Full script of issue #001 of Cryptopia, my Steemit inspired comic!

in #art8 years ago (edited)

Good evening, Steemit community. This is a meaningful post. As many of you know, I've been doing character design for several characters to be featured in a Steemit/cryptocurrency inspired serialized comic, created and shared exclusively here on the site. You can go back a few posts and look at the profiles of Allan Graves, Freya Thatcher-Forsyth and Biny Sleaze

To be honest, since I joined Steemit, I've enjoyed a wealth of inspiration and creativity. I'm transition careers, previously as a photographer, and trying to focus on comic book illustration/creation. Steemit has been significant in helping that transition along. I believe in this site and it's future, and I feel fortunate to have been introduced to cryptocurrency at this point in my life [...long before the mainstream]. 

While I was thinking about this comic, and the world the characters live in [...near future, roughly 5 years from now in post-Brexit London], the name came to me. This title will be called Cryptopia. Absolutely fitting, as the premise is a world where society finally tips and there are more people making, selling and buying with crypto than traditional currencies. The entire social class structure flips as previous million and billionaires lose their fortunes as the dollar and sterling collapse; punks, anarchists and crypto-enthusiasts become the new wealth and new power the world. You can see this early treatment I did long before I landed on a name, or characters.

I'm really excited to announce that I finished the full script for the first issue of Cryptopia this afternoon [...first draft at least, which may change slightly]. I'm sharing it here on Steemit. I'd love feedback and constructive criticism. There are some easter eggs hidden in there that regular users of the site and currency will get. It's very political, and at times, pretty dark [I'm a big Chuck Palahniuk and Charles Bukowski fan, so you'll most likely see the influences]. 

Give it a read. I'm not near as worried about post rewards for this. I'd love more followers, just so future pages, writings and artwork gets in front of the community. Big thanks to @mada and @lovejoy who have been invaluable resources in navigating the complicated science and theology of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies.

 I'll be posting more Cryptopia progress soon. Follow me @kommienezuspadt!

               PAGE 1. [TWO PANELS]


               PANEL 1. DETECTIVES HOWE and ARENDSE stand above an exhumed

               casket, resting next to an open grave.

               PANEL 2. DETECTIVE HOWE leans down and inspects claw marks an

               inch deep on the roof of the casket.

               PAGE 2. [TWO PANELS]


               PANEL 1. DETECTIVE ARENDSE makes a few notes while looking at

               fingers worn down to the first knuckle on the victim's body.

                                   DETECTIVE ARENDSE

                         He look familiar to you?

                                   DETECTIVE HOWE

                         Yeah, kinda.

               PANEL 2. DETECTIVE ARENDSE looks at a thick pipe laying aside

               the pile of dirt and casket. Empty water bottles are strewn

               around the feet of the casket.

                                   DETECTIVE HOWE (CONT'D)

                         It's the politician, right? The one

                         with the hot wife. What's his name?


                                   DETECTIVE ARENDSE

                         Yeah. She's cute. They'll clean

                         this up. We should probably go tell

                         her he's dead.

               PAGE 3. [THREE PANELS]


               PANEL 1. ALLAN GRAVES stands looking out across the City of



               GRAVES and begins to tie his tie.

                                   MARIANA APOSTOLAKIS MALFATTI

                         Are you nervous?


               and reassures her.

                                   ALLAN GRAVES

                         No. Of course not. After Brexit, I

                         was nervous. When we were receiving

                         death threats I was nervous. When

                         we were starving...I was nervous.

                                   MARIANA APOSTOLAKIS MALFATTI

                         That was a long time ago. We

                         survived and when we're elected,

                         they're going to wish they did more

                         to break us.

               PAGE 4. [TWO PAGES]


               continuing discuss their future assuming they are elected top


                                   ALLAN GRAVES

                         Trying to get back at a city of

                         racist old fucks is a distraction,

                         MARIANA. They're dying off. We need

                         to focus on ushering in the new


               PANEL 2. MARIANA APOSTOLAKIS MALFATTI continue their

               discussion as she cuts an apple with a paring knife.

                                   MARIANA APOSTOLAKIS MALFATTI

                         That power is ours. There are

                         millions of people in this city

                         that suffered everything we went

                         through, and worse, ALLEN.

                                   ALLAN GRAVES

                         I know, my love. Let's worry about

                         becoming witness before the things

                         we're going to do once we are.

