On the Eve of Progress
Progress you say! Excuses might be all I have at the moment, so I'll show you some past progress.
There are things happening in the studio at the moment. Yes, that does mean new artwork, but I'm not going to spoil all of the fun now am I?
However, here comes the excuse. My main workhorse of a computer started having issues a couple of weeks back. I burnt a serious amount of time trying to track down the issue. In the end, I had to give up and haul out my trusty travel laptop, a beast of machine that has often given me neck and shoulder issues after being on the road with it. But, it also had some issues to sort out. Finally that was all brought into order last week, but, it is now showing its age and I'm spending way too much time waiting on it.
So, let's use up some more time searching online for a new laptop. I could ramble more about this, but I won't bore you with it. In short, given some recent and decent artwork sales, I'll be able to upgrade to something with real grunt. I will even put the old desktop workhorse to shame.
What does this all mean? Less time waiting on computers and more time for artwork. And... I'm planning to create a few more art videos. I'm fascinated with vlogging as I have a background in media and video production. I would like to improve with my moving picture story telling. A new beastly laptop will handle my video editing requirements with ease. So again, less time waiting for computers.
I shudder to think how much of my life I have spent, waiting for computers. This is one of the reasons I said goodbye to digital work and committed myself full time to artwork.
Yes there is waiting and process with traditional artwork, but it is a craft that relies upon you, you're directly involved in that process. There's no progress bar to stare at.
So, yes, I'm on the eve of new progress.
If you didn't figure it out, the last image in the montage above IS the final painting. Here's the original post, "On the Eve".
"On the Eve", Leo Plaw, 24 x 30cm, oils on canvas
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More of my artwork can be found on my website. LeoPlaw.com
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Wooooow!! The lighting is to die for o.o epic!
Cheers @joxus! =)
Nice work Leo. We look forward to seeing the final piece.
Cheers @elohprojects!
Oh my, it's so frustrating when technology/computers fail you. So annoying specially when you need to do something quickly.
Your art, however, is beautiful. Light comes nicely from the behind.
Thank you @lindiry! Computers are ruled by Murphy's Law.
Indeed. :)
Wow! great evolution of a painting, i really love those details and that kind of blurry style. Love it!
Funny thing is, I have to train myself not to see the detail and simplify the image.
c'mon, really? i have always wanted to reach that kind of detail, but well, you probbably are looking for another kind of result that will be even more awesome than this one. when you finally obtain that result you are looking for, i hope me to be there to watch it. congratulations for having such a great talent.
You have my follow <3
Yes really! Look at all of the great Master painters, Rembrandt, Caravaggio, Velasquez, yes, they had detail, but, in the right spots, the rest of the painting is lacking in detail and even clarity. It is about leading the viewer's eye to what is important, and letting their own imagination fill in the details of the rest. That, is the true magic of painting, an understatement that hits you at full force, verses a loud symphony with all instruments at full blast.
The same goes for colour. Less is more. Once I understood these principles and started applying them in my work, I started making progress in leaps and bounds.
Sehr schöne Arbeit! Mir gefällt sehr gut wie du Licht und Schatten in deine Arbeit mit einbringst.
Vielen Dank @smartcoins! Das Spiel von Licht und Schatten ist was interessiert mich sehr.
Wonderful light Leo! Wow!
Thank you Romanie! =)
Good thing that your recent work has allowed you to afford a workhorse of a computer. Looking forward to seeing your vlogging.
I think I am going to have to buy a new computer soon myself to handle the VR setup I want.
Hurry up and make some more art for us to enjoy buddy. :)
Ha ha, working on it, working on it Mr. Eager Beaver @art-mess. =) I'm just taking a short break from the art production to answer your comment.
Decent tools, whether hand tools, power tools, cameras or computers are a joy in themselves to use when you've got the right kit. So you'd better hurry up with your computer.
I already have footage shot for a vlog. I just have to edit it together.
That's what I like to hear!!!
Sehr schöner Akt - Licht und Schatten sehr gelungen -
Kompliment an den Maler :-)
Vielen Dank @yoogyart! Danke für das Resteem. =)
so much detail.

Much thank you @arrjey! =)
Beautiful work. Always love to see the progression, it gives us an idea of what an artist goes through to get the finished work. Can't wait to see what else you produce in the near future :D
Thank you @oen! There's more artwork on the way soon. There's a drawing and painting on the way.