Interactive Paintings: The Vagabonds, Season 2, Episode 3

in #art7 years ago

Presenting The Vagabonds: Season 2, Painting/Game 3!

If you're new to this (seasoned players can skip this part): this is the gist of it: The Vagabonds are small, original paintings of mine. I post a new character every other day (roundabout every 48 hours). To play the game, you only need to make a comment on the painting with:

  • A unique first name of your choice for the character
  • Three random numbers between 1 and 9 (I have made lists, and your chosen numbers will determine:
    • The character's positive trait
    • The character's negative trait
    • The character's Profession
  • A unique superpower/item/weapon/artefact of your choice

So your comment could look like this:

Giorgio, 1-4-7, Can communicate with Mountains [I'm just making this up... - don't enter this in your comment]

I will then reply to your comment with the outcome of your character. In the example above this would/could determine him as:

Giorgo, the Helpful but Obese Grand-Vizier who can Cummunicate with Mountains.

After (roundabout) 48 hours, I will close the submissions for that particular character, and post a new one. One winner from all the entries will be chosen (randomly, by dice) and that will be how that character will remain. I'm looking forward to fun and weird combinations - so, if possible, try to not choose numbers that have already been chosen - it makes it all the more fun (although I can't prevent you from choosing numbers already chosen, of course).

When we have a grand total of 8 of these determined Vagabonds (roundabout 16 days after the first character), all 8 will enter Phase II of the game. Which will be a Vagabonds-special... But I can't tell you anything about that phase yet, only it will be random, very interactive and fun!

Everybody is free to comment - there's no need to upvote or resteem (although of course I really do appreciate those!). A valid comment will get my 100% upvote for sure, and possibly (as in Season I) get a bit of SBD transferred - I'm currently splitting 1 SBD between all the contestants, for every character.

Feel free to upvote other comments, especially if you like their weird and zany combination of positive and negative traits, identity and superpowers. Let's make this interactive and fun, ok?

Now then, then now!, the results of Season 2, Episode 2

This was the character:

And these were the 8 entries:

Nènové, the Passionate but Greedy Geisha with her amazing Healing Stare by @edward.maesen
Flicker, the Lively but Bedridden Vamp with the power of Hypnosis by @lenadr
Aladin, the Fashionable but Flibbertigibbet Geisha carrying her Magic Lamp by @sudong
Lady Jhonny, the Excited but Flibbertigibbet Ghost Hunter with her Fire Arrows by @anumsteemit
Surbi, the Inventive but Disorientated Heroine with her selfmade Chantilly Lace Strangling Rope by @deemarshall
Trisna, the Neighbourly but totally Incomprehensible Jester with... a Flute! by @lintah
Monica, the Neighbourly but oh so Predictable Duchess weilding her personal and Magical Sceptre of the Dunes by @skippyza
Carmen, the Outspoken, albeit Alcoholic Fortune-Teller with her always-precise Calculator of Infinite Equality by @fraenk

Thank you all for entering the game, the combinations you made were great fun again! A choice has to be made, though, I can't have this character to be so shizofrenic that she has eight personalities (hmm.. I just had an idea...). So the dice chose the final entry and winner (of the bragging rights to this character only) to be:

Monica, the Neighbourly but oh so Predictable Duchess weilding her personal and Magical Sceptre of the Dunes by @skippyza! Congrats!

So we have Monica as our second Vagabond, alongside _Caern, the Formidable but Lazy Octogenarian with his Dagger of Truth by @edward.maesen:

We'll be seeing them in Phase two, but for now...

...On to today's Vagabond! This guy:


Who is he? Give him a name in the comments along with three numbers (between 1-9) which will randomly determine his character and profession. And what weird or wonderful superpower/item/ancient or everyday artefact does he have?

Do you have difficulty thinking of a superpower/magical item/extraordinary weapon/amazing artefact? Think fantasy or sci-fi movies/books/stories/legends/fairytales/... It could be anything, just have fun with it! And if all that fails, just mention it in the comment, we'll think of something together!

Final note is a Fun Fact! I know I'm asking for a unique first name for every character, and so far you all gave given perfectly unique names! Between all entries of season 1 and 2 - 74 absolutely unique names have been given. No first name was repeated so far, which is unexpected and awesome! Strangely though, no first names starting with O, Q, X, Y or Z have been given... Extra kudos for the ones I see appearing now, ok? Have fun!


I will choose a name zerbrick 5-7-3. who carried a magic wand

Cool, meet Zerbrick, the Handsome, but Impotent Handyman with a Magic Wand!

Sounds like some terrible porn, hahaha, thanks for playing!