                                   MARIANA APOSTOLAKIS MALFATTI

                         I'm anxious. What time are meeting

                         YORK tomorrow?

                                   ALLAN GRAVES

                         10:00a.m., downtown.

               PAGE 5. [THREE PANELS]

               INT. APARTMENT

               CAP 1. YORK'S Apartment. 9:10a.m.

               PANEL 1. A heavily clad punk is seen leaning over a leopard

               print table doing a few lines of cocaines.

               PANEL 2. YORK slips on a leather jacket adorned in patches,

               pins and spikes.

               PANEL 3. YORK grabs a set of keys on his way downstairs.

               PAGE 6. [FOUR PANELS]

               PANEL 1. YORK walks through a set of high double doors, and

               surrounding him on the stoop are several dozen homeless men,

               women and children holding up phones showing QR codes.

               PANEL 2. YORK stops and pulls his phone out.

                                   YORK ELLIS

                         Good morning, fuckers!

               PANEL 3. YORK begins scanning each phone sending 100.000

               STEEM to each person near his reach.

                                   YORK ELLIS (CONT'D)

                         I'll never get tired of this! Evey

                         one of ya, the same cunts that went

                         out of your way to avoid me just to

                         cash your bloody paychecks.

               PANEL 4. YORK drives away on a motorcycle.

                                   YORK ELLIS (CONT'D)

                         Same time, same place, wankers!

               PAGE 7. [FOUR PANELS]

               CAP 1. East End, London

               PANEL 1. FREYA THATCHER-FORSYTH answers the door and on the

               other side are DETECTIVES HOWE and ARENDSE.

               PANEL 2. FREYA THATCHER-FORSYTH's head collapses in her hand

               and her posture slumps.

                                   FREYA THATCHER-FORSYTH

                         I knew it. I knew it!


                                   DETECTIVE HOWE

                         Ma'am. May we have a word?

               PANEL 4. FREYA THATCHER-FORSYTH waves the men inside while

               wiping a tear from her cheek.

                                   FREYA THATCHER-FORSYTH

                         Just come in.

               PAGE 8. [FOUR PANELS]

               PANEL 1. DETECTIVE HOWE and DETECTIVE ARENDSE try to explain

               what happened to her husband. FREYA THATCHER-FORSYTH

               addresses the two detectives before they can finish speaking.

                                   DETECTIVE ARENDSE

                         Mrs. Forsyth, I'm sorry toÊÑÑÑ

                                   FREYA THATCHER-FORSYTH

                         It was those crypto slags, wasn't


                                   DETECTIVE HOWE

                         Ma'am. It's an open investigation.

               PANEL 2. FREYA THATCHER-FORSYTH admonishes both detectives,

               impatiently wanting answers to her husband's murder.

                                   FREYA THATCHER-FORSYTH

                         I give a fuckall about your

                         investigation. My husband has been

                         missing for five weeks and telling

                         me he's dead is the first time

                         either of you, or anyone from your

                         department has lifted a finger

                         during this "investigation".

               PANEL 3. Both investigators try to calm FREYA THATCHER

               FORSYTH down, acknowledging the stress she's under.

                                   DETECTIVE ARENDSE

                         M'am. We understand you're under a

                         lot of pressure. This part of the

                         job is never easy.

                                   DETECTIVE HOWE

                         I assure you, we're doing

                         everything we can.

               PANEL 4.

                                   FREYA THATCHER-FORSYTH

                         I'd like to see my husband. Other

                         than that, I'd appreciate if you

                         both left me to our affairs.

                                   DETECTIVE ARENDSE

                         We'll find who did this Mrs.


                                   FREYA THATCHER-FORSYTH

                         They'll be dead long before you do. 

                         I'll see you both out.

               PAGE 9. [THREE PANELS]

               PANEL 1. YORK ELLIS stands at a podium in front of hundreds

               attending waiting for an announcement by ALLEN GRAVES.

                                   YORK ELLIS

                         This man about to take the stage;

                         he's one of us! He came here for an

                         opportunity, and he was met by a

                         bunch of hateful fascists. He was

                         told to "go home", just like I was.

                         Just like you all were. I find that

                         rather amusing that the majority of

                         those old wankers are currently

                         homeless themselves. 

               PANEL 2. YORK ELLIS continues to excite the audience with a

               rousing speech, energizing them for when ALLAN GRAVES and

               MARIANA APOSTOLAKIS MALFATTI take the stage.

