My painting "Light's of Hope" and it's story

in #art7 years ago

"There I was, trapped, between a rock and a hard place... literally!"
"The intense light that surrounded me was as blinding as it's sound was deafening. I can only assume this terrifyingly wild energy was coming from THE DRONE. How did it find me? Did it even know I was here? Maybe this was it's way of slowly torturing me before my death. I watched as the soil it touched rippled and morphed, as if changing it's molecular structure before my eyes. I dare not peak past the threshold of the rocks shadow, less I give away my position or be consumed by it's strange powers. I clutched onto my pistol with every last ounce of hope I had. What was I going to do? I quickly scanned the perimeter for an escape. Only vacant ruins and vast stretches of desolate land. I had but a few breaths before I was discovered and surely zapped out of existence. How did I find myself here? What wicked corruption sent me from my home to fight in such a hell hole? Suddenly, a sonic BOOM crashed through the stratosphere! I looked over my shoulder to see what had caused it. My heart swelled and tears filled my eyes as I recognized the fast approaching friends I'd for so long doubted would ever come to help in this galactic war. I was saved."



I love titling a painting to alter the viewers perspective of what they initially see. Everyone see's art differently and you might be that person that guesses who the villain is at the beginning of the detective film. Regardless, this write-up is about the ride I hope this painting takes the viewer on.

The primary visual focus of this painting is on the red spherical craft, THE DRONE, shooting light toward a rock. Dispersing from the rock are electrical patterns filling the land. At first glance, one might assume this craft embodies the painting's title, "Lights of Hope". However, upon closer observation, there is a rebel fighter holding a blaster just behind the rock. Although he isn't the main focus compositionally, it definitely shifts who the main character is and helps illustrate a more compelling story. In the distance, on the left side of the painting, you see a stream of "lights" floating toward the foreground. To me, these "lights" act as help on it's way for our lone rebel who finds himself trapped in the wrath of an alien force as it pillages the land.

As a whole, this image carries an emotionally dark overtone. It's the angelic "beings of light" floating toward our newly discovered rebel fighter that balance the piece with an subtle, yet, emotionally light undertone. Kind of how deep house music makes me feel. haha.


the lights.jpg

I painted this live at Electric Forest 2017 during the first weekend. I fed off the energy of the festival and the crowd around me. Although I had the concept visualized in my head, the interaction with the crowd inspired a lot of this painting.

Lights of Hope at EF blank canvas.jpg

Lights of hope bg color.jpg

Lights of hope bg color 2.jpg

Lights of hope forground 1.jpg

Lights of hope at EF.jpg

Thank you for following my work. I have GOBS AND GOBS of more art to show you with stories to accompany them. Stay tuned!

You can find prints and more through my website.



Amaezing art. resteemed

Beautiful, I liked your story too.

Thank you @emptyintentions. haha. Love that name.

Amazing! Congrats

Nice one!

Loved this! Vibing off the crowd at a show is such an energetic way to create art. And I love the story behind it. The little fighter hidden behind the rock is so subtle! Love him too, makes the viewer stay and look.

Thank you! I've learned so much about painting through doing it in front of an audience. I love it.

Wow, how cool! And the details are amazing!

Awesome art. Thanks for sharing. :)

Wow I really do love your work. And the studio set up is to die for.

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