upvote other contestant's comments, especially if you like their weird and wacky combination of positive and negative traits, identity and superpowers. Let's make this interactive and fun!

Now then, then now!, the results of Season 2, Episode 4

This was the previous episode's character:

14 entries were made -again- a record tie with the previous epidose, thank you all for joining, I hope you had fun and giggles when you read the outcome of your character. Here they are:

Quinn, the Hunky-Dory but Overanxious Mezzo-Soprano with the exclusive Hair-Clip of Forgotten Lies by @skippyza
Wobedutzye, the Eloquent but Insane Damsel in Distress with her Transmuting Handkerchief by @edward.maesen
Winstar, the Optimistic but Insane Damsel in Distress with The Power of Intuition by @wovenone
Zephyr, the Eloquent but Disgruntled Dominatrix and watch out when she performs The Dance of Death by @lenadr
Lady Dumbledore, the Knowledgeable but Hypersensitive Ventriloquist with magic in her hand by @lamkuta
Widlings, the Optimistic but Hypersensitive Mind Reader with a really, really Sharp Sword and very very Black Magic by @rizallatief
Lady Olivera, the Hunky-Dory but Insane Dominatrix with a very special Flying Broom by @sudong
Lady Geunchogo, the Unexpected but Overanxious Damsel in Distress, carrying her awesome Seven-Branched Sword by @anumsteemit
Lady Zacs, the Optimistic but Hypersensitive Ventriloquist with a Samurai Holder by @lintah
Hilda, the Strong-Willed but Disgruntled Assassin with her Crushing Bosom by @deemarshall
Maya Odom, the Friendly but Flatulent Ventriloquist with her self-developed Idiopathic Scoliosis by @fraenk
Shelly, the Romantic but Tired Sidekick, with the Poisoned Hairpin hidden in her coiffure by @hazel420
Broomhilda von Koolkirchen, the Romantic but Hypersensitive Assassin able to Write Books In Spiky Heavy Metal Logo Style by @mrfrost
Bertha Grunwald, the Friendly but Clumsy Mind-Reader, looking in her Glass Ball for recipes of Disaster by @pv-p

And the winner (of nothing more than the bragging rights to the character!) is...

@hazel420 with Shelly, the Romantic but Tired Sidekick, with the Poisoned Hairpin hidden in her coiffure!

Congrats @hazel420! And to be honest, the dice couldn't have chosen a more perfect entry. Love it and love my dice!

So Shelly joins these previous exclusive Vagabonds on her way to Phase II:

Caern, the Formidable but Lazy Octogenarian with his Dagger of Truth (by @edward.maesen):

Monica, the Neighbourly but oh so Predictable Duchess weilding her personal and Magical Sceptre of the Dunes (by @skippyza):

Zilong, the Courageous but Lovesick Samurai with a really Magical Spear (by @sudong):

And so, finally, we reach Episode 5's main character:

Who is he? Give him a name in the comments along with three numbers (between 1-9) which will randomly determine his character and profession. And what weird or wonderful superpower/item/ancient or everyday artefact does he have? Feel free to comment, and find out, maybe your entry will go on to Phase 2! Let's have fun! :)


Everyone else is obviously wrong. This is Droopy, 2-6-6 hiding his gauntlets of fractured Eons.

If everybody else is wrong... Be prepared to meet Droopy, the Unstoppable but Apologetic Vampire with his Hidden Gauntlets of Fractured Eons!

Droopy the Vampire, this could make for a comic book-series, pure gold :D

Haha could even turn it into a movie starring Adam Sandler

Hooray! Thank you @marty-art, feeling so honoured right now :)
And since it's my lucky day today I'll happily participate again!!

Osmond, 4 -2- 7 & the black hole tuxedo.

I love the black hole tuxedo thing. What does that even look like?

Just look at the picture, now look again... closely. Can you see it? ;)

Edit: I was kidding.. ^^ I imagined it like everything is being sucked into it and will never return, trapped into the tuxedo for eternity.

It's there, I didn't notice it, at the bottom in the middle, that's pretty pitch-black!

In my post I may be claiming that the dice chooses the winner, and I know there's absolutely no proof I can give, but the dice lies here, with 5 facing up. And your entry was the fifth upvoting entry for this particular painting, so it's all yours. And I'm glad it's so :)

Now, here comes Osmond, the Majestic but Overworked Devil with his Tuxedo containing A Black Hole!

Haha, nice one!

Well, if that was Shelly, this must be Duncan, 1-9-2 with his Visual Instrument and Sensory Organ Replacement

!first! Only seconds between you and @edward.maesen :)

Here comes Duncan, the Memorable but Vengeful Brainiac with his Visual Instrument and Sensory Organ Replacement!

That's hilarious, hahaha, yeap, all input sucked right to his brains :D
Looks like a killer to me with that description!