                                   YORK ELLIS (CONT'D)

                         He's been here through all of it!

                         Fuckin' hell. While I'm spending my

                         STEEM on drugs, alcohol and

                         subsequent rehabs...ALLAN GRAVES is

                         building a program that'll see this

                         shitehole of a city through the

                         ugliness we all know is still to


               PANEL 3. YORK ELLIS leads up to ALLAN GRAVES and MARIANA

               APOSTOLAKIS MALFATTI's introduction to the stage.

                                   YORK ELLIS (CONT'D)

                         He is here today, because he has

                         something he wants to tell all of

                         you, so without further adieu,

                         comrades, I give you MARIANA

                         APOSTOLAKIS MALFATTI and ALLAN -

                         FUCKING - GRAVES!

              PAGE 10. [FOUR PANELS] 

               PANEL 1. ALLAN GRAVES takes to the stage, accompanied by


                                   ALLAN GRAVES

                         London! I'm here to announce...

               PANEL 2. ALLAN GRAVES captivates the audience with a long

               moment of anticipation. MARIANA APOSTOLAKIS MALFATTI grips

               his arm with a big smile.

               PANEL 3. ALLAN GRAVES leans forward and announced to the

               crowd that he is running for witness.

                                   ALLAN GRAVES (CONT'D)

                         I am running for top witness of the

                         STEEM blockchain!


               PAGE 11. [TWO PANELS]

               FREYA THATCHER-FORSYTH meets a older gentleman at a small

               cafŽ. An envelope sits under a folded newspaper on the table.


                         You keep saying "crpyto people" are

                         going to pay.

                         You should accept that the majority

                         of the population that aren't

                         living in shelter are "crpyto

                         people". I was able to get you a

                         jump on which "crypto people", but

                         it isn't much. 

                                   FREYA THATCHER-FORSYTH


               PANEL 2. The older man continues to explain the information

               he's gathered on FREYA THATCHER-FORSYTH's husband's murder.


                         Meaning, there was a bounty placed

                         on your husband. I had NED scrape

                         known dark web sites after you

                         contacted me last night. This

                         morning, he turned up a listing for

                         a 1,000,000.000 bounty to be

                         collected for the execution of one

                         DAVID M. FORSYTH, with very

                         specific instructions. 

                                   FREYA THATCHER-FORSYTH

                         Who posted the bounty?


                         So far, all we've got is an

                         account. Almost certainly a

                         surrogate. It's all in there.

               PAGE 12.  [TWO PANELS]

               PANEL 1. FREYA THATCHER-FORSYTH and the MAN continue their


                                   FREYA THATCHER-FORSYTH

                         Keep your friend NED on it. I'm

                         going to need a name.


                         Your escrow isn't going to cover

                         that Mrs. FORSYTH.

               PANEL 2. FREYA THATCHER-FORSYTH clicks and thumbs at her


                                   FREYA THATCHER-FORSYTH


               PANEL 3. FREYA THATCHER-FORSYTH just notices on the

               television screen in the cafŽ the breaking news that ALLAN

               GRAVES has just announced his candidacy for top witness. The

               MAN is turned over his shoulder watching as well.

                                   FREYA THATCHER-FORSYTH (CONT'D)

                         Are you shitting me?


                         Oh. You didn't hear? Yeah. They're

                         eating it up. Poor, tattooed

                         immigrant kid announces that he's

                         running for witness. Never a dull

                         moment here in London.

               PANEL 4. ALLAN GRAVES on the TV during the witness


                                   FREYA THATCHER-FORSYTH


               PAGE 13. [FOUR PANELS]

               PANEL 1. DETECTIVES HOWE and ARENDSE stand in the morgue with

               forensics investigator CLEMENT PAUL, going over the body of

               DAVID FORSYTH.

                                   DETECTIVE HOWE

                         Motive is pretty straight forward.

                         He was a prick. How long was he


                                   CLEMENT PAUL

                         If I had to guess, maybe five or

                         six weeks...give or take?

               PANEL 2. Conversation in the morgue continues.

                                   DETECTIVE ARENDSE

                         You can tell all that from the


               PANEL 3. CLEMENT PAUL raises the corpses' hand exposing a

               hand without fingers and rugged, exposed bone. 

                                   CLEMENT PAUL

                         Oh, no. This was the result of

                         clawing to escape a foot locker two

                         meters deep under ground. 