I love all the superpowers/magical items that others come up with. I wish I had a wilder imagination.... Anyways, here's a Q name:

Quinxotl, 6-2-3, dragon chariot

Hehe, yeah, it's fun to see what people come up with, and no need to worry about yours! :)

And thanks for the very first Q-name! Here's Quinxotl, he's the Sympathetic, but really a bit Sluggish Handyman, riding around in his infamous Dragon Chariot!



Hehe, yeah, I'm seeing him driving around there, haha. Sometimes it's really funny to see what comes up - it's really just a random list, so I get to be surprised myself :D

Yes, interesting how your random one-liners invoke visual images of what it would look like (at least in my experience).

I don't remember if you mentioned this before, but are all your vagabond characters painted already, or do you create new ones as this game progresses, based on winning submissions?

For the first series, I had them all painted - with a few extra paintings loosely connected, more or less in the same spirit of the Vagabonds-paintings.

I started the second series here with those few as remaining 'back-ups'. But today's painting, I just finished this evening - so I'm now painting-as-we-play :)

I don't paint them based on the winning submissions - that would be too stressfull to paint them at such a pace!

Cool! Thanks for the look behind the scenes :)

It's Francis, 4-9-8 and he is a shapeshifter.

Hehe, here comes Francis, he's the Polyglot but Foulmouthed Mobster and he can Shapeshift at will!

Nice combo, he can be foul-mouthed in different languages, hehe!

It's Zygmunt, 1-4-5 wearing the Mask of Cooperative Contemplation

First Z-name, thanks!

It's Zygmunt, the Popular, but Crazy Mastermind, always wearing his Mask of Cooperative Contemplation!

Must be a really cool guy!

Ah this is even better than perfect on all levels... ok... where do you keep your dice? I need to get my gravitation control mind beam focused accurately... i need this win!

Hehe :D
My cherished (whelp, there's another adjective for the Vagabonds) dice are right next to my 'puter, ever since the Vagabonds started... D4, D6, D8, D12, D20 - it depends on the number of entries...

you may want to move them away from your harddrive a bit... dialing in the focus is always a bit hit-and-miss, wouldn't want to accidentally wipe your private keys... make sure you have a safe back-up ;)

Well, you have T-Minus 46 hours to tune in and calibrate your focus, your entry is currently #3 on a six-sided dice...

I can move the dice to the window-sill, but I can't do any more than that - remember Lucius? I'll keep you up to date, ok?

sure I remember Lucius, I can see him from where I am sitting right now :D what about him?! krkrkr

The device is all set and waiting for final recalibration. Wish us luck, if the world ends after Sunday, we'll just have to insert another coin.

I currently choose the name ruldokl, 7-9-3, with his magic broom

Nice, you have Ruldokl, the Smashing but Foulmouthed Handyman with his magic broom!

I can picture him, funny one! :)

I will try again :) Diederich, 1-4-9, a talking salamander.

ah... good numbers... very well... I was, just now, in a very one sided discussion with an interesting fellow I've met further down in this comment section, to whom I explained how great minds do think alike...

so thanks, I guess we can take this for proof to my hypothesis...

So close to @fraenk's entry!

But make no mistake... This is Diederich, and he's the Popular but Crazy Samurai, and his secret weapon is A Talking Salamander!

How cool is that :D Looks like Popular and Crazy guys are going to be en vogue in this episode!

Hahaha sounds great!

Awesome! I won! :D
For this one I will go with...
Xilk, 9-9-1 with his Crossbow of Zantaloon!

Congrats! And extra kudos for the first X-name! :)

Awesome: Xilk, the Clairvoyant but Foul-Mouthed Gladiator with the one and only Crossbow of Zantaloon! :)

I will try to guess back, pasha 5-3-8 magic wand holders

Cool @lintah!
Watch out, here comes Pasha and he's the Handsome but Stoned Mobster relying on his Magic Wand Holders for his day-to-day business. Nice one again! :)

Unsure what Magic Wand Holders are, care to elaborate a bit?

Whoa, this dude is scary. I love him! And thank you for giving out the SBD--it's like icing on this already yummy cake. :)

Ovrich-2,3,7-shapeshifting into an insect

Great! :)

First name with an O! Extra Kudos for you!
Ovrich, he's the Courageous but Stoned Barbarian who can shapeshift into an insect at will! (when he's not too stoned I hope!)

Hahaha, I love it.

Yeah, I can picture him as well :D

hey nice stuff you have going on im new here!
splintor 4-5-9 he is able to implement the element of carbon to his will

Hey, thanks and welcome!

Here's Splintor, the Polyglot but Procrastinating Samurai, who's able to Implement the Element of Carbon to his Will!

That's very weird but fine! Thanks for playing!

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