Darn it! And I was sitting there at my laptop, refreshing my screen every minute. Waiting for the post to appear, and be the first to comment. But alas!


oh oh, I better watch out. That's a look of determination!

Now that's eager! Extra Kudos to you anyway!

hahaha... awesomeness

Ah yes! The moment I've been eagerly waiting for! The next phase in the game...

K'K'eeE, 8-4-2, universal wormhole key

Ah, so close to being first, @fraenk just beat you to it, looks like you were very eagerly, awesome! :D
We're still in Phase I, though: the determining of 8 Vagabonds, Phase II will be expanding on these...

Nice one: this is K'K'eeE, the Untraceable but Megalomaniac Brainiac with the only known Universal Wormhole Key!

Don't know where you got that name or idea for that key, but they're golden :D Thanks!

Ah yes sorry, I meant "episode", not "phase". Duh! I was so eager to comment...

A long long time ago I watched a documentary about some remote tribe whose language consisted of clicking sounds. I was thinking of that when I came up with this name K'K'eeE; seemed like a person from that tribe might be named like this. And since they are unique here they must have been traveling through time and space to get here, so of course they need a wormhole key, and a universal one at that!

Cool, that's a complete backstory there, thanks :)
Makes it all the more intrigueing, especially when that key is untraceable. Don't know about their megalomaniac brainiac*-traits but it sure helps the plot :D

Soloman, 4-3-5, ability to turn inside out

Great game, thank you :)

Thanks! :)
Here's Soloman, the Majestic but Pretentious Emperor with his weird ability to Turn Inside Out!
Cool one!

today I choose vansick 3-3-3, bring good science science

Meet Vansick, he's the Supportive but Pretentious Challenger and he brings Good Science Science!
How weird that is :P

a very fun contest I hope I can always follow this contest. i will choose phoenix, 7-6-5-. who guard against attacks from the science of witchcraft

Thank you!
You have Phoenix, the Undeterred but Apologetic Shaman, Guarding against Attacks from The Science Of Whichcraft!

I'll try to guess it,
siren, 7-3-5, lethal chant

This is Siren, (maybe related to @rizallatief's Phoenix): the Undeterred but Pretentious Shaman, singing his Lethal Chants!

i"ll try to guess it,
trigeal 2-6-7,nurse.thank you.

Here's Trigeal, he's the Unstoppable but Apologetic Devil! This Trigeal-Devil is also an excellent Nurse!

More a profession than a superpower, but as my mother was a nurse, and I consider her to be a true superpower, I'm counting this entry as ok!

I sympathise with this character's hair loss, so bald in fact the top of his head's fading away!

Archibald, 5-1-1, he is bald but nonetheless rocks the mutton chops of sensory sublation

Thanks @reggaemuffin for helping the game continue! Here's a picture of another enlightened individual rocking some mutton chops

Nice! Cannot unsee that pic, jeez :D

Here's Archibald, the Hilarious but Sloppy Freemason, bald, but nonetheless Rocks the Mutton Chops of Sensory Sublation (had to look that up, though!)

Haha google comes up with some of the best pictures when you search 'bald mutton chops'

Sublation = aufhebung / aufheben, I've heard that it's a word that's actually used in everyday German (do you speak some German? Can't remember..), though probably with a slightly different meaning to 'sublation' which is probably one of the most obscure words in the English language as it was imported through Hegel's work. How did I even get there? I was struggling to find a magical object and happened to have Hegel sitting in front of me...

Moral of the story: Don't mess with mutton chops unless you're a Prussian dialectical bad-ass - or a bald and sloppy Freemason :)

You're making this very scary and weird - I like that :D
Hegel looks pretty bad-ass there!

Really helpful, there, Wikipedia:

Aufheben or Aufhebung[1] is a German word with several seemingly contradictory meanings, including "to lift up", "to abolish", "cancel" or "suspend", or "to sublate".[2] The term has also been defined as "abolish", "preserve", and "transcend". In philosophy, aufheben is used by Hegel to explain what happens when a thesis and antithesis interact, and in this sense is translated mainly as "sublate"

making this very scary and weird
-> Ha feels like the vagabondy thing to do

You gotta love German, I think it's 'umfahren' which means both to drive to around something, and to run over something / someone. This kind of semantic confusion must have caused nightmares during the Nuremberg trials ><

You betcha, that's the Vagabondy thing to do!

I'm really not good in German, I remember having to study Dutch, French, English and Latin at the same time, and then, on top, they imposed German on me. I just couldn't cope. There you have it, you made me do a blockchain-testimonial.

Gesundheit, Kartopfelkopf!

By the way, did you find the steembay-auction for your Vagabond?

I can feel the pain seeping through there! I wouldn't take it either if school was teaching me to be polite to a potato that sneezed on me, melted butter flying all over the place. Disgusting.

Just saw! Op de aardappel fiets naar de Vagabonds markt! (blame my recently acquired nijntje books for this one...)

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