                         On his back, here you can see the

                         degenerative tissue. I'd say around

                         the third week, worms and slugs

                         probably started to get in.

               PANEL 4. DETECTIVE HOWE and ARENDSE both turn away, visibly

               disgusted by the scene.

                                   DETECTIVE ARENDSE

                         Good, PAUL. We got it.

               PAGE 14. [THREE PANELS]

               PANEL 1. CLEMENT PAUL continues with the forensics report.

                                   CLEMENT PAUL

                         He was hydrated right until he died

                         of either starvation, or septic


                                   DETECTIVE HOWE

                         Yeah. Whoever buried him left two

                         cases of water near his feet. 

               PANEL 2. Continued conversation.

                                   CLEMENT PAUL

                         I saw that in the report. Fucked


               PANEL 3. Continued conversation and DETECTIVES HOWE and

               ARENDSE leave the morgue.

                                   DETECTIVE ARENDSE

                         Always a pleasure, CLEMENT.

               PAGE 15. [TWO PANELS]

               CAP. 1 Vang Vieng, Laos

               PANEL 1. BINY SLEAZE sits in front of a computer, staring at

               a screen with a shocked expression. 

                                   BINY SLEAZE 

                         No. No, no. No fuckin' way.

               PANEL 2. BINY SLEAZE screams at the computer, processing his

               current situation.

                                   BINY SLEAZE (CONT'D)


               PAGE 16. [THREE PANELS]

               PANEL 1. BINY SLEAZE loses control and begins throwing things

               from his desk against the wall.

               PANEL 2. BINY SLEAZE stands in the middle of a wrecked room,

               with two scared teenagers in the corner.

               PANEL 3. BINY SLEAZE takes a deep breath.

               PAGE 17. [FOUR PANELS}

               PANEL 1. BINY SLEAZE makes a call.

                                   BINY SLEAZE (CONT'D)

                         You haven't received it, have you?

                                   MAN ON PHONE


               PANEL 2. Still on the phone.

                                   BINY SLEAZE

                         It appears the funds have been

                         intercepted, somehow.

                                   MAN ON PHONE

                         That is not possible. We are here,

                         waiting for the transfer, BINY.

               PANEL 3. Continuing the conversation while lighting a


                                   BINY SLEAZE

                         I know it's not possible, but it

                         just fucking happened, Vitali!

               PANEL 4. The two teenagers huddle close to other another in

               the corner of the room, trying to hide from BINY SLEAZE's


               PAGE 18. [TWO PAGES]

               PANEL 1. BINY SLEAZE is still on the phone, assumably with

               the recipient of the money he tried to transfer.

                                   MAN ON PHONE

                         BINY. This is not good business.

                         You offered a very big reward for a

                         very specific bounty. It was

                         carried out and my guy, he wants to

                         be paid, you know?

               PANEL 2. BINY SLEAZE is still on the phone, pressed against

               his shoulder while he's sharpening a machete. 

                                   BINY SLEAZE

                         I'm aware. 

                                   MAN ON PHONE

                         You find who took your money later,

                         maybe. Now, you need to send it

                         again. You get a bad reputation for

                         payments, you lose a lot more than

                         money, BINY.

               PAGE 19. [FOUR PANELS]

               PANEL 1. BINY SLEAZE sits back down at the desk, visibly

               shaken by the prospect of losing money.

               PANEL 2. He brings up a window to send payment for the

               FORSYTH bounty.

               PANEL 3. The teenagers in the corner sniffle, clinging to one

               another in the corner of the room.

               PANEL 4. BINY SLEAZE lashes out at the teenagers.

                                   BINY SLEAZE

                         I can't fuckin' concentrate with

                         your pussy whimpering!

               PAGE 20. [FOUR PANELS]

               PANEL 1. BINY SLEAZE types the amount of 1,000,000.000 STEEM

               in to the "send" dialog of a Poloniex style exchange, with a

               clear recipient.

               PANEL 2. BINY SLEAZE clicks "send".

               PANEL 3. BINY SLEAZE waits.

               PANEL 4. BINY SLEAZE stands up.

               PAGE 21. [FOUR PANELS}

               PANEL 1. BINY SLEAZE learned over and grabs his machete.

                                   BINY SLEAZE (CONT'D)


               PANEL 2. BINY SLEAZE walks towards the teenagers.

                                   BINY SLEAZE (CONT'D)

                         It's zero.

