We Get Started, Nature Completes: Between Disaster and Grace (Drawing)

in #art6 years ago


I remembered the earthquake disaster of west sumatera september 2009 which devastated the padang city and also the district of padang pariaman (Indonesia). Then the incident repeated again when there is a disaster landslide and flash floods when the fasting month of 2012. Nature has its own system that is subservient and obedient to the rules of the creator. Judging from the discipline of science and scientific research will look rationally and make sense of the natural system is very beautiful and complex. From the natural phenomena of many scientists, scientists who emerged from various universities and research institutions.

Research after research continues to grow and does not stop until the time specified existence of the universe. Then why the disaster? and how the process takes place. While on the other hand grace appears and how to proceed.

If we cast a vision with science then we would declare that nature needs attention to keep the grace that begins to erode into disasters. Like planting organic rice that many farmers practiced in three places in western Sumatra. Nagari Kamang Mudiak, Nagari Desert and Nagari Sie Sariak Pariaman answer why and how do we start, nature finish.

Rice is a plant with the longest life of 6 months and the shortest 3 months 10 days. Rice will be a gift to farmers, birds and other animals. How to be a gift? Then there is the start-up process that farmers do. First is to cultivate agricultural land in accordance with the needs of rice. This treatment requires fertilizer sourced from the soil. Because each plant cultivates minerals from the ground to grow.


When farming does not return what is taken by the plant then he will be underweight nutritional deficiency. So farmers need the supply from the outside by adding fertilizer that the process of manufacture is imitation. So the soil accomplishes what the farmer has started. That is damage to the ecosystems of soil and agricultural products bring the impact of systematic destruction of health and economic quality.

Because every process takes time to become a disaster. So also when starting organic rice planting requires the initial step of returning the whole straw into the rice field after going through gradual decomposition process.

It is not enough to get there. It still needs additional process to keep the system repairing standard back. Because nature has an ecosystem that without human intervention will move towards continuous improvement.
When farmers are able to help nature nurture grace, nature provides a sweet and beautiful final solution.

Organic rice bear fruit bushy, dense with a delicious taste and delicious. Eels, fish, leeches, birds as well as single-celled animals grow in mutual care and preservation. While the benefits for farmers is to reduce the cost of agricultural business. And help others to stay healthy and fit to start life activities that are sometimes rocky nature to complete disaster.


Should we still let nature solve the disaster that we continue to begin? Or choose to help nature keep the grace for healthy and prosperous survival. All of us are subjected to every moment.

Thank you for visiting my blog and reading my post. I hope that you learned something useful from this post and you can enjoyed. God Bless You!



Manusia selalu mengatakan alam tidak bersahabat dengan kita! Malah sebaliknya, kitalah yang tidak bersahabat dengan alam itu sendiri.
Seni yang bagus, saya menyukai karya anda @mariajunia
Satu suara buat Anda.

Iya, aku juga melihat banyak dari manusia berfikir seperti itu. Tiba2 mereka menangis pilu tatkala bencana alam datang menimpa keluarga mereka. Selalu bertanya kepada tuhan kenapa hal seperti ini bisa terjadi? Dan sangat sedikit yang bisa mengkaji "kenapa" alam bisa mengamuk? bukankah akibat perbuatan kita sedniri?

Banjir bandang datang akibat ulah manusia yang membuat hutan gundul
begitu pula dengan tanah longsor.

Semoga kita senantiasa bisa menjadi manusia yang arif, aamiin :)

Terimakasih telah mampir dan menyempatkan diri untuk berdiskusi di kolom komentar, salam hangat kawan.

Kita hanya segelintir manusia yang patut bersyukur, akan hal itu.
Salam hangat 👌

sama sama bg :)
Salam kenal salam persaudaraan :)

Insyaallah saudara @mariajunia
Sukses selalu untuk anda 👌

amin, semoga tuhan membalas semua kebaikan anda :)

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