Tips For Budding Artists

in #art6 years ago

Hey steemians. Today I wanted to share things that really help me/ helped me develop as an artist so that I can hopefully help some of you guys out there. This is the current art piece I’m working on for gcse art homework as I’m starting my gcse’s very soon. The theme is transformation and so I used a reference image then made the reflection transform. It’s not finished yet but anyway LETS GET ON TO THE TIPS!
I think one of the most important things as an artist is to constantly practice. Practice practice practice, you don’t have to be extremely good at it but the more you practice the more you’ll develop and learn new skills. Use reference images to help you or try and find some art prompts in everyday life. Ask other artists how you could make your piece better because they’ll definitely give you great constructive criticism that could really help you.
Another thing is to NOT WATCH SOMETHING WHILE DRAWING. I used to do this so much and pieces that could’ve taken me less than an hour took three hours. You may think you’re multitasking however whatever you’re watching is actually averting your focus from your piece. If you reallly wanna focus on creating a good art piece I recommend listening to music or podcasts as they don’t distract you visually.
Take inspiration from others but do not copy other artists. What artists with original ideas dislike the most is when somebody takes their idea and doesn’t give them credit. Yes, take inspiration but always remember that being original is the best thing to do as you’ll get appraise for work you came up with and it feels much more rewarding. I’d also like to remind you guys that there’s a difference between TAKING INSPIRATION and COMPARING YOURSELF to others. Never compare yourself. It puts you in a bad mindset and you’ll feel hopeless when you’re probably actually really talented. Don’t put yourself down, if you don’t believe you’re good now, remember you’ll get better.
Experiment. This is the most fun in my opinion. Try and find YOUR art style. Don’t feel like you need to stick to one thing. It’s better to stay out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself as you can get somewhere you’ve never gotten to before. If you don’t challenge yourself you won’t improve.
Motivation is also a big thing. I have artists block a LOT and think for a long time about what to draw. What helped me a lot is a quote I saw recently which was “stop talking and start doing” I don’t know why but at the moment I read it it really hit me. You cannot mope around and wait for motivation or inspiration to come to you. YOU have to force yourself to take those first few steps, draw those first few lines. Make yourself and your talent useful and have pieces you can be proud of.
Thank you for reading and I hope this helped all those artists out there! Hope you have a great day! x

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