               PANEL 3. BINY SLEAZE grabs the teenager by the hair and

               dragging him towards a door.

                                   BINY SLEAZE (CONT'D)

                         How? How?

               PANEL 4. The door is closed behind them and the teenager


               PAGE 22. [THREE PANELS]

               PANEL 1. ALLAN GRAVES leans against a table, tattooing

               STEEM/altcoin related art on the neck of his friend YORK


                                   YORK ELLIS

                         Have you noticed that as witnessing

                         gains influence and wealth, career

                         politicians are leaving Parliment

                         just to suck on the teet of the

                         blockchain?! They hate us, but they

                         can't fucking stop themselves!

               PANEL 2. ALLAN GRAVES interrupts.

                                   ALLAN GRAVES

                         They're just trying to survive,

                         mate. It's a new world and they're

                         clueless. They have no idea where

                         they belong.

               PANEL 3. YORK ELLIS and ALLAN GRAVES continue their


                                   YORK ELLIS

                         ...and THAT is why you're the

                         politician in this outfit.

               PAGE 23. [THREE PANELS]

               PANEL 1. MARIANA APOSTOLAKIS MALFATTI walks through a curtain

               and alerts YORK ELLIS and ALLAN GRAVES that a man wants to

               talk to them both.

                                   MARIANA APOSTOLAKIS MALFATTI

                         There's a guy here. Want to talk to


                                   ALLAN GRAVES

                         Who is he?

               PANEL 2. MARIANA AOSTOLAKIS MALFATTI explains the visitor and

               his intentions. 

                                   MARIANA APOSTOLAKIS MALFATTI

                         He says he can help with the

                         witness campaign. Should I tell him

                         to fuck off?


               while YORK ELLIS blots his neck from the tattoo.

                                   ALLAN GRAVES

                         Nah. Send him in.

               PAGE 24. [One panel] 

               A Muslim man walks through the curtain and makes his


               and YORK ELLIS.

                                   MUSLIM MAN

                         My friends. Your annoucement for

                         witness has inspired me. I'd like

                         to make campaign contribution.

                                   YORK ELLIS

                         Appreciated. You could do that on

                         the website, though.

                                   MUSLIM MAN

                         With all the recent currency hacks,

                         I'd feel more comfortable

                         transferring this amount in person.

                                   ALLAN GRAVES

                         How much is it?

                                   MUSLIM MAN

                         2,000,000 STEEM.


I just happened to glance at my feed 37 seconds after you posted this. It's great to see the project moving along. Your work and progress has been inspiring me (though I have been slacking lately!)

I'll have to give it a full read in the next couple days as I have the time. On first scan I'd recommend you look over the draft with an eye to possibly increasing your panel counts on some of the pages. You have a number of situations where there is a lot of back and forth dialog or multiple actions occurring within one panel that may be a nightmare to plan, especially in terms of word balloon placement and lettering. Page 24 is a good example. You'll need three separate speech areas coming from the Muslim Man with balloons from two other characters inserted at the right breaks in the conversation. That could get cluttered or confusing in a single panel splash page.
A page like page 4 should easily be 4 to 6 panels instead of two. Give yourself room to breath so your characters can do a bit of acting and show several different facial expressions during the back and forth conversation. Your obviously great at drawing those mannerisms!

Just a couple quick thoughts before I get to sleep! Take care and keep up the great work.

Yeah, you're absolutely right @bryan-imhoff. I ran in to the same problem with my previous comic, THEIA. I'm beginning to refine my process. Fortunately, as the writer and artist, I can make those adjustments on the page, but it's something I want to improve in my scripts because one day, I may want to take writing work for graphic novels, etc. Thanks so much for the feedback. I started following you a few weeks ago. It makes me so happy to see such great artists on Steemit, especially comic artists.

Wow! That is some beautiful imagery and it is not even complete. How long will it take for you to create a single page on average?

Seems you have a lot of work ahead of you. I look forwarded to seeing it.

Upvoted and followed

Thanks so much @mynameisbrian! Once I get in to a good stride, I'd like to complete 3 pages a week or more. It'll be a lot of work, but Steemit is still in beta. If and when this becomes mainstream, if I can turn close to $100 rewards per page or more [...which is realistic], it'd be enough that I could just focus on this comic and still pay my bills. Thanks for the follow and vote!

Bitcoin jacket!

This is brilliant! I feel like I'm reading the history of the future. Looking forward to reading more. ^_